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WikiAlpha is a free online wiki open encyclopedia, journal and news source site that anyone can sign up and contribute to. The site was first launched using MediaWiki, a free online wiki hosting service provider, on 19 June 2011 by Richard and Govind.

WikiAlpha is an alternative to Wikipedia, where the main difference is that our deletion policy is far more lenient with regard to notability requirements. Basically, WikiAlpha is a near-indiscriminate collection of information in the form of articles on any topic: you can create an article about the band you just started, your pet dog, yourself, your house - as long as your content does not fall under our speedy deletion policy, it will likely remain on the site forever!

For more information on the differences between Wikipedia and WikiAlpha, read the project page WikiAlpha is not Wikipedia.

Motivation[edit | edit source]

The rise of Wikipedia's aggressive deletion policies particularly regarding 'non-notable' topics and articles published by Wikipedia newbies has been one of the primary motivations for creating WikiAlpha. The creators User:Richard and User:Govind feel that Wikipedia no longer serves the public interest as an encyclopedia that 'anyone can edit.' Seeking to expand on the concept of a publicly modifiable real-time publication, we have created WikiAlpha to serve this need.

Approaching editors with AfDs on Wikipedia[edit | edit source]

WikiAlpha actively searches out Wikipedia editors who are having their articles deleted, and (if possible), retrieves their article and posts it on WikiAlpha, sending its creator a message, telling them this.

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