Below are the first 103 prayers of the Canonical Prayerbook of the Mandaeans.[1]
Elizabethan morphology has been converted into that of modern English. "Jordan" has been changed into yardna, and "(myrtle-)wreath" and "circlet" into klila. Names for Manda ḏ-Hiia have been standardized.
Book of Souls[edit | edit source]
Prelude[edit | edit source]
- My Lord be praised!
- In the name of the Great First Other-Worldly Life!
- From far-off worlds of light
- that are above all works
- may there be healing, victory, soundness, speech
- and a hearing, joy of heart and forgiving of sins
- for me, Adam-Yuhana son of Mahnuš
- through the strength of Yawar-Ziwa and Simat-Hiia!
Prayer 1 (burzinqa)[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life
- and in the name of Manda ḏ-Hiia
- and in the name of that Primal Being who was Eldest
- and preceded water, radiance, light and glory,
- the Being who cried with His voice
- and uttered words.
- By means of His voice and His words
- Vines grew and came into being,
- and the First Life
- was established in its Abode.
- And He spoke and said,
- "The First Life is anterior to the Second Life by 6,000 myriad years
- and the Second Life anterior to the Third Life by 6,000 myriad years
- and the Third Life more ancient than any 'uthra by 6,000 myriad years.
- And any 'uthra is older than the whole earth
- and older than the Seven Lords of the House by 770,000 myriad years.
- There is that which is infinite.
- At that time there was no solid earth
- and no inhabitants in the black waters.
- From them, from those black waters,
- Evil was formed and emerged,
- One from whom a thousand thousand mysteries proceeded
- and a myriad myriad planets with their own mysteries.
- The Seven were wroth with me,
- were outraged and said,
- "The man who set out and came towards us
- has not bound a klila about his head!"
- Then I turned my face toward my Creator who created me,
- the celestial Lord of Greatness,
- and I said to Him,
- "O my Creator who created me,
- (O) Lord of lofty Greatness!
- As I went (my ways) the Seven were wroth with me and said,
- 'The man who went and came towards us
- has not bound a klila about his head!'"
- Then that Lord of Lofty Greatness took
- a klila of radiance, light and glory
- and set it on my head;
- He laid on me His hand of Truth
- and His great right hand of healings
- and said to me,
- "Upon you shall rest somesing of the likeness
- of Sam-Gufna and of Sam-Gufaian and of Sam-Pira-Hiwara,
- whose radiance gleams
- and whose appearance beams,
- for they are holy and believing beings
- in the Place of Light and in the everlasting Abode."
- And Manda ḏ-Hiia, the valorous 'uthra,
- taught, revealed and said,
- "Every Naṣoraean man who is righteous and believing,
- on arising from sleep,
- must take a white turban
- symbolising the great mystery of radiance, light and glory
- and shall recite this prayer thereon.
- And he shall twist it round his head
- and repeat the prayer secretly.
- It will be his praise
- in the house of the great Celestial Father.
- And all persons who behold him
- will be subdued in his presence:
- any persecutor, or one who incits to wrath,
- will stand before him
- in fear, terror and trembling,
- (their knees) knocking together.
- And for me, Adam-Yuhana son of Mahnuš,
- who have prayed this prayer and (these) devotions,
- there will be forgiving of sins
- and I shall be pure in all my words.
- And Life is victorious.
- [This is the prayer of the turban].
Prayer 2[edit | edit source]
- Illumined and illuminating is Zihrun,
- the great Mystery of radiance, light and glory,
- from whom Manda ḏ-Hiia emanated and was divulged,
- and from whose very Self noble sons of the mighty and sublime Life proceeded.
- He created 'uthras at his right and his left
- and installed them in their own škintas,
- And they gave out light
- and were effulgent in their own raiment
- and gloried in the knowledge
- that their Father had transplanted them from the House of Life.
- And it is incumbent on a pupil
- to honour his Master like his parents,
- (so) the 'uthras rose on (their?) thrones of radiance, light and glory
- and took off the crowns on their heads
- and placed them on the thrones of radiance, light and glory,
- saying,
- "A teacher is superior to parents!
- Rise, our Father, in praise,
- and lay on me Your hand of truth
- and Your great right hand of healings!"
- And Life be praised!
- [This prayer is the opening prayer of "In the name of that First Being"]
Prayer 3 (burzinqa)[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- Life created Yawar-Ziwa, son of Light-of-Life,
- Hamgai-Ziwa son of Hamgagai-Ziwa.
- Illumined and illuminating
- is the Great Mystery of Radiance,
- Zihrun, a Crown of radiance, light and glory
- from whom a flow of living water
- streamed out to the škintas.
- from whom a flow of living water
- For he is the revealer (lit. opener) of radiance and light
- and displays his treasure which emanated from him,
- to eager 'uthras.
- and displays his treasure which emanated from him,
- All worlds adore and praise the mighty First Life in its Indwellings,
- and Life is victorious.
- [This is the prayer of the turban]
Prayer 4[edit | edit source]
- As the 'uthras stand in their škintas
- they adore and praise the Great Place
- in the Light which is eternal,
- and praise Manda ḏ-Hiia and speak with him.
- When the 'uthras are standing in their škintas
- they adore and praise that Tarwan-Nhura.
- To what shall they dedicate the klila upon their heads
- and upon what shall they hang it?
- They dedicate it to the Tree of Radiance
- and hang it (thereon).
- And Life be praised!
- [This is the prayer of dedication of "Life created Yawar-Ziwa"]
Prayer 5 (burzinqa)[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Great Life!
- Let there be light,
- let there be light!
- Let there be the light
- of the Great First Life!
- There shone forth wisdom,
- vigilance and praise of the First Mana
- which came from its place.
- vigilance and praise of the First Mana
- He who twines the klila is Yufin-Yufafin:
- the bringer of the klila is 'It-'Nṣibat-'utria.
- 'It-Yawar son of 'Nṣibat-'utria set on the klila.
- He brought it and placed it upon the head of the implanted mana
- which was transplanted from guarded (?) manas.
- The klila flames and the leaves of the klila flame!
- Before the Mana there is light,
- behind the Mana glory,
- and at either side of the Mana
- radiance, brilliance and purity.
- And at the four corners of the House
- and the seven sides of the firmanent silence,
- bliss and glory prevail (lit. are found).
- And Life be praised!
- [This is the prayer for the turban.
- Read it and set it on your head.]
Prayer 6 (loosing)[edit | edit source]
- A crown of ether-light shone forth dazzlingly
- from the House of Life.
- 'Uthras brought it
- from the House of Life
- and the mighty First Life
- established it in His škintas.
- He who sets it up
- shall be set up
- and he who uplifts it
- shall be raised up
- into the world of light
- shall be raised up
- and he who establishes it
- into the enduring Abode.
- Ye are established and uplifted to the place
- (in which) righteous (beings) are established.
- And life be praised.
- [This is the prayer of #6, #5.
- These three prayers #1, #3, #5
- read near your crown and place it on your head.
- And read #19
- over the klila and put it on your head above your crown.
- And twine a klila for your staff and hold it with your crown.
- And when you go to the yardna read "Answer me, Father, answer me!]
Prayer 7 (pandama)[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Great Life!
- There shall be healing for me,
- Adam-Yuhana son of Mahnuš!
- Strengthened and enhanced
- is the great mystery of radiance, light and glory
- which rests on the mouth of the Great Life!
- For from it came into being
- and was manifest Manda ḏ-Hiia
- who knew and interpreted the thoughts of the First Life,
- which are wondrous.
- And Life be praised!
- [Read this prayer and hold your pandama for your baptism.]
Prayer 8 (riha)[edit | edit source]
- Incense that is fragrant,
- incense that is fragrant!
- yes, for the mighty, first, sublime Life from, worlds of light,
- the Ineffable above all works!
- for the ancient Radiance and for the Primal Light,
- for the Life which emanated from Life
- and for Truth (Kušṭa) that was pristine, from the beginning.
- Incense that is fragrant,
- incense that is fragrant!
- yes, for Yukabar-Ziwa
- who was mighty in his radiance,
- and came in his light and his glory (as) messenger to the first righteous elect (people).
- He crossed over the worlds and came and rent the firmament and revealed himself.
- Incense that is fragrant,
- incense that is fragrant!
- yes, for Yuzaṭaq Manda ḏ-Hiia,
- source of Life,
- who interprets silence and gives hope
- and takes the prayers of spirits and souls of righteous and believing men,
- the virtuous and well pleasing,
- into the Place of Light and into the Eternal Abode.
- Incense that is fragrant,
- incense that is fragrant!
- yes, for the Father of 'uthras,
- the Ancient, Lofty, Occult and Guarded,
- the Man who is high (yet) remains deep and hidden.
- He sees and understands that which the worlds and generations do in the worlds of darkness.
- Incense that is fragrant,
- incense, that is fragrant!
- yes for the dwelling of Life
- and the planting of 'uthras.
- Incense that is fragrant,
- incense that is fragrant!
- yes, for the dwelling of four beings, sons of Perfection.
- Incense that is fragrant,
- incense that is fragrant!
- yes for the dwelling of Abathur.
- Incense that is fragrant,
- incense that is fragrant!
- yes, for the dwelling of Hibil, Šitil and Anuš,
- sons of a living, brilliant, healthy and steadfast stock,
- beings not removed by sword,
- nor burnt by flames of fire,
- nor drowned in water-floods;
- whose (very) sandal-straps on their feet are unwetted by water.
- They sought and found,
- went to judgment and were vindicated,
- spoke and were heard.
- They are complete,
- lacking in nought;
- perfect are they and not imperfect.
- They came from a pure place and go to a pure place.
- Incense that is fragrant,
- incense that is fragrant!
- yes, for the lives of the men who were our ancestors,
- of righteous and believing men who rendered up (their souls)
- and departed from their bodies;
- and of those who yet live in their bodies.
- They testified and the door of Sin will be shut to them
- and the door of light open to them
- and they will be knit together in the union of Life,
- in which there is no separation.
- Pray ye for us from there,
- and we will pray from here for you!
- All fruits perish;
- all sweet odours vanish,
- (but) the perfume of Life is established for ever
- and unto world's end upon those who love His name of Truth.
- Those souls who descend to the yardna and are baptised
- shall be without sins, trespasses, follies, mistakes and evil deeds:
- they will rise and behold
- the great Place of Light and the Eternal Abode.
- And praised be the Great Life in light.
- And Life is victorious.
- [This saying,
- "Incense that is fragrant,
- yes for the First Life"
- recite over both incense and sandalwood and put them before you on the yardna-bank in a new incense-pan.
- And make a fresh fire on the copper incense-pan – (these) are aids of all order which ye carried,
- put (lit. "performed") at the yardna.
- Then read the baptismal "We acknowledged"
- "Praises",
- "You, Life",
- "I sought to raise eyes"
- (Prayer 77) and "Raising eyes".]
Prayer 9 (ziwa)[edit | edit source]
- Raising my eyes and lifting up my countenance
- toward the Place which is all portals
- of radiance, light, glory, beauty, repute and honour
- and to the Abode which is all beams of light;
- toward the Place which is all portals
- I adore, laud and praise
- the Mighty, Strange (other-worldly) Life,
- and the Second Life and the Third Life;
- and Yufin-Yufafin,
- Sam-Mana-Smira,
- and the Vine which is all Life
- and the great Tree which is all healings.
- I adore, laud and worship
- the precious and guarded Place,
- the secret and guarded manas
- and the Lord of Greatness from the Secret Place and,
- from the Hidden Place, the pihta, need (?), truth and faith.
- I worship, laud and praise
- Sam-Smira,
- the great radiancy of the First Life,
- son of the Great Primal Life who thought and was manifest,
- seeking His own:
- His shekhinah rests on waves of water.
- The assembly of souls which proceeded from Him,
- on the Last Day,
- when they leave their bodies,
- will rejoice in Him,
- will embrace Him and will rise up
- and behold the outer Ether and the everlasting Abode.
- Sam-Smira,
- I worship, laud and praise
- the multitudinous Radiancies and great mighty Lights:
- I worship, laud and praise
- Piriawis,
- the great Yardna of the First Life
- which is all healings.
- Piriawis,
- I worship, laud and praise
- the pure Yušamin
- who abides on treasures of the waters
- and upon mighty celestial wellsprings of light.
- the pure Yušamin
- I adore, laud and praise
- the Life which proceeded
- from Life and the Truth which existed before,
- in the Beginning.
- I worship, laud and praise
- Yukabar-Ziwa,
- envoy of the Life
- and the Word of the first Elect Righteous ones.
- Yukabar-Ziwa,
- I worship, laud and praise
- the Ancient, Supernal, Occult and Guarded Abathur,
- who is high, hidden and guarded,
- whose throne is placed at the gate of the House of Life.
- He sits with the scales set before him,
- weighing deeds and (their) recompense.
- He sees and discerns that which the worlds and generations do.
