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Born on February 19th in Chicago USA! Adonis”van”J is an International independent Screenwriter & filmmaker! His journey began in 2017,when he started following his life long passion, selling screenplays that he wrote to trust fund teenagers in the hamptons newyork USA. With the money from that,he has been able to produce his own independent films and place them on the streaming platform Vimeo on demand. Adonis”van”J filmography is a testament to his creative abilities. He’s delved into the psychological depths with 2021 “tales from inside the mind of a psychotic Pisces”, a series that showcased his ability to explore complex themes with raw emotions. He then shifted gears with 2022, comedy pilot sitcom “welcome Larry” proving his comedic prowess, and ability to connect with a wider audience. 2023 saw Adonis”van”J further cement by his films being in various international film festivals. Also he has 2 teen sitcoms both filmed in Argentina South America, and the Philippines entitled “AMBAR”S WORLD & “ANN KNOWS ALL”! Both films as of June 26th 2004 has a worldwide combined sales of 107,000. Both sitcoms have garnered critical acclaim in both their respective countries. What truly sets Adonis”van”J apart from his competitors is his commitment to showcasing global talent! He has consistently cast Actress from Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Argentina South America, and the Philippines. He’s cast actors from Romania. Check out his company website