Template:Infobox settlement

From WikiGenius
Revision as of 04:29, 1 October 2023 by Ronrivalsminth (talk | contribs) (Template:Infobox settlement for Cities, Towns e.t.c)
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Place this on any page suitable for the settlements category. It will add the page to the category, as well as producing the handy info box.

Please don't attempt to alter the code for this template unless you really know what you're doing, and you have community consensus.

Please only use this template for settlements consisting of more than two buildings - for individual buildings, use Template:Infobox_building.

Usage[edit source]

Copy the text below, paste it at the very top of the relevant article, and modify as appropriate:

{{Infobox settlement
|title        = Area Name
|image        = Image.png
|caption      = View from the sky
|founder      = Unknow
|contributors = Me, You, Other
|category     = Towns/City
|underground  = No
|fortified    = No
|publicaccess = Yes
|publicbuild  = Yes
|n-s_size     = 100
|w-e_size     = 100
|roadlink     = Yes
|nexuslink    = No
|raillink     = Yes
|boatlink     = No
|portal       = No
|xcoord       = -1204
|ycoord       = 62
|zcoord       = 3028
|dimension    = Overworld

Or use this blank template:

{{Infobox settlement
|title        = 
|image        = 
|caption      = 
|founder      = 
|contributors = 
|category     = 
|underground  = 
|fortified    = 
|publicaccess = 
|publicbuild  = 
|n-s_size     = 
|w-e_size     = 
|roadlink     = 
|nexuslink    = 
|raillink     = 
|boatlink     = 
|portal       = 
|xcoord       = 
|ycoord       = 
|zcoord       = 
|dimension    = 