- the Ancient, Supernal, Occult and Guarded Abathur,
- I worship, laud and praise
- Manda ḏ-Hiia lord of healings,
- the being whom the Life summoned and bade him heal the congregation of souls,
- divesting the congregation of souls of (their) darkness and clothing them with light;
- raising (them) and showing them that a great restoration of life exists,
- a place where the spirits and souls of our forefathers sit clothed in radiance and covered with light;
- showing the great restoration of life which is before them.
- Manda ḏ-Hiia lord of healings,
- I worship, laud and praise
- Šilmai and Nidbai,
- the two delegates of Manda ḏ-Hiia,
- who rule over the great yardna of Life,
- for they baptise with the great baptism of Light.
- Šilmai and Nidbai,
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 10 (yardna)[edit | edit source]
- On the day that the Yardna was bestowed upon Sam-Smir,
- the great pure radiance of the First Life
- which flowed forth from Him,
- the great pure radiance of the First Life
- Bihram and Ram-Rba-Hiia went with him
- (and?) 444,000 myriads of 'uthras, sons of light,
- who descended to the yardna.
- (and?) 444,000 myriads of 'uthras, sons of light,
- He baptised them and they rose to the bank.
- He raised them up and conferred upon them some of the glory
- and some of the greatness which was (conferred) on himself.
- He raised them up and conferred upon them some of the glory
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 11[edit | edit source]
- I have worshipped and praised that Yawar-Ziwa
- whose dwelling is situated in the world of Outer Ether and in the Enduring Abode.
- I have worshipped and praised the seven holy and guarded manas
- which were transplanted from it.
- I sought in prayer the First Life,
- and, in the presence of the mighty sublime Life,
- discovered that which offends
- in myself, (in me), Adam-Yuhana son of Mahnuš
- and about what which causes my friends to offend,
- and my friends' friends and the friends of the great Family of Life.
- And Life is victorious.
- [Pray these three prayers,
- "Raising eyes",
- "The day that the Yardna was bestowed"
- and "I have worshipped and praised that Yawar-Ziwa"
- on the yardna-bank after "I sought to raise eyes".
- They are the helpers (aids to) baptism.]
Prayer 12 (yardna)[edit | edit source]
- I am Yur son of Barit (I shone forth).
- In great effulgence the radiance glowed (with heat?).
- The tanna dissolved and a dwelling came into being,
- a dwelling came into existence and was established in the House of Life.
- And Life is victorious.
- [Read this prayer and grasp your kanzala (stole).
- It is the opening prayer for the yardna.
- Then recite "I went to the yardna"].
Prayer 13[edit | edit source]
- I went to the yardna,
- but not I alone,
- (for) Šilmai and Nidbai, my helpers,
- went with me to the yardna;
- Hibil and Šitil and Anuš
- went with me to the yardna
- they who baptise
- with the great baptism of Life.
- Piriawis-Ziwa and Piriafil-Malaka
- give free movement to the limbs of my body!
- I go down before these souls
- whom the Life delivers and saves,
- and protects these souls from all that is evil
- and from those who give nothing, but take away;
- and from those who lend nothing
- and (yet) are paid back;
- and from evil spirits which hasted
- yet did not arrive,
- and from liliths which fell down
- and did not arise.
- Their hands fell (powerless) on their knees;
- their eyes were blinded and unable to see
- and their ears became deaf and unable to hear.
- In your names, Šilmai and Nidbai,
- and through the strength of Hibil, Šitil and Anuš,
- secure, seal and guard these souls
- who go down to the yardna and will be baptised,
- by the great seal of Yuzaṭaq Manda ḏ-Hiia,
- the healer, whose strength none can attain.
- And Life is victorious!
- [Recite until you reach (the words) "Piriafil, loosen the limbs" (etc.).
- And descend (into the water) up to a fourth of your thighs.
- If you are baptising a single soul,
- say "my body, and I go down before this the soul of N."
- If there are several souls,
- recite as written (above),
- and at the place where it said "secure, seal and guard"
- say "secure, seal and guard this soul of N, and establish it"
- and then recite your saying over the staff.]
Prayer 14 (margna)[edit | edit source]
- In the names of Yusmir the First Vine,
- from whom Yawar took a staff of water
- and went to the bank of the yardna,
- covered, as it were, with radiance
- and clothed in light.
- Over it he pronounced secret sayings – these mystic names:
- "In the name of Yusmir-Yusamir,
- and of Sam-Mana-Smira;
- in the name of Hauran-Hauraran
- by which the first Yawar raised up 'uthras,
- flourishing Vines of life,
- in the yardna.
- By it Hibil raises up
- living souls in the yardna,
- those worthy of the great Place of Light
- and of the Everlasting Abode.
- By it they will be established
- and raised up in the House of the Mighty Life.
- It will raise these souls
- who go down to the yardna and are baptised:
- they will behold the Great Place of Light
- and the Everlasting Abode.
- [This saying is for the staff.
- Recite it over the olivewood staff and stick it into the yardna (-bed),
- then recite the baptism(-al prayers).]
Prayer 15[edit | edit source]
- Bound is the sea,
- bound are the two banks of the sea!
- Bound are the devils and demons,
- the demon-visitants,
- haunting spirits,
- and satanic amulet-spirits.
- Bound are the 360 mysteries
- that are in the House!
- I am secured and sealed,
- I, Adam-Yuhana son of Mahnuš,
- and these souls who are descending to the yardna
- and will be sealed
- by the seal of the Mighty Sublime Life,
- and by the great MA
- and the great YA
- and the great BAZ
- and by the great AZIZ
- and by the great AS
- and by the great ASIN
- and by the sea (of?) AS.
- Bound are (Magian) priests,
- slaughterers,
- priests who cut up victims,
- scorners,
- those who make evil signs
- and the seven mysteries which are in the sea.
- Every demon (exorcised) by name,
- every evil spirit by his appelation,
- every amulet-spirit
- and all idol-demons
- who raise their heads
- and show their countenances,
- lifting themselves in pride
- against the Sublime Being
- and directing their evil eye
- towards these souls who are going to the yardna,
- shall be struck down and smitten
- by Yaha-Yaha
- and by Zha-Zha
- and by angels
- which where sent
- and come against them.
- Flee in fear before them!
- and before the glory which is mighty upon them.
- Depart in fear and avaunt!
- Seven walls of iron have been set around me,
- Adam-Yuhana son of Mahnuš,
- with which Haiašum,
- the first Kušṭa,
- surrounded himself.
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 16[edit | edit source]
- I am a perfected gem:
- into the midst of the worlds and ages
- am I cast down.
- into the midst of the worlds and ages
- I am an iron club,
- a great rocky crag.
- Any demon that dashes himself against me will be shattered
- and if I strike at him he will be dashed to pieces.
- Any demon which reares its head,
- any amulet-imp which sets its countenance against these souls in malice, overlooking them,
- will be thrashed and struck by 'Usfar-Manharbiel-'Staqlus,
- the little child who dwells upon pure springs of light,
- (yes) beaten with the mace of water by which Fire was beaten out and extinguished;
- (and) by the strength of Mān the Healer
- and by the strength of elect righteous (men).
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 17[edit | edit source]
- Avaunt! flee in fear
- all (ye) evil, restricting, wrathful spirits!
- Flee, be gone, be vanquished and brought to nought
- before the glory and light of Manda ḏ-Hiia!
- Piriawis-Ziwa and Piriafil-Malaka
- have set moving the limbs of my body:
- I descend (to the Yardna) before these steadfast,
- flourishing souls of the living.
- Šilmai and Nidbai,
- fly, approach, arrive!
- Bear ye witness to these souls
- who are going down to the yardna to be baptised.
- Ye four 'uthras, sons of light,
- Rhum-Hai, 'In-Hai, Šum-Hai and Zamar-Hai,
- be ye my witnesses
- on the great day of departure (from the body).
- Great Yardna of Life,
- I laud you and adjure you
- by 'Uṣar-Nhura (Treasure-of-Light),
- the great solace and support of life,
- that you give no room to evil beings
- (who are) against these souls who go down into you.
- Healing shall be theirs
- in the name of the Sublime (Strange) Life from worlds (of light).
- May Life be established in Its indwellings,
- and Life is victorious.
Prayer 18[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- Piriawis, the great yardna of the First Life,
- which is all healings,
- is afire like the glory flaming in the Tanna.
- When Life was ardent and life burst forth
- in the great glory which flames therein,
- Life arose and founded its dwelling above the Tanna.
- The radiance waxed ardent,
- the Tanna dissolved.
- They opened the waters
- and Life was established by its own waters.
- Yur (brilliant light) established Yur:
- Life was increased in power by its own radiance
- and by the great glory which flamed in It.
- And in the waters Life established living (creatures);
- above the the waters fruit appeared and a dwelling was founded.
- You do I invoke, great Yardna of Life,
- by (in the name of) Treasure-of-Light,
- the great support and solace of the Life,
- and by pure Yušamin who dwells
- upon the treasures of the waters
- and upon wellsprings of light;
- by Yusmir, the being
- who united with water;
- by Adatan and Yadatan
- who sit at the Gate of Life
- and seek spirits and souls in the Place of Light;
- by Šilmai and Nidbai
- who bear witness before the Great Life.
- Behold these souls
- who quit destruction for construction,
- (go) from error to truth
- and (leave) the abode of fear of the deity of the House (i.e. world)
- for the great Place of Light and the everlasting Abode!
- If he to whom I speak listens
- and he to whom I call is established (in the faith)
- and is knit into the communion of Life
- and built into the great fabric of Reality,
- I will take his hand and be his saviour and guide
- to the great Place of Light and to the Everlasting Abode.
- If I speak to him and he listens not and call to him
- and he is not uplifted,
- he will be put to the question.
- (But) I shall not be put to the question,
- because of the Word of Truth (Kušṭa)
- and its uplifting by Yukabar.
- And Life is steadfast in its Dwellings,
- and Life is victorious.
- [Then cry] "In the name of Life!
- Let every man whose strength enables him
- and who loves his soul,
- come and go down to the yardna
- and be baptised and receive the Pure Sign;
- put on robes of radiant light
- and set a fresh klila on his head".
- [Here baptise the souls.
- And they shall descend behind you
- and shall submerge three times.
- And your staff shall be (rest) on your left arm.
- Dip them with your right hand,
- grasp them with your left
- and place them between you and your staff
- and dip them under thrice and
- sign them thrice with your right hand.
- And your face shall be toward the Gate of Prayer].
- When you have signed them, say,
- "N, son of N.,
- you have been signed with the Sign of Life
- and the name of the Life and the name of Manda ḏ-Hiia
- were pronounced upon you.
- You have been baptised
- with the baptism of the great Bihram,
- son of the mighty (life).
- Your baptism will protect you and will be efficacious.
- The name of the Life and the name of Manda ḏ-Hiia
- are pronounced upon you!"
- And give them three palmfuls of water to drink
- and say to them
- "Drink!
- and be healed
- and be strengthened!
- The name of the Life
- and the name of Manda ḏ-Hiia
- have been pronounced upon you".
- Recite "Manda created me"
- over the klilas
- and place them upon their heads.
- When placing your hand on their heads
- recite these secret names:
- "The name of the great mystic First Wellspring
- be pronounced on you;
- the name of the great First Palmtree
- be pronounced on you;
- the name of the great Šišlam
- be pronounced on you;
- the name of the great ‘Zlat
- be pronounced on you;
- the name of the great Yawar
- be pronounced on you;
- the name of Simat-Hiia
- be pronounced on you;
- the name of the great Yukabar
- be pronounced on you;
- the name of the Mana and its Counterpart
- be pronounced on you;
- the name of the Great Mystery and the secret sayings
- be pronounced on you;
- the name of the great first Shaq-Ziwa
- be pronounced upon you;
- the name of Sam-Ziwa-Dakia, the Eldest, Beloved, great First (Being)
- be pronounced on you;
- the name of the Life and the name of Manda ḏ-Hiia
- be pronounced on you."
- [Then reach them (perform with them the rite of) kušṭa.
- And he shall go up before you (on to the bank).
- Then dip your phial,
- fill it with water and give it to whoever stands on the bank.
- Then dip your bowl and recite the hymn "At the waterhead I went forth"
- and "Blessed are you, Outer Door",
- and recite the dedicatory prayer for the yardna.
- When you recite #15-#18
- and all as it is written,
- speak as written if there are two,
- three or many souls;
- but if only one soul say "the soul of N, who descended to the yardna and was baptised and received the pure sign."
- (And pay close attention to your baptism.)
Prayer 19 (klila)[edit | edit source]
- Manda created me,
- 'uthras set me up,
- radiance clothed me
- and light covered me:
- Haza-zban set the klila on my head,
- mine, Adam-Yuhana, son of Mahnuš,
- and on these souls who descend to the yardna
- and are baptised.
- Its tendrils shine
- and its perfume is sweet,
- for they (the tendrils) wither not
- nor do they come apart,
- and its leaves do not fall off.
- And Life be praised!
- [This is the set prayer for the baptism klila.
- Recite it over the klila and place it on the heads of the souls that you baptisest].
Prayer 20 (yardna)[edit | edit source]
- Blessed are you, Outer Door,
- and blessed are you, Everlasting Abode!
- Blessed are ye, great beings of radiance
- and mighty and powerful beings of light.
- Blessed, lauded and honoured be the 'uthras
- which dwell on the yardna!
- Yardna! be gentle towards these souls
- which have descended into you!
- Let healing be theirs by virtue of the Word of Truth
- and its upliiting by Yukabar-Ziwa.
- [This is the dedicatory prayer of the yardna.
- When you have extolled the yardna,
- if you baptise several souls recite as it is written;
- if only one soul,
- say "The soul of N.
- who has descended into you"
- and rise to the bank and recite "I rose up from the Yardna".]
Prayer 21[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- I rose up from the yardna
- And I met a group of souls,
- A group of souls I met,
- who surrounded our father Šitil,
- Saying to him,
- "By your life, our father Šitil,
- Go with us to the Yardna!"
- "If I go with you to the yardna
- Who will be your witness?"
- "Lo, Sun has risen above us;
- He will be our witness!"
- "It is not he whom I seek,
- Not he whom my soul desires.
- The sun of which ye spake,
- Rises early, sets at dusk.
- The sun of which ye spake,
- the sun is vanity and comes to an end.
- Sun comes to an end
- and becomes vanity
- And his worshippers come to an end
- and are vanity."
- I rose up from the yardna
- And a group of souls I met,
- A group I met of souls
- Who surrounded our father Šitil,
- Saying to him,
- "By your life, our father Šitil,
- Go with us to the yardna!"
- "If I go with you to the yardna,
- Who will be your witness?"
- "Lo, Moon who shines above us,
- He will be our witness!"
- "It is not he whom I seek,
- Not he whom my soul desires.
- The moon, of whom ye spake,
- Rises at dusk and sets at dawn.
- The moon of which ye spake,
- the moon is vanity and comes to an end
- And his worshippers come to an end
- and are vanity."
- I rose up from the yardna
- And a group of souls I met,
- A group I met of souls
- Who surrounded our father Šitil,
- Saying to him,
- "By your life, our father Šitil,
- Go with us to the yardna!"
- "If I go with you to the yardna
- Who will be your witness?"
- "Lo, there burns a fire.
- It will bear witness for us."
- "That is not what I seek,
- Not that which my soul desires.
- The fire of which ye spake
- Once a day needs a firebrand.
- The fire of which ye spake –
- Fire, is vanity and comes to naught
- And its worshippers come to naught
- and are vanity."
- I rose up from the yardna
- And a group of souls I met,
- I met a group of souls
- Who surrounded our father Šitil,
- Saying to him,
- "By your life, our father Šitil,
- Go with us to the yardna!"
- "If I go with you to the yardna,
- Who will be your witness?
- "The yardna and its two banks
- Will bear witness for us;
- Pihta, kušṭa and mambuha
- Will bear witness for us;
- Habšaba, (Sunday) and Kana ḏ-Zidqa
- Will bear witness for us;
- The sanctuary in which we worship
- Will bear witness for us;
- The alms that is in our laps
- Will bear witness for us;
- And our father who is our head
- Will bear witness for us."
- "This is that which I seek,
- This is that which my soul desires!
- When I rise to the House of Life
- And travel to the Everlasting Abode,
- When Life questions me, (these) witnesses
- Will come and will bear witness.
- Witnesses of the truth are they,
- Sure is all that they say!"
- And Life is victorious!
- [Recite this prayer after #20]
Prayer 22[edit | edit source]
- We have acknowledged the name of Life:
- (believe in) the great celestial Womb,
- in that which is endless and countless,
- in Yaluz-Yaluz,
- in Ṣbabut, the mighty Will of Life;
- in Piriawis, fount of living waters;
- in "He-provided-a-dwelling"
- giving His Likeness its dwelling in the House of Life;
- in the Life Whose Eyes were fixed upon the waters.
- He arose, gazed and beheld the Nest
- from which He derived His being.
- We believe in Yufin-Yufafin,
- in Nbaṭ, the first Upsurge and outflow of Life at its inception,
- in its second (outflow), Sam-Smir;
- in its third, Bihram son of the Mighty (Life),
- Yukabar, the Word of Life who came from the House of Life
- to righteous and believing men.
- Any person sprinkled by this oil
- on which I have pronounced the name of the Mighty Sublime Life
- and upon whom I have pronounced these mystic names,
- will have health (healing) abundant in his body;
- health abundant and not poor.
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 23[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Great Life!
- Precious oil are you,
- son of white sesame,
- son of the Euphrates bank,
- son of the river-pleasaunce,
- son of water-pools,
- son of treasures of light.
- Upon you, Oil,
- Life laid His hand and sent you to this world which is all birth,
- to heal, uplift, raise up and ameliorate
- all pains, diseases, complaints, tumours
- (and) the seven mysteries that inhabit the body.
- I praise you, Oil,
- and adjure you, Oil,
- by the Life,
- by Manda ḏ-Hiia
- and by the 'uthras,
- sons of salvation (and) by this strange being,
- who is honoured, wondrous and perfect,
- who summoned chosen elect beings, sons of light,
- and said to them:
- "Give me precious oil,
- son of white sesame,
- son of the Euphrates-bank,
- son of the river-meadow,
- son of water-pools,
- son of treasures of light.
- Anoint, and I will bring you oil:
- anoint with radiance, fight and glory,
- the Oil wherewith I anointed and (which) I bestowed,
- not in the name of a god,
- not in the name of spirit,
- not in the name of a messiah
- nor in the name of a temple-Ishtar.
- Nay, the oil with which I anointed,
- (the oil) which I bestowed is at my name,
- my Sign and (given) as the name
- and sign of a living, glorious, flourishing and steadfast race.
- Any man anointed by this oil will live,
- be whole and be strengthened:
- his mouth will assume the nature of Anuš,
- within him he will take on the nature of Anuš.
- From him the 7 dolours of death
- and the 8 afflictions of darkness
- shall violently depart
- and be expelled.
- Demons, devils, shedim, demon visitants, amulet-spirits and liliths
- will be removed and driven out of him in the presence of that
- which increased the strength, radiance and light of Knowledge of Life".
- And Life be praised!
Prayer 24[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- You were established, First Life;
- you were in existence before all things.
- Before You no being existed.
- For He has fulfilled Himself and has issued
- in His strength and His steadfastness
- and in the radiance and strength
- which His Father has bestowed upon Him.
- For we have not changed
- that which you have commanded us.
- You enlarge our steps
- and lift our eyes heavenwards.
- You descend and give us
- dwellings by springs of Life.
- You poure into us and fill us
- with your wisdom, your doctrine and your goodness.
- You show us the way by which
- you came from the House of Life
- and we will walk therein
- with the gait of righteous and believing men,
- so causing our spirits and souls
- to dwell in the dwellings of Life,
- the place where the spirits of our fathers abide,
- clothed in radiance and covered with light,
- rejoicing, laughing, dancing, exulting
- about the glorious splendour resting (upon them) [?].
- This is the Oil wherewith he anointed,
- the radiance, light and glory
- which Manda ḏ-Hiia blessed with his pure mouth
- and bestowed on all who love his name of Truth.
- From all those who are anointed with this oil
- every pain, disease, complaint, tumour, curse and physical evil will be removed.
- They will be freed
- from fetter and bond,
- from evil curses,
- from evil slander,
- from lying accusation,
- from the hand of the wicked,
- from the sword of enemies
- and from the third tongue
- which is softer than fat
- and sharper than a sword.
- (They will be delivered)
- from incubi and hobgoblins,
- from wicked outcry, black magic;
- from a spoilt klila,
- from the male and female biruq
- and from the second death:
- they will be driven off and cast out
- by your surpassing Name which is all life.
- It falls
- on the dead man
- and he lives:
- on the sick man
- and he stretches (himself);
- on the blind man
- and (his eyes) are opened;
- on the deaf man
- and wisdom and perception are infused into him.
- The accused is successful in his lawsuit
- and the prisoner is freed from prison.
- The hand of Truth and healing will come from the House of Healings
- in the name of the Life which emanated from Life
- and in the name of Yuzaṭaq Manda ḏ-Hiia.
- Every man anointed with this oil
- will be sinless and blameless in the Place of Life.
- And Life is victorious.
- [Read these three prayers "We acknowledged the name of Life"
- "Precious oil are you",
- "You were established, First Life",
- upon the oil and sign the souls you have baptised,
- when they rise up out of the yardna.
- Say "N. son of N.,
- you have been signed with the sign of Life and the name of Life,
- and the name of Manda ḏ-Hiia has been pronounced on you.
- You have been baptised with the baptism of Bihram the Great,
- son of the Mighty (Life).
- Your baptism shall protect you and attain its end.
- The name of Life and the name of Manda ḏ-Hiia are pronounced on you."
- Sign thrice and grasp their right hands in the kušṭa (rite).
- Then recite and pass (your finger) over your (own) face – your own sealing.
- And then they shall stand up before you.
- Recite over the pihta and mambuha
- and give them pihta that they may eat
- and mambuha that they may drink and take their right hands in kušṭa.
- Then make them sit before you and read the sealing (prayer) and lay your hand on their heads.]
Sealing prayers[edit | edit source]
Prayer 25[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- When a yardna of living water (Water of Life) was bestowed on
- Sam-Smir, the great Radiance of Life,
- 992,000 myriad 'uthras, sons of light,
- opened their mouths,
- praising Manda ḏ-Hiia.
- Praised be Manda ḏ-Hiia;
- praised be Yawar-Ziwa;
- praised be Bihram and Ram;
- praised be Tarwan-Nhura;
- praised be Nbaṭ the first great Radiance;
- praised be Nṣab and Anan-Nṣab;
- praised be Sar and Sarwan;
- praised be that great and mighty Mana;
- praised be that great Presence of Glory;
- praised be that whole abode of those at rest;
- praised be all the ways and paths of the Almighty (Life);
- praised be all the mighty celestial worlds of Light;
- praised be all those occult dwellings (shkinata);
- praised be that Voice, Strength, Word and Command
- which come from the House of Abathur;
- praised be Abathur-Rama;
- praised be the myriad 'uthras
- who stand in the presence of Abathur;
- praised be Šilmai and Nidbai
- the guardian 'uthras of the yardna;
- praised be our father
- Hibil, Šitil and Anuš
- the head of the whole race.
- Turn back,
- thrust back from me,
- Adam-Yuhana son of Mahnuš
- and from these souls who have descended to the yardna and been baptised,
- terror,
- fright,
- fear of devils and demons,
- shedim,
- demon visitants,
- ghosts,
- amulet-spirits,
- liliths,
- gods,
- angels,
- demons of high places
- and shrines
- and idol-spirits:
- (all those) that the seven planets and the lords of the House
- [set] loose against souls in this world.
- Manda ḏ-Hiia!
- Lift up your eyes,
- (behold) your devotees,
- your offspring and your priest!
- Behold us who stand in this place
- which is all evil things!
- At the great Door
- which is all principalities do we stand,
- amongst the wicked,
- and dwell amongst sinners.
- Deliver us from this world which is all sinners
- and from the sorceries of the children of Adam and Eve.
- Forgive us that which we have done,
- and that which we do forgive us.
- Forgive us, Looser of sins,
- (our) trespasses, our follies, our stumblings and our mistakes.
- If you dost not loose us
- from our sins, trespasses, follies, stumblings, and mistakes,
- no man is clean in your sight
- Manda ḏ-Hiia!
- Accept, (O) Life,
- Your prayer from the Occult
- and assure (to us) bliss in Your light
- in the name of Sharhabiel the great First Radiance.
- May the words of Sharhabiel the Great First Radiance,
- be established for all who love his name of Truth.
- And for me, Adam-Yuhana son of Mahnuš
- may darkness be overcome
- and light set on high.
- And Life be praised.
Prayer 26[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- Bound (together) and sealed are these souls
- who went down to the yardna
- and were baptised in the name of the Great Life.
- They have been baptised
- with the baptism of Bihram the Great.
- Their souls have been secured
- with bonds of righteousness
- and with the bonds of Zhir, the great light of Life.
- And Life be praised!
Prayer 27[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- We were set up and raised up by 'Uṣar-Hiia:
- through 'Uṣar-Hai and Pta-Hai
- union with the House of Life came to us:
- Manda ḏ-Hiia went to us
- with radiance that is great and light that is powerful,
- with our mana, our sign, our way, our yardna and our baptism;
- with Hauran our vestment;
- with Hauraran our covering
- and with Hazazban our klila.
- I call on the mighty, sublime, all-surpassing Life,
- supreme over all works and I say to It,
- "Behold, behold,
- Great Life, us who at Your name,
- Life, descended into the yardna and for Your name's sake,
- Life, we took our name and our sign
- from the great Yardna of Life
- and from the great source of healing,
- at the word of Truth
- and (the power) to uplift of Yukabar-Ziwa."
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 28[edit | edit source]
- Bound (together) and sealed are these souls
- who descended to the yardna and were baptised.
- By Hauran-Hauraran, the out-thrust of the Great Life:
- by Its names,
- by Yufin-Yufafin
- and Sam-Mana-Smira;
- by Yusmir, vehicle of the First radiance;
- and by the being Yukabar, the (well-) equipped 'uthra;
- who descended to the yardna and were baptised.
- seal and guard these souls
- who descended to the yardna and were baptised,
- against the deities of the House,
- lest they gain dominion over them.
- (Protect them) from their devils and demons
- so that they shall not go near them
- nor harm them nor ruin them.
- Let all pains, diseases, afflictions and tumours
- be removed from them.
- Let all evil sicknesses and malignant curses of the body
- be removed and driven off,
- so that those who sit before You like men attainted
- shall stand up like clean men.
- And healing shall be theirs,
- those souls who went down to the yardna and were baptised.
- And Life is victorious.
- [Recite these four "sealing" prayers #25-#28,
- with a loud voice to the souls whom you have baptised after you have given them pihta and mambuha.
- If (several) souls,
- recite as written;
- if a single soul,
- say "for this, the soul of N."
- Then make them stand and recite #29.]
Prayer 29[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- Ye are set up and raised up
- into the Place of the Good.
- Established amongst manas of light
- are these souls which went down to the yardna
- and were baptised.
- (and those) of our fathers and teachers
- and of our brothers and sisters
- who have departed the body
- and those who are still in the body.
- There, in the light
- shall ye be raised up.
- And Life is victorious.
- [Here recite #30]
Prayer 30[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- "What did your Father do for you, Soul,
- The great day on which you were raised up?"
- "He took me down to the yardna, planted me,
- And took (me) up and stood me upon its bank.
- He broke and gave me bread (pihta),
- Blessed the cup and gave me thereof to drink.
- He placed me between his knees
- And pronounced over me the name of the Mighty (Life)
- He passed into the mountain before me;
- He cried loudly that I might hear,
- That I might hear he cried loudly,
- 'If there is strength in you, Soul, come!'
- 'If I climb the mountain I shall fall;
- I shall overturn and perish from the world!'
- I lifted mine eyes to heaven
- And my soul waited upon the House of Life.
- I climbed the mountain and fell not,
- I came (thither) and found the life of my Self.
- "What did your Father do for you, Soul,
- The great day on which you were raised up?"
- "He took me down to the yardna, planted me,
- And took me up and stood me upon its bank.
- He broke and gave me bread,
- Blessed the cup and gave me thereof to drink.
- He placed me between his knees
- And pronounced over me the name of the Mighty (Life).
- He passed into the fire before me;
- And cried aloud that I might hear,
- That I might hear he cried aloud,
- 'If there is strength in you, Soul, come!'
- 'If I go into fire I shall burn,
- I shall scorch and perish from the world!'
- To heaven I lifted mine eyes
- And my soul waited upon the House of Life.
- I went into fire and burned not,
- I came, and found the life of my Self.
- "What did your Father do for you, Soul,
- The great day on which you were raised up?"
- "He took me down to the yardna, planted me,
- Took me up and stood me upon its bank.
- He broke and gave me bread,
- Blessed the cup and gave me thereof to drink.
- He placed me between his knees
- And pronounced over me the name of the Mighty (Life).
- He entered the sea before me;
- He cried aloud that I might hear,
- That I might hear he cried aloud.
- 'If there is strength in you, Soul, come!'
- 'If I go into the sea I shall sink,
- I shall be overturned and perish from the world!'
- To heaven I lifted mine eyes
- And my soul waited upon the House of Life.
- I went into the sea and was not drowned,
- I came, the life of my Self I found,
- Yes, Life! lo, Life!
- Life has triumphed over this world.
- And Life is victorious.
- [This is a baptism hymn. ...]
Prayer 31[edit | edit source]
- Radiance goes up to its place
- and Light to the Everlasting Abode.
- On the day that Light arises,
- Darkness returns to its place.
- The Forgiver of sins, trespasses,
- follies, stumblings and mistakes
- will remit them for those
- who love his name of Truth,
- and for those souls
- who went down to the yardna,
- were baptised and received the pure sign.
- Consuming fire will consume you
- and your ministration will be (noted?) in the habitations.
- The fragrance of life rises to the House of Life,
- and we (too) will rise up to the House of Life:
- we shall be with the victorious.
- It is our support, and our confidence is in life
- in the Place of Light and in the Everlasting Abode.
- Life is established and set up in its indwellings,
- and Life is victorious over all works.
- [This is the "loosing" (consecration) of incense for baptism.]
- [colophon]
Book of Gadana[edit | edit source]
Prayer 32[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Great Life.
- May there be healing for me,
- Adam-Yuhana son of Mahnuš!
- Strengthened, enhanced was the great mystery of radiance, light and glory
- dwelling on the mouth of the First Life,
- for from It came forth Manda ḏ-Hiia.
- For he knew and interpreted the thoughts of the First Life
- and perceived that they are wondrous.
- For he knew and interpreted the thoughts of the First Life
- And Life be praised!
- [Recite this prayer and hold your stole for the masiqta.]
Prayer 33 (mambuha)[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- Water of Life are you!
- You are come from the Place which is life-giving
- and are poured forth from the House of Life.
- You are come from the Place which is life-giving
- (At your) coming, Water-of-Life,
- from the House of Life,
- the good come and refresh themselves,
- (but) the wicked are discomfited and the children of (this) world abashed
- and say "Is there (not?) room for us in the Place of Light?
- For those that seek (ask) of it find,
- and those who speak of it are heard".
- We have sought and found
- and we have spoken and been heard in your presence,
- Manda ḏ-Hiia, lord of healings.
- As water when poured out falls on the earth,
- so (too) so doth evil fall abased before good.
- As the water falls on the earth,
- so shall their sins, trespasses,
- follies, stumblings and mistakes
- be loosed from those who love the name of Truth (kušṭa)
- and from the souls of this masiqta,
- and from (the souls of) our fathers, teachers,
- brothers and sisters who have departed the body,
- and those who (still) live in the body
- And say "Established is Life (or "the living")
- in Its (their) dwelling".
- And Life is victorious.
- [This is the mambuha prayer]
Prayer 34 (riha)[edit | edit source]
- Hail to the First Life before Whom none existed,
- the Sublime from worlds of light,
- the Ineffable which is above all works;
- to the Ancient Radiance and the Great Primal Light,
- the Life which emanated from Life
- and the Truth that was of old, from the beginning.
- Hail the ancient, lofty, esoteric and guarded father of 'uthras.
- Hail Yuzaṭaq, Manda ḏ-Hiia, Source of Life;
- He who unveils the silence,
- gives hope and keeps the prayers of the spirits and souls
- of righteous and believing men into the Place of Light.
- Hail to the life of sincere and believing men
- who have come to their end and departed the body,
- and hail to those
- who are stiff alive in the body.
- May the gate of sin be barred to them
- and the gate of light be open for them.
- May they be knit together in the communion of Life
- in which there is no separation.
- Pray ye from there for us
- and we will pray from here for you.
- All fruits wither:
- all sweet odours pass away,
- but not the fragrance of Manda ḏ-Hiia,
- which comes not to an end nor passes away
- for an age of ages
- and for world without end.
- May the souls of this masiqta rise up
- without sin, trespass, folly, stumbling and mistake
- unto the Place of Light and to the Enduring Abode.
- And Life be praised!
- [Read this ordinance for the incense and cast it on the fire.
- Then recite the prayers for the masiqta.]
Prayer 35[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- I sought to lift my eyes, shoulders and arms towards
- the Place which is all life, radiance and glory,
- the place where which is all life, radiance, light and glory;
- a place where they who seek of it find,
- those who speak of it are heard
- and to those who ask of it,
- it is given them,
- day by day and hour by hour.
- This hour I address to you,
- my Lord, Manda ḏ-Hiia,
- a vital petition,
- large and not small,
- for this congregation of people
- who have bent their knees to the ground
- and stretched forth their hands
- to the intermediate and upper (worlds).
- They have forsaken images,
- pictures and idols of clay,
- gods (made) of blocks of wood,
- and vain rites,
- and have testified
- to the name of the great, strange (sublime) Life.
- To them the gate of sin is closed
- and for them the gate of life is open.
- May our request, our prayer
- and our humble submission rise
- before the supreme Life
- which is above all works.
- Before you (in your sight)
- all hands are thieving,
- all lips have lied.
- Water is in the yardna.
- Before you (in your eyes), Manda ḏ-Hiia,
- no man is clean:
- we are slaves who are all sin,
- and you a lord who are all mercy.
- When you are with us,
- who shall conquer us
- and if you justify us
- who will convict us?
- Judge us not after the fashion
- of earthly courts of law;
- despise us not
- for our follies
- and associate us not with the false rites
- practised by the worlds and generations.
- The worlds thrust hard at us,
- but we fell not.
- Backed by the Truth which is your own,
- we have perfect confidence.
- Establish life, and will you
- not establish human beings?
- You have spoken to us in your Word
- and have commanded us with your command
- "Ask on earth
- and I will supply you with heavenly fruit:
- ask from below, (from) reed, swamp and mud,
- and I will supply you from the lofty heavens.
- Make supplication with the fleshly right hand,
- and I will bring you (what ye asked) with the right hand of kušṭa.
- The first (generations) sought and found:
- let those that come after seek,
- and they will find.
- Seek and find for yourselves,
- for your friends,
- for your friends' friends
- and for those who love the great Family of Life.
- Your eyes shall not turn away from me unsatisfied."
- You are the father of all the 'uthras,
- the Support which is all light,
- the Vine which is all Life
- and the great Tree which is all things.
- For You know hearts, understand minds
- and search out consciences
- (even) in the nethermost hells of darkness.
- Like a servant lying prostrate before You,
- our eyes are lifted to You,
- our lips give You praise and blessing
- 7 hours of the day
- and the 3 watches of the night.
- Those who seek of Him find,
- and to those who ask of Him it will be given.
- For to him that stands at a closed door
- You will open the closed door.
- In the Place of Light
- You will wipe away and remove from us
- our sins, trespasses, follies, stumblings and mistakes
- and will cast them into the hells of the earth
- and the nethermost limbos of darkness.
- You will raise us up as sinless and not as guilty,
- as virtuous and not as vicious before you,
- Manda ḏ-Hiia.
- The good behold and are refreshed:
- the wicked are discomfited
- and the children of (this) world abashed.
- And they say
- "Is there no place for me in the Place of Light,
- since those who seek therefrom find,
- and ask thereof and it is given them?"
- We beseech you to let some of your radiance,
- your light and your glory rest upon us.
- You are the Healer above all means of healing,
- a Raiser-up above (all) that raises up,
- a Radiance above all radiancies
- and a light above all lights.
- For you open doors of truth
- and reveal mysteries and wisdom
- and show forth mighty deeds in Jerusalem.
- You confine demons and devils
- and frighten away the gods from their high places.
- Great is your name
- and praised is your name!
- You are the counterpart of the Life,
- for you were in existence before all.
- You are the Vine,
- for you were in the Ether
- above heaven and above the earth.
- When worlds came into being
- and creations were called forth,
- you did hold in your grasp
- the worlds and generations.
- You have laid down a road for sincere and believing men
- to the Place of Life.
- (Though) spirits and souls sit (here) as guilty,
- (yet) by your name they shall rise as innocent,
- (your name of) Yuzaṭaq Manda ḏ-Hiia.
- To support the hands of good people,
- you will be (bring?) healing of life
- to the souls of this masiqta
- Life is established in its indwellings
- and Life is victorious.
- [This prayer is good for all occasions:
- (it may be used) on occasion for the Rahmia (daily office),
- or for the masiqta,
- or for baptism and for all purificatory rites.
- For the masiqta,
- after you have recited over the pandamta,
- "water of prayer"
- and the ordinance for the incense,
- pray "We have acknowledged",
- "Praises",
- "To You",
- "Lifting eyes"
- and "I sought to raise my eyes".
- And prepare the pihta,
- mambuha and klila (klila) and set them out for the masiqta.
- And recite the ordnance for the oil,
- (placed) in somesing clean:
- in a glass or tin cup when washed and cleansed.
- And recite the masiqta.]
Pihta prayers[edit | edit source]
Prayer 36[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- I worship, laud and praise
- that great, secret, First Mana
- who abode for 999,000 myriads of years
- alone in his own Abode -
- for no Companion came to him;
- (none existed) save that great, secret, First Mana.
- For he came into existence therein
- and developed therein.
- Then I worship, laud and praise
- that great, occult, First Drop who emanated from Him.
- They existed,
- (but) She abode for 444,000 myriads of years
- in Her own Abode, alone,
- for She had no consort.
- Then I worship, laud and praise
- Pirun, that great occult first Vine
- from whom there emanated
- 888,000 myriads of 'uthras.
- From Them and from those 'uthras
- proceeded one 'uthra,
- whose name is the Great Countenance of Glory
- who is (at once) less than his brethren
- and more venerable than his parents.
- Manda ḏ-Hiia, the well-prepared 'uthra,
- divulged and revealed and said,
- "Any Naṣoraean man who sits to recite
- "Established is the First Life"
- and breaks bread will receive condemnation from the House of Life,"
- And I am established,
- in the light of Life.
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 37[edit | edit source]
- I worship, laud, and praise
- that Occult, great First Cloud of Life,
- with whom in secret, he broke bread and gave thereof in secret
- to the Occult Life and to the Mighty First Life.
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 38[edit | edit source]
- I have worshipped and praised Yawar-Ziwa,
- who arose and praised that great mighty Mana
- at whose right and left hand
- there stand 444,000 myriads of 'uthras.
- A thousand myriads of 'uthras, sons of light,
- worship and laud the rays of his Radiance.
- He arose and broke bread in secret
- and gave thereof to the sons of men
- and establishes his Abode in secret.
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 39[edit | edit source]
- I worship, laud and praise
- that secret saying which Yawar pronounced secretly.
- He made it known, and divulged and established a Life-ray therein.
- Radiance and light came and dwelt at his right
- and glory and resplendence dwelt at his left.
- And the 'uthras entreated the Life
- that they might behold the Likeness of Yawar-Ziwa
- in their own glory.
- Yawar-Ziwa the vigilant 'uthra divulged and revealed and said,
- "64 sins daily will be forgiven
- a Naṣoraean man who repeats this secret saying,
- in the Great Place of Life
- and the Lasting Abode".
- And Life is praised.
Prayer 40[edit | edit source]
- I have worshipped and praised 'Uṣar,
- who broke bread for the hidden first 'uthras,
- so that they (find) rest in their hearts.
- The holy 'uthras stood in their dwellings
- and praise the mighty Life in its dwelling,
- adorable in Its radiance
- and wondrous in Its light.
- I worshipped and praised that supreme First Vine,
- for within it is its Sap:
- its leaves are 'uthras and its tendrils rays of light.
- 'Uthras sit in its shade.
- And within the great first Cloud of Light
- there came into existence,
- within the Treasure-of-Light there was generated,
- the Secret Mana.
- And Life be praised.
Prayer 41[edit | edit source]
- I worshipped and praised Treasure-of-Light,
- the great Awaker (yawar) of Life,
- who broke bread in the Hidden
- and gave (thereof) to the Mighty First Life in Its dwelling.
- I praised the seven mystic precious and preserved manas
- who derived existence from Their Place
- and were transplanted from Their Treasure-house.
- I worshipped and praised the mighty First Life that transported Itself from Its Place,
- transferred itself from its own Treasure-house
- in which it came into existence,
- was developed, dwelt and was established;
- and (whereof) It discoursed and wherein It had gloried.
- It praises and speaks,
- "Every Naṣoraean who recites these secret sayings will seek and find,
- will speak and be heard seven times daily.
- And seven sins will be forgiven him
- in the great Place of Light and Eternal Abode."
- "Every Naṣoraean who recites these secret sayings will seek and find,
- And Life be praised!
Prayer 42[edit | edit source]
- I worship, laud and praise
- that first secret Word which Yawar imparted in secret.
- He expounded and explained it
- and established therein that which is living,
- Rays (of his light).
- And Yawar said "Enlightenment and praise have come to pass".
- And Yawar came and his glory rested upon his own dwelling.
- Radiance and Light came and were established before him:
- Glory and Enlightenment came and dwelt at his right hand.
- And the 'uthras ask the Life to behold
- the appearance of Yawar-Ziwa in their (its?) radiance,
- and to commend the prayer and praise
- which they pronounced to Šilmai and Nidbai,
- the 'uthras who are
- the two messengers of Manda ḏ-Hiia
- Yawar has said,
- "Every Naṣoraean who repeats this secret prayer 7 times daily,
- 7 sins a day shall be forgiven him.
- And Life abides in its dwelling".
- Life is victorious.
Prayer 43[edit | edit source]
- You are enduring,
- First Life before Whom no being had existence,
- Unearthly One from worlds of light,
- Supreme Being that are above all works,
- above the Ancient Radiance and above the First Light;
- above the life which emanated from Life
- and above the Truth (kušṭa)
- which was of old in the Beginning!
- You, Manda ḏ-Hiia,
- have established for your chosen
- that which you have revealed to us
- from the book Nhur (Be light)
- and from Pta uṣra (They revealed treasure)
- and from 'Uṣar Nhura (Treasure of Light),
- a solace, a great support of life,
- that which shines in light,
- the light of which enlightens.
- It (Manda, gnosis) came into being, was revealed, fulfilled
- and went forth in strength abundant
- and became mighty by growth of knowledge.
- It increased in radiance and was full of light
- which proceeded from the Counterpart (?) of Life,
- a wondrous counterpart!
- Thereupon the worlds were ashamed,
- for none had seen its like,
- its brilliance or its glory.
- Kušṭa stands by his friends
- and Manda ḏ-Hiia by his chosen ones.
- For you have chosen (us),
- host taken us out of the world of hatred,
- envy and disputes and have set us firmly
- on paths of truth and faith,
- so that we stand and praise
- the holy and guarded place.
- And he who partakes of this bread (pihta),
- put out (for him) will be sinless
- in the Place of Light, the Everlasting Abode.
- And Life is victorious.
- [These are the prayers appointed for the pihta].
Prayer 44 (mambuha)[edit | edit source]
- Biriawiš, source of living waters,
- first upsurging that sprang forth,
- great outburst of the radiance of all-abundant Life!
- (Be) life for the souls of this masiqta.
- [This is the appointed prayer for the mambuha,
- If there are (several) souls,
- read as written;
- if one soul say 'for this the soul of N.']
Prayer 45 (mambuha)[edit | edit source]
- Your name, (O) Life, is excellent:
- its glory is great,
- its light abundant,
- Its goodness came over (or overflowed),
- inaugurating the First Mystery,
- life which proceeded from Life and Truth
- which existed before the beginning.
- This is a wellspring of life
- which sprang forth from the Place of Life:
- we drink thereof,
- of this Fount of Life which Life transmitted
- was established in the House of Life,
- which crossed worlds,
- came, cleft the heavens
- and was revealed.
- You have shown us that
- which the eye of man has not seen,
- and caused us to hear
- that which human ear has not heard.
- You have freed us from death
- and united us with life,
- released us from darkness
- and united us with light,
- led us out of evil
- and joined us to good.
- You have shown us the Way of Life
- and have guided our feet into ways of truth and faith
- so that Life comes and expells darkness
- and goodness comes and casts out evil.
- (Like) the mingling of wine with water,
- so may Your truth, your righteousness and your faith
- be added to those who love Your name of Truth.
- And Life be praised.
- [This is the set prayer for the mambuga (sacramental drink).
- Make the pihta and the mambuha masiqta,
- and then make the klila.] and place them (ready for) the
Prayer 46 (klila)[edit | edit source]
- In the Name of Life!
- The Light became light,
- the Light became light!
- The Light became the light
- of the First Life.
- Glory dawned and (there was) praise
- of the Mana who came from his Place.
- He came (with) all ether-klila,
- with benefits that are from the Place of Light
- and the Everlasting Abode.
- Yufin-Yufafin was the weaver of the klila;
- she who brought it was 'Niṣbat'-Utria (She-planted i.e. was the mother of uthras).
- And he who set klila on was 'It-Yawar-Ziwa (There-is-dazzling-Radiance) son of 'Niṣbat-'Utria:
- he brought it and set it on the head of the Mana,
- planted it (there) so that it was set up (thereon).
- he brought it and set it on the head of the Mana,
- The klila flames
- and the leaves of the klila flame.
- Before the Mana there is radiance,
- behind the Mana there is light and glory,
- at either side of the Mana are radiance, brilliance and purity;
- and at the four corners of the heavens
- and on the seven sides of the firmament
- dwell silence, bliss and glory.
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 47 (klila)[edit | edit source]
- Enlightened and enlightening are words of light
- to the souls of this masiqta.
- Sure, assured, armed
- and prepared, resplendent and beauteous (are they)
- when the klila with its mysteries is set
- on the heads of these souls of this ascent (masiqta)
- to the great gate of Abathur's house.
- They will open to them
- the great gate of Abathur's house
- and will guard them by secret and watchful manas.
- And Life be praised!
- [These two prayers are said over the klila in the masiqta.]
Prayer 48 (miša)[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- Manda ḏ-Hiia went to the stars.
- His appearance loosed the bound (souls):
- he knit (them into?) the communion
- that is without parting and without limit or number,
- by his word which issued from him in that place.
- All the worlds were confounded:
- the works of the House were destroyed
- and there was security for sons of the Great Family of Life.
- He planted his planting
- and descended to the earth,
- (where) the hand of Evil,
- of the Lord of the House,
- lay heavy upon them.
- And when wickedness oppressed them,
- they beheld his radiance,
- and some of the celestial fruits appeared to them,
- the strength and name of the Ineffable One
- Who is all light was revealed to them
- and some of His glory was communicated to them
- and Knowledge of Life (Manda ḏ-hiia) was revealed
- to all who love his name of Truth at the place
- which is wholly (inhabited by) those convicted of sin.
- And when they beheld him,
- the lords of the worlds
- were confounded but did not, from their thrones,
- loose (the bonds of) the captives.
- He passed by:
- the captives were freed.
- He loosed them from their sins and trespasses:
- yes, release from their bodies was made possible to them.
- And (as for) the lords of the House who looked on,
- their ranks were discomfited
- and they were unable to reach him.
- Yes, the name of Abathur was (set) over them
- and the name of Yuzaṭaq Manda ḏ-Hiia was fulfilled
- and revealed to those who love his name.
- And his name shall (aid) the souls of this masiqta:
- it will be his name.
- And Life is victorious.
- [This is the recitation appointed for the masiqta.
- Read it over pure oil in somesing (pure?)
- and place it before you and then read the masiqta.]
Prayer 49[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Strange (Sublime) Life!
- This, the glory and light of life,
- is to bring forth the spirit and soul from the body
- and to clothe the living soul
- in a living garment.
- Yes, she is solaced and lives,
- the counterpart of Life,
- she that emanated from a Dimat of Life,
- with the Outer Life,
- with Hauraran and Karkawan-Ziwa,
- with Treasure-of-Light,
- the solace and great support of life,
- with life that emanated from the Life
- and with the truth
- which existed of old in the beginning,
- They live in their shekhinahs,
- and the Great Light (abides) in its purities.
- When any human being departs from his body,
- there come towards him
- seven godlike appearances,
- and each stands by his own,
- And Ṣauriel the Releaser comes –
- he who releases spirit and soul from the body.
- Up there, with those works, he stands with
- the vesture of Yuzaṭaq Manda ḏ-Hiia
- which releases (the soul).
- And Hauraran and Karkawan-Ziwa remove from her
- that in her which is of the body,
- and she puts on
- the dress of Yuzaṭaq Manda ḏ-Hiia.
- Garment on garment she puts on,
- she arrays herself in robe after robe,
- When she weares the vesture of Yuzaṭaq Manda ḏ-Hiia there,
- she laughes, rejoices, leaps for joy,
- dances, exults and is overjoyed
- about the glorious splendour resting (upon her)
- and the glory that accrues to her.
- Onward she goes
- in the vesture of Yuzaṭaq Manda ḏ-Hiia,
- The planets who are in their places
- were out of coutenance on seeing it:
- they clenched their fists,
- beat on the forecourt of their breasts and say
- "Woe on (us) planets!
- for they (we) are powerless,
- but the works of Their hands are victorious!"
- And they say,
- "How beautiful is this radiancy,
- how steadfast this light,
- how lovely this glory
- and how wondrous this appearance!"
- And they ask,
- "who will clothe us with this radiance?
- Who will cover us with this light
- and who will shed on us this glory?
- And what is it that passes before us in this guise?
- for it is fair, shining and bright:
- in this world nothing made can be compared to it!"
- And they exclaim,
- "How good is Kušṭa to the good,
- and Manda ḏ-Hiia to all his chosen,
- (those) who stand in their bodies
- and dedicate themselves to the name of the Life
- and to becoming (thus)!"
- She goes on
- in the vesture of Yuzaṭaq Manda ḏ-Hiia
- and they let those deeds of hers pass by
- and (escape) the hands of all the planets.
- And on she went and reached Abathur's house of detention,
- (Abathur), the Ancient, Lofty, Holy and Guarded one.
- There his scales are set up and spirits and souls
- are questioned before him as to their names,
- their signs, their blessing,
- their baptism and everything that is therewith.
- The soul of N. has entered the House of Abathur
- and has given her name,
- her sign, her blessing,
- her baptism and everything that is therewith!
- The souls of our fathers
- were signed with the sign of Life
- and the name of the Life
- and the name of Manda ḏ-Hiia
- was pronounced over them.
- They put them in the scales,
- putting in their deeds and rewards and weighed them.
- And the perfect went in (also),
- the spirit with the soul,
- but they took them out (for they were) clean.
- Radiance issued from the radiance of Abathur
- and clothed them and they brought light
- and covered their (therewith).
- (Like them) she (the soul) put on garment on garment
- and robe over robe
- like the vestments of Abathur.
- There she laughes, rejoices,
- leaps for joy, dances, exultes
- and is overjoyed about the glorious splendour
- which rests (on her) and accrues to her.
- And she proceeds in the vesture of Yuzaṭaq Manda ḏ-Hiia
- and went on and reaches the watch-house (house of detention)
- of four beings, sons of perfection,
- 'In-Hai, Šum-Hai, Ziv-Hai and Nhur-Hai.
- Each of these beings clothes her with his radiance
- and each coveres her with his light.
- Garment on garment she puts on,
- with garment after garment doth she clothe herself.
- When she puts on the vesture of the sons of perfection
- she laughes, rejoices, leaps for joy,
- dances, exults and is overjoyed
- about the glorious splendour,
- the honour resting on and belonging to her.
- She proceeded
- in the vesture of Yuzaṭaq Manda ḏ-Hiia
- and went onwards
- and reached the Waters of Death.
- The waters covered her,
- (but) Radiance crossed over -
- his name abode in his dwelling:
- honoured and chosen,
- he created himself - and said,
- "Life, I am Thine,
- and for Your name's sake came I forth
- from the world of Pthahil,
- from amongst evil plots
- and from beneath the throne of Abathur the Ancient,
- so that we tray bring out this soul of N,
- of this masiqta (so that) she comes before him".
- He is the ray of the great radiance of Life,
- a being who rests upon the dwelling,
- and upon dwelling doth his name rest.
- He grasps her with the palm of his right hand
- and hands her over to two 'uthras, sons of light,
- to Adatan and Yadatan,
- of one gnosis and one mind.
- And Adatan and Yadatan
- hand her over to two 'uthras,
- to 'Uṣar-Hai and to Pta-Hai
- who open the Door of Life,
- plant the plant of Life
- and establish the first counterpart of the House of Life.
- They raised her up
- beside the living they bring her in,
- in the likeness of Life
- they support her in the Place
- where radiance, like light, flames.
- And the spirits of N. went
- and became of the same nature as the soul
- and was established in the House of Life.
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 50[edit | edit source]
- Rightly did the baptist baptise me (in the waters of?)
- Yaluz-Yaluz for their spring is Hammamulai.
- My name, Ksasar-Hamamulai
- is spoken, disseminated, guarded, hidden and pure.
- They (the waters?) knew the source
- from which they proceeded:
- its name was on the sky,
- its glory on the earth.
- For upon treasure, in treasure,
- the Great Life existed
- and was fulfilled in Its glory.
- I sit on a perfected garment
- and by the great fountainhead of Yukabar-Hiia,
- beneath a Vine which rises above me.
- Praise-of-Life stands before me.
- "Who will manifest himself and come and speak to me?"
- "I am he who is manifest, for I am great".
- The life that is beneath me is
- the Vine which rises above me,
- Praise-of-Life stands before me.
- This is my name and my sign
- which I received from waves of water
- and from treasures of radiance
- and from the great and lofty Mixing-Bowl (?).
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 51[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- I am baptised in the name of the Strange Life,
- the Sublime (Being) above all works.
- I am established in the name of Treasure-of-Light.
- "I looked upon the Life and the Life looked upon me,
- and in the Life put I my trust.
- When this the soul of N.
- casts off her bodily garment,
- she shall put on the dress of life
- and become a facsimile of the Great Life in light."
- Yawar from the House of Life revealed (himself?) and shone forth,
- establishing his counterpart,
- transplanting the Great Life in his light.
- The worlds thrust at us,
- but we fell not;
- backed by Your truth,
- we have confidence.
- The first sprout has burst forth -
- a ray of the great radiance of Life in its triumphs;
- Truth (Kušṭa) and the great Source (kana) of its glory.
- And Life be praised!
Prayer 52[edit | edit source]
- Whose son am I?
- (Of?) the guarded Mana who is Yusmir,
- the First Great Radiance,
- son of the great Primal Life,
- who pondered and went forth seeking His own,
- that which came from Him.
- The congregation of souls,
- on the last day,
- when departing from their bodies,
- rejoice in Him, embrace Him and rising up,
- behold the outer ether and the enduring Abode
- and praise the Great Life in Its light.
- And Life is victorious!
Prayer 53[edit | edit source]
- A letter, union and victory
- have come to this the soul of N.
- from the House of Life.
- Its fastening is water,
- its klila is light,
- its weapon the living word,
- and its seal the Chosen, the Pure One.
- Every man who opens it and reads therein
- shall live, be whole,
- and his name will beset up
- in the House of Life
- in the name of the Great Sublime Life.
- And the First Life is established in Its dwelling.
- [This is the seal of the masiqta.
- Up to this point recite the masiqta,
- and here take the pihta and break off a morsel from one upper faṭira and the undermost faṭira and bring a portion of the Ba and fold them together.
- And mingle the "water of prayer"
- with the wine and recite over them #54
- and recite #55
- and part your pandama and eat your pihta and drink your mambuha and recite "The Water of Life burst forth in splendour in its dwelling.]
Prayer 54[edit | edit source]
- Yukašar chose her that passes (crosses) over;
- he chose her, called her forth and established her.
- He clothed her in radiance ineffable
- and brought light abounding and covered her therewith.
- He raised her up to the Great Place of Light
- and the everlasting Abode,
- and in his own dwelling his (the dead man's) soul was assigned (a place)
- and found rest in his treasure.
- Living waters (water of Life) from the House of Life
- burst forth (in splendour) and (like them?)
- shall shine forth the souls who are called upon,
- raised up and signed in this masiqta,
- (the souls of) our fathers, teachers, brothers and sisters
- who have departed the body,
- and of those who still live in the body.
- They shall rise upward on a smooth road
- and by the path of the perfect,
- shall behold the Place of Light
- and the everlasting Abode
- and be established by Him
- who opened (revealed) the great first light.
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 55[edit | edit source]
- The Great Life spoke
- and revealed (opened) with His mouth,
- in His own radiance light and glory.
- And Life be praised.
- [This is for the loosing of the pandama.
- Recite this #54
- over the "water of prayer"
- and wine when they are mingled together.
- If it is for (several) souls that he has recited read as written,
- but if for a single soul say "the soul of N., shall be awakened".
- And say "The Great Life spoke and opened with His mouth"
- and part your pandama,
- eat your pihta and drink your mambuha.
- And recite "The living water shone forth in its place"
- then rise, and read one prayer alter another
- until the (prayer) #54
- has been offered up.]
Prayer 56[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- Living waters shone forth (in splendour) in their dwelling.
- The robes of the good were resplendent in their place.
- The great Mana was dazzlingly bright in His glory.
- So (too) shall these living,
- (brightly) shining, steadfast and vigorous souls shine in splendour
- in the great Place of Light and the Everlasting Abode.
- [This is a prayer of dedication for the "water of prayer"]
Prayer 57[edit | edit source]
- Fragrant incense rises to its place
- and You, Life, be victorious!
- The Forgiver of sins, trespasses, follies, stumblings and mistakes
- will forgive all those who love his name of Truth (Kušṭa) (likewise) the soul of N.
- And Life is victorious.
- [A dedication prayer for the incense]
Prayer 58[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- Praised be the First Life,
- praised be the Word of the First Life:
- praised be that radiance, light and glory;
- praised be that Light which is boundless and endless
- and none know when it came into being.
- Praised be the Lord of Greatness
- and praised be all the 'uthras
- that stand to the right and left of the Lord of Greatness
- and praise the Lord of Greatness.
- and praised be all the 'uthras
- Praised be my father Yawar,
- praised be all the 'uthras
- who stand and praise my father Yawar.
- Praised be that great first Yardna
- in which the First Life was baptised.
- Praised be all yardnas of living water:
- praised be the fruits, grapes and trees which stand by them.
- Praised be all the mighty and lofty worlds of light;
- praised be all those sanctuaries (shkinata) of the Hidden
- for in each and every dwelling sit a thousand thousand 'uthras,
- ('uthras) without end,
- and the myriad myriad sanctuaries that are countless.
- Praised are those thousand thousand 'uthras without end
- and the myriad myriad sanctuaries beyond count.
- Praised be all those banners of radiance, light and glory
- unfurled before them which give them light.
- Praised be the great gate of the House of Abathur;
- praised be all 'uthras who stand before Abathur and praise him.
- Praised be the 360 scales
- which are set up before the ancient Abathur;
- praised be that first great Scales
- that was set up before Abathur the Ancient.
- Praised be that great occult Drop from which he proceeded.
- Praised be all 'uthras who sit upon thrones of rest
- and recite ordinances and masiqtas and secret prayers.
- Praised be those recitations, masiqtas, and secret prayers
- in which the Great (Life) is praised.
- Praised be those priests who sit with them.
- Praised be all mountains of radiance, light and glory;
- praised be all roads and paths of light.
- First Life!
- Lift up Thine eyes upon these souls
- called upon, raised up and signed in this masiqta
- and (the souls of) our father, brothers and sisters
- who have departed the body,
- and of those who still tarry in the body.
- Deliver them, save them and protect them
- from this world of the wicked
- and from those watch-houses (purgatories).
- Let your mercy, Great First Life, rest upon them.
- And ye shall say "Life is established in its indwellings".
- And Life is victorious.
- [This is an offering-up of supplications.
- It is the dedicatory prayers of the masiqta.
- Pray "We have acknowledged",
- "Praises",
- "You, Yourself",
- "Raising eyes"
- and "I sought to raise my eyes".
- If you recite for (several) souls read as written,
- if it is one soul say "Lift your eyes upon the soul of N"].
Prayer 59 (pihta)[edit | edit source]
- Life is fulfilled in its own glory
- and the Great Light established by its victories.
- [This is the prayer offered up for the pihta].
Prayer 60 (mambuha)[edit | edit source]
- The Great Life dwells in those that love Him,
- and His devotees dwell in the Great Place of Light and the Everlasting Abode.
- And Life be praised!
- [This is the dedicatory prayer for the mambuha.]
Prayer 61[edit | edit source]
- An earthly klila fades,
- but the klila of Life is fresh and living.
- The klila of an elect righteous man is set
- and shines on the heads of those who love the name of Truth (Kušṭa).
- The klila is from the world of light
- and the robe from the Everlasting Abode.
- The ether-klila is set, with its purities,
- and shines on the heads of these souls of this masiqta.
- And Life is victorious.
- [This is the prayer put up for the klila of a masiqta.
- If you recite for several souls,
- read as written,
- but if for a single say "on the head of this soul of N."]
Prayer 62[edit | edit source]
- The worlds glisten (with costly) oil,
- but Naṣoraeans shine with the radiance of Life.
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 63 (miša)[edit | edit source]
- In great radiance am I immersed
- and in steadfast light am I established.
- Manda baptised me,
- Kušṭa confirmed me.
- A letter, communication (communion) and purity
- came to me from the House of Life.
- Its fastening is water,
- its klila is light,
- its weapon the living word,
- and its seal the chosen, pure one.
- Every man who opens it and reads therein
- shall live, shall be whole
- and his name will be set up in the House of Life,
- in the name of the great Sublime Life from worlds (of light?).
- And Life is victorious.
- [This is the prayer offered up for the masiqta oil.]
Prayer 64[edit | edit source]
- The Life dwells in its own radiance and light.
- And Life be praised!
- [This is the confirmation of the (prayer) #54
- Here recite #65
- and the masiqta-hymns.]
Prayer 65[edit | edit source]
- Ye are set up and raised up into the Place
- where the good are established amongst manas of light,
- the souls called upon and raised up
- and signed by this masiqta
- and (the souls of) our fathers, our teachers,
- our brothers and our sisters
- who have departed the body,
- and of those who are (still) living in the body.
- Your manas shall be set up in the Light
- and ye will be established in the Light.
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 66 (Left Ginza 3.43)[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- I am crowned with a klila and lay me down
- In a dress in which there is no blemish.
- No spot is there in the dress,
- Nor is there aught missing or lacking in it.
- The Life knew about me.
- Adam, who slept, awoke;
- He grasped me with the palm of his right hand
- And gave (not?) into my hand a palm branch.
- Light cast me into darkness,
- But the darkness was filled with light.
- The day that light arises,
- Darkness returns to its place.
- The souls of this masiqta
- Approach a cloud of light.
- Their journey is
- to the Place of Light.
- And Life be praised.
- [This is a masiqta hymn]
Prayer 67[edit | edit source]
- With him, with the Deliverer
- The souls of this masiqta will ascend.
- They will behold the Place of Light
- And the Everlasting Abode.
- On their road the Seven will not detain them,
- Nor will the Judge of the False question them.
- The Life will count you in His reckoning
- And the good will set you up in their midst.
- To the place to which the good go they will guide you
- And in the place in which they stand they will set you up;
- Lamps of radiance are found before you,
- Beams of light behind you.
- Kušṭa will come at your right
- And Piety will smoothen your path.
- For you there will be loosings
- From here to the Everlasting Abode.
- For the ferry which ferries over the Elect
- Will set out towards you and take you across.
- (Then) from Abathur of the Scales
- A saviour will come forth towards you.
- The saviour that comes towards you
- Is all radiancy and light from head to foot
- Like the klila in his right hand.
- And on his two arms is a robe.
- Bestir yourselves!
- Put on your robes!
- Put on your living klilas, gird on your girdles
- In which nothing is awry or blemished.
- Above your head there will be fruit,
- And there, at your time and season
- Your manas will be set up in the Light.
- Your manas in the Light will be set up.
- (So) rise up, behold the Place of Light!
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 68 (Left Ginza 3.20)[edit | edit source]
- Between the Hidden and the Radiance,
- Between Light and the 'uthras,
- Between the Hidden and the Radiance
- Stand those who question the soul,
- Saying to her
- "Speak! say, soul,
- Who constructed you?
- who was your Builder?
- Who built you
- and who was the Being, your Creator?"
- The soul spoke and said –
- The edified, well-constructed soul spoke –
- And says to the Being who questions her,
- Said to him,
- "My father, One built me,
- One constructed me"
- One was the Being who transplanted me;
- One of the sons of salvation in his goodness
- Took (accepted) his lot (duty).
- He folded me in a wrapping of radiance,
- Took (me) and gave me over to Adam.
- Adam, in his simplicity,
- whilst he knew not nor understood,
- Took and cast me into a physical body;
- Took me and cast me into a physical body
- That is all sour and bitter fluids
- and decaying substances.
- (There) the soul remains and waits
- in the hostel of the body
- Which he had bequeathed her:
- sits and watches over it
- Till its measure and count were accomplished.
- When its measure and count were accomplished
- The Deliverer came to her;
- To her came the Deliverer
- Who loosed her and bore her away:
- (Yes), he who had bound her,
- who had loosed the soul,
- Went before her whom he had bound.
- Coming behind him,
- the soul hasted
- Reached her Deliverer,
- ran (after) him
- Who had bound her
- to her dwelling.
- The soul and her Deliverer (go):
- Her course is to the Place of Light,
- To the place whose sun goes not down,
- Nor do its lamps of light grow dim.
- To it, and to that place, those souls
- That are called upon in this masiqta
- And signed by this sign,
- are summoned and invited.
- They shall behold the great Place of Light
- And the abiding Abode.
- And Life be praised.
Prayer 69[edit | edit source]
- Bliss and peace there will be
- On the road which Adam attained:
- Bliss and peace there shall be
- On the road which the soul traverses.
- The soul has loosed her chain and broken her bonds;
- She has shed her earthly garment.
- She turned round,
- saw it and was revolted
- She uttered an evil curse on the being
- Who had clothed her in the body.
- She provoked the Framer-of-Bodies,
- she roused him
- From the lair in which he lay.
- She said to him,
- "Rise up, look, Framer-of-Bodies;
- The hollow of your hand is filled with water!"
- The voice of the Framer-of-Bodies (is heard),
- Who howls and weeps for himself
- And says,
- "Woe is me that the hollow of my hand
- Is filled with water!"
- And to her he says,
- "Go in peace,
- daughter of the free,
- whom In the house of evil ones
- they called handmaiden.
- Go in peace,
- pure pearl that was transported
- From the treasuries of Life;
- Go in peace,
- fragrant one who imparted
- Her fragrance to the stinking body.
- Go in peace,
- radiant one,
- who illumined her dark house.
- Go in peace,
- Pure and chosen one,
- immaculate and spotless!"
- Flying, the soul went
- Until she reached the House of Life:
- She arrived at the House of Life.
- 'Uthras went forth towards her,
- Saying to her,
- "Take and put on your robe of radiance
- And set on your living klila!
- Arise, dwell in the škintas,
- The place where `uthras abide, conversing;
- And Life is victorious
- and triumphant is Manda ḏ-Hiia
- And lovers of his name".
- And Life be praised!
Prayer 70[edit | edit source]
- Blessed and praised be Life
- Who is filled with compassion for these souls.
- Praised be you,
- my lord, Manda ḏ-Hiia,
- For you raisest up these souls and dost not condemn them.
- Praised be you,
- pure Yušamin,
- For you will give them your helping hand.
- Be ye praised,
- Šilmai and Nidbai,
- For ye will give true witness concerning them.
- And be ye praised,
- Hibil, Šitil, and Anuš
- For ye will ransom them from the House-of-Dues
- And from Abathur of the Scales!
- For toward you will go forth a messenger,
- And the messenger who goes toward you
- Is all radiance and light from head to foot.
- In his right hand a kind of klila
- And on both his arms a robe.
- Up! put on your robes,
- set on your living klilas!
- Gird on your girdles that are flawless and faultless!
- Above your heads there will be fruit,
- And your lamps will hang amongst lamps of light
- And will shed light.
- The Lord of Tolls will not confront you
- Nor will lying judges put you to the question.
- They will bring you liberating words
- From here unto the Everlasting Abode,
- The building that was built for you in the House of Life,
- Will not come to nought in an age of ages!
- And may some of Manda ḏ-Hiia's radiance and light
- And the revivifying-breath of Life rest upon us!
- Blessed is the Voice of Life
- And praised be the great Beam which is all light.
- And Life be praised.
- [After you have recited "The Life dwells in its own radiance and light",
- "Ye are set up",
- "I am crowned with a klila and lay me down",
- "With him,
- with the Deliverer",
- "Between the Hidden and the Radiance",
- "Bliss and peace there will be",
- "My vigilance and my praise giving",
- "Go in peace, Pure Chosen one",
- "Well, well is it for you, soul"
- and the other hymns,
- as many as you are able,
- then recite the "Blessed and praised is Life"
- of Shem son of Noah.
- If you readest for (several) souls,
- read as it is written,
- but if only for one soul,
- say "The soul of N."
- and pay attention,
- with all watchfulness,
- clearness of mind and studious attention and recite #72;
- perform Kušṭa with one another and recite #63.
- And pray a prayer for yourselves and make pihta and mambuha for yourselves and eat your pihta and drink your mambuha
- And offer up the prayer #72,
- perform Kušṭa with one another for yourselves and (then) honour your crowns.]
- And Life is victorious.
Prayer 71[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- Blessed and praised be the Life!
- Blessed and praised be the name of Life
- in the Place of Light!
- Blessed and praised are you,
- my lord, Manda ḏ-Hiia;
- You and your strength,
- your radiance, your light,
- your glory and your help.
- Praised are you,
- my father Yušamin the Pure,
- Son of a transplanting of the mighty Life.
- Praised are you,
- Second Life,
- Life that is from Life.
- Praised are ye,
- Šilmai and Nidbai,
- guardian 'uthras of the yardna.
- Praised are ye,
- Nṣab and Anan-Nṣab.
- (Praised are)
- our fathers Hibil, Šitil and Anuš
- The name and chief of the whole race.
- Praised are you,
- Lofty Abathur;
- Blessed and established is the great dwelling in which you sittest.
- Praised are ye four beings,
- sons of Perfection,
- who go to meet the good;
- Go forth to meet the good and clothe the good with robes.
- Praised are you,
- Earth of Light and blessed and praised Those who dwell in you.
- Blessed are you,
- Road of the great,
- path of the perfect,
- and track that rises up to the Place of Light.
- Blessed are you,
- Naṣirutha from whom the elect learn;
- from you learn the elect,
- and deal out reward and pious gift
- They deal with reward and pious gift
- and rise up and behold the Place of light.
- Praised are you,
- yardna of living water,
- for from you we obtain purity;
- We obtain purity from you and receive the pure sign.
- My fathers beheld the Life
- and my teacher the Place of Light.
- The 'uthras of light are victorious,
- And victorious Abathur and the sons of Perfection
- Who stand, praising the Life.
- Enlargement of life there shall be for the believing
- Who have departed out of our midst;
- The believers, the poor,
- the lowly and priests.
- And my lord Manda ḏ-Hiia
- will lend them his helping hand.
- Thankfully received are the good gifts (tabuta) of life,
- The good gifts of life and of knowledge of life,
- The pihta that .....
- at the name of the Life.
- For any man who gives an oblation,
- His oblation will be his helper:
- elect and perfect men
- Who bestow oblations will rise by Kušṭa's path.
- To them it shall be given.
- Of the Ether-klila
- they twisted them a klila
- Of speech and hearing,
- of joy, purity,
- goodness and greatness.
- A klila from the Vine Ruaz
- He will set on the heads
- Of those souls called on, signed, and raised up by this masiqta;
- (And the souls of) our fathers,
- our teachers, our brothers and our sisters,
- of those who have departed the body and those
- who are yet in the body.
- (A klila like that) set on Its head by the Great (Life)
- And by the Great (Life) given to 'uthras
- And given by 'uthras to their priests.
- Healer, whose medicine is water, come!
- Be you a healer to your devotees,
- To your devotees be you a healer
- And to him that gives oblation be you a helper:
- On him whom you have healed,
- do you, My lord, bestow soundness.
- Behold him who stands before you
- and condemn him not.
- My Lord, High King of Light, Revealer
- Whose eyes are uncovered, seeking justice
- And enacting justice for those who love it,
- Do justice on those who persecute us,
- Those persecutors who pursue us,
- And on the wicked and furious ones
- Who scheme to work evil upon us.
- If it please You,
- High King of Light,
- Look on us and condemn us not!
- Behold these souls who believed in You
- And for Your name's sake stood by on earth
- And were persecuted.
- Show us pure ether-air
- So that we may forget earthly persecution,
- That we may forget the persecution of earth
- And the vexation of the wicked and liars.
- Strengthen our insight, our voice,
- our vigilance and our praise!
- Thereby the Great Life communed with you
- And set you up completely (?) with His radiance
- And His light, Manda ḏ-Hiia!
- And may the vivifying-power of Life rest upon us.
- My elect, ye shall say "Blessed be the Voice of Life
- And praised be the great Beam which is all light!"
- And Life be praised!
- [This is the "Blessed and praised be the Life"
- of Shem son of Noah.
- Afterwards,
- read here "Blessed and praised be Life"
- of the souls,
- and then recite #72.]
Prayer 72[edit | edit source]
- Good is the Good for the good,
- and His nature is set upon those who love His name.
- We will seek and find,
- speak and be heard.
- We have sought and found,
- have spoken and been heard in your presence,
- My lord, Manda ḏ-Hiia,
- Lord of all healings.
- Forgive him his sins, trespasses, follies, stumblings and mistakes
- and (those of) him who furnished this bread,
- masiqta and (ritual) food.
- My lord, Manda ḏ-Hiia
- and (You) Great First Life,
- forgive the sins, trespasses,
- follies, stumblings and mistakes
- of the donor(s) of fee and oblation,
- and their wives, children, their priests
- and those who placed (brought) this bread and food;
- (likewise) you, my parents, teachers,
- instructors and preceptors when ye support
- from the Left to the Right.
- And ye shall say "Life be established in Its Dwellings and Life be praised;
- Life is victorious over all works.
- [Recite this "Good is the Good for the good"
- when you read a masiqta.
- When you perform a baptism recite it,
- when you distribute oil recite it,
- when you recite the Rahmia ("Devotions"
- recite it,
- and after the Rahmia.
- And recite it when you partake of the (ritual) dish.]
- And Life is victorious.
Engirtas[edit | edit source]
Prayer 73 (Left Ginza 3.27)[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- A sealed letter which leaves the world –
- A letter written in good-faith (kušṭa)
- And sealed with the seal of the Mighty (Life) –
- Righteous men wrote it,
- believing men tied it on,
- And suspended it about the soul's neck
- And despatched it to the Gate of Life.
- The soul, in her wisdom,
- Pressed her nail on the letter,
- Her nail she pressed on the letter;
- She imbued it with her mystic radiance,
- Wrapped it and veiled it in her light.
- How came it that Daium saw
- That the soul bore a letter?
- How was it that Daium saw it
- As her seven sons gathered about her
- And said,
- "Who has written the letter
- Whose secret no man knows?
- Who wrote the letter that is sealed in
- By these protective strands?"
- The letter is written in good faith,
- And sealed with the seal of the Mighty (Life).
- Righteous (men) wrote it,
- believing men tied it on
- And hung it about the neck of the soul
- And despatched it to the Gate of Life.
- The soul flies and goes until she has reached
- The watch-house of the Seven.
- The Chief-of-Dues, when he saw her,
- (And) the Governor, when they saw her,
- Murmur discontent and say,
- "Who has written the letter
- Whose secret no man knows?
- Who wrote letter that is sealed
- By these protective marks?"
- "The letter is written in good faith
- And sealed with the seal of the Mighty (Life).
- Righteous (men) wrote it;
- Believing men tied it up
- And hung it about the neck of the soul
- And despatched it to the Gate of Life".
- The soul flies and travels on
- Until she reaches spirits of Purgatory.
- The spirits of Purgatory abased their heads
- And the soul passed the purgatory-spirits by.
- The soul flies and goes
- Until she came to the waters of death.
- As she reached the waters of death
- There came forth towards her
- A great Beam of radiance (and) of life,
- (who) Grasped her by the palm of her right hand
- And brought her over the waters of death.
- The soul flies and goes
- Until she reaches the House of Life.
- When she reached the House of Life
- She uttered a cry to the House of Life,
- And when He heard her call,
- the Life sent a messenger towards her,
- (Who) grasped her by the palm of her hand,
- Conducted her, (came) to support her
- In the likeness of the Life to the place
- Of radiance, light and beams of effulgence;
- To unite her to (the company of) 'uthras
- And to set her up amongst beams of light.
- Upon her head they placed a klila of ether
- And took her out of the world in splendour.
- Life supported life:
- Life found Its own:
- It has found Its own,
- and my soul has found
- That for which she hoped.
- And Life is victorious.
- [Up to here recite over the flask of oil as it is put into clay up to the mouth of the bottle.
- And the clay must be pure and from the yardna.]
Prayer 74[edit | edit source]
- Bound (secured) and sealed are the spirit and soul of N.
- by the seal of Kušṭa
- and the great safeguard of truth
- by the word of Kušṭa
- and the raising (power) of Yukabar-Ziwa.
- And Life is victorious.
- [This is the conclusion of the "Letter".
- Set (press) your seal-ring and the nail of your little finger of your right hand into the clay,
- seal it and read this conclusion over it.
- And Life is victorious].
- [colophon]
Hymns of praise 75-77[edit | edit source]
Prayer 75[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Great Life!
- May there be healing, victory,
- strength, soundness,
- speech and hearing
- for me, Adam-Yuhana son of Mahnuš,
- from the Life!
- We have acknowledged and praises (are due)
- To the mighty sublime First Life,
- The Ineffable which is over all works.
- (I come), bringing (dedicating) my head and my mouth
- To the Life and to the implanted Word
- And to 'Uṣar-Hiia,
- the great solace and support of Life
- In order to praise, honour, magnify,
- bless and exalt You.
- (Yet) who shall praise You, Life?
- And who, Life, shall magnify
- the greatness of Your victories?
- You are lauded,
- You are magnified,
- you are glorified
- And You are exalted!
- (For lo) You are come,
- You came and none but You came.
- At Your radiancy the riders were afraid,
- At Your light gates and kingdoms were troubled.
- On seeing You the Yardna turned about,
- the waves of the sea rolled back
- And the islands of the sea
- were thrown into confusion,
- Chariots were overthrown
- and they fell on their faces.
- Cedars of Lebanon were rent,
- mountains shook and leaped like stags.
- They opened and gave praise.
- Does in the desert shed their young untimely;
- The heights arise and speak in (Your) honour.
- The earth trembled and was shaken.
- Yardna!
- whom did you behold
- that you did turn back?
- Waves of the sea!
- wherefore did ye roll back?
- Isles of the sea!
- why were ye thrown into confusion?
- Chariots!
- wherefore did ye overturn
- and fall on your faces?
- Cedars of Lebanon!
- why were ye rent?
- Mountains!
- wherefore were ye shaken
- and why did ye leap like stags?
- (Why) did ye open and give praise?
- Does in the desert!
- on account of 'Whom did ye miscarry your young?
- Heights!
- in Whose honour
- did ye arise and speak?
- Earth!
- Whom did you behold
- and (at what) did you tremble?
- "At the Radiance
- which surpasses all radiance,
- At the Light
- which surpasses all lights,
- And at the Good Being
- who crossed the worlds
- And came and cleft the firmament
- and revealed Himself."
- When the Life gazed (down)
- and looked on the earth
- And Its Glory alighted
- upon the roofs of Its Building,
- (Lo!) they were sitting
- on thrones of rebellion.
- They got down meekly from their thrones
- And fell upon their faces.
- It eclipsed and took away
- The glory of the worlds and generations
- And quenched the flames of their lamps.
- It set the eyes of the planets
- in the depths of the earth
- And in the lower glooms of Ilarkness.
- Spirit (Ruha) lifted up her voice,
- She cried aloud and said,
- "My Father, my Father
- Why did You create me?
- My God, my God, My Allah,
- why have you set me afar off
- And cut me off and left me
- in the depths of the earth
- And in the nether glooms of darkness
- So that I have no strength to rise up thither?"
- All arose, prayed and praised
- the majesty of mighty (Life)
- And their voices sang
- to the Glory that is mighty
- Praising the Radiance
- which surpasses (all) radiance
- And the Light
- which surpasses (all) lights,
- And the Good Being who crossed the worlds,
- Came, cleft the firmament and revealed Himself.
- He sundered Light from darkness
- and sundered Good from Evil,
- He sundered Life from Death,
- And He brought out those who love His name of Truth
- From Darkness to Light
- and from Evil to Good
- And from Death to Life
- and set them on roads of Truth and Faith.
- And You have spoken to us with Your Word
- And have commanded us with Your commandment -
- "Be My glory
- and I will be your Glory.
- Be my light
- and I will be your Light.
- And my name shall be in your mouths
- And I will be with you".
- You are He who overthrows
- (false) gods in their high-places
- And brings reproach
- on the divinity of (false) deities.
- They were broken down by shame on their way
- And deep ignominy befell their temples
- And fettered their might.
- Great is the splendour
- in which Manda ḏ-hiia is arrayed!
- Blessed is that day of light,
- praised is that dawn
- On which You did travel
- and come from worlds of light!
- (That day) is not reckoned in a count of days.
- Nor in a reckoning of months;
- Except that day on which You were revealed
- from worlds of light.
- We will reveal to them,
- that day on which You were revealed,
- To all who love
- Your name of Truth (kušṭa).
- We offer up
- our commemoration,
- our petition,
- our prayer,
- Our submission,
- our ṭabuta
- and our faith In Your presence,
- (O) 'Uṣar-Hiia,
- Delight and great Support of Life.
- Were we to stand and praise You,
- Your name, Your title and Your goodness
- seven times a day, my Lord,
- Who could praise You, Life,
- Or magnify (worthily) the greatness of Your victories?
- Can the stinking body praise You?
- or the vain tongue?
- Were our mouth like the sea,
- our lips like its waves
- And our tongue like cleft mountains,
- Then might we praise You, magnify You,
- honour You and bless You!
- You knows him who feares You with his heart
- And him who confesses you with his lips.
- With a pure mouth be You blessed
- And lauded with a tongue of praise.
- Supporters who do not waver,
- interpretations of Truth (kušṭa) which vary not praise You.
- Sons of Perfection beside You,
- (an) endless, countless and everlasting (company),
- all shining with reciprocal radiance,
- Praise You, for amongst them
- all hatred, envy and dissensions exist not.
- The Place which is all portals
- of radiance, light and glory praises You.
- The ancient, lofty, occult and watchful One,
- Abathur, who sits according To his rank,
- like the Life, praises You,
- The 'uthra Pthahil praises You and says to You,
- "Blessed are You,
- my Lord, Manda ḏ-Hiia
- And praised and blessed is
- the Place from which You came:
- praised, magnified and honoured
- is the great Place from which You came.
- And praised, magnified and honoured
- is the great Place To which You go."
- Elect righteous (men)
- from lower sanctuaries praise you;
- for Your knowledge, Your wisdom,
- Thine understanding and Your goodness
- do they praise You.
- You have come!
- You come and are ready to reveal Yourself.
- You are immeasurable, infinite and everlasting.
- You are the Father,
- You are the Brother,
- You are the Son;
- You are the Source,
- You are the great Root of Life;
- You are the First,
- You are the Last,
- You are the Future,
- for You prepare Yourself to come
- And did depart in order to reveal Yourself.
- Put far from us Your wrath
- and bring near Your mercy.
- Turn back, push back,
- remove and make impotent
- Angels of wrath,
- frost and hail from my land.
- And my house - mine,
- Adam-Yuhana son of Mahnuš -
- In the twinkling of an eye
- and at a turn of the wheels,
- (Let) our petition, our prayer and our submission
- Rise up before You, Manda ḏ-Hiia!
- That which we have done forgive us,
- And that which we do, forgive us,
- (For) You, (O) Manda ḏ-Hiia are a forgiver
- of sins, trespasses, follies, stumblings and mistakes.
- If You, (O) Manda ḏ-Hiia,
- did not forgive
- our sins, our trespasses, follies, stumblings and mistakes,
- Who would stand guiltless before You, Manda ḏ-Hiia?
- Slaves are we, who are all sin
- And You the Lord who are all mercy.
- Before You, all hands are thieving and all lips lying;
- In Thine eyes, Manda ḏ-Hiia (even) Yardna-waters are not cleansing.
- (Set for) righteous and believing people.
- Causing our spirit and souls to dwell in abodes of Life
- According to the purpose of the Life
- And the will of the three 'uthras.
- And according to the will
- of Manda ḏ-Hiia, sublimest of beings,
- and according to the will
- of the Four Beings, sons of salvation.
- In Your presence there will be restoration
- For our spirit and our souls.
- You will clothe us with Your radiance
- And cover us with Your light
- And will stand us before You with the innocent
- And not with the guilty;
- With the richly-endowed and not with the lacking.
- Knowledge of Life is Your name,
- Truth is Your name.
- Pure is Your name,
- magnified is Your name,
- Honoured is Your name,
- blessed is Your name
- And abiding is Your name.
- Victorious are You
- And victorious is Your name.
- Victorious are the words of Truth
- which proceed from Your mouth Over all deeds.
- Make victorious and establish
- This my soul (the soul of) Adam-Yuhana son of Mahnuš.
- And Life is victorious over all works.
Prayer 76[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- Praises to the Outer Life
- Whom Ye caused to dwell without (beyond),
- The abode that has limit.
- For Your eyes are open to (discern) Your own,
- Your ears listen at Your Place.
- Praises to that one great name of Life
- Which is above all names.
- Its name rests on the great Place of Light,
- On the everlasting abode and on the city of 'uthras,
- And on the Beam who was greater than all beams,
- With Whose fight all beams shine
- And by Whom all souls are justified;
- Who establishes our strength and cuts us not off
- From the House of our trust;
- Who restores our souls at the House of Ransom
- On the Day of Judgement,
- and perfects our souls
- On the great Day of joy.
- Praises (be) to One
- Who is all the 'uthras,
- And to One
- Who is all prayers,
- and to the Predestined One
- Who came and remained for our commemoration
- And who was established
- in the presence of Outer Life.
- (One) on whose mouth Life rested and whose praise
- Was established without.
- Praises, praises to the Ancient, the First,
- To the Son of the great Primal Life
- Whom Life called,
- prepared, armed and sent Him forth
- to the generations.
- (Lo) You came and did open a door,
- You did level a road and tread out a path,
- Did set up a boundary-stone
- And did knit together a community.
- You were Helper, Saviour and Guide
- To the Father of the great Family of Life,
- And did knit it together in a Communion of Life,
- Did build it into a great Building of sound construction
- And did bring it forth
- to the great Place of Light
- And the Everlasting Abode.
- O callers whom I have summoned!
- O nourishers whom I have nourished!
- O builders whom I have raised up
- And brought out from amongst the peoples, nations and tongues!
- Behold, here I stand!
- Behold, here I dwell!
- Worlds against whom I guard myself
- Though your words are not far from my face,
- If ye take mountains (of food) as your viaticum for eating,
- They will not satisfy (lit. "complete") you.
- If ye take seas for your drinking
- They will not make you perfect (content you).
- (But) if with perfections ye stand before the Outer Life
- And before the Eternal Abode,
- I will count your number,
- And your reckoning shall be reckoned.
- Betimes I will come and will fly
- And will reach the sons of my Name, the sons of my Sign,
- And the sons of the great Family of Life.
- I will bind you together into the bundle of Life
- And I will build you into a great Building of Truth
- And will bring you forth to the great Place of Light
- And to the Everlasting Abode.
- If there is no hatred, rancour, or dissension amongst you
- The hand of the unbartablas (customs-officers?) will not search amongst your garments;
- Ye will not pass over the Bridge
- Nor walk in a narrow street;
- Ye will not stand before the judge
- Nor look on the countenance of the Adversary-at-law;
- Nor will ye see an averted face.
- The chief customs-officer will not question you.
- Ye will go forth:
- ye will behold the Perfecter of Souls,
- One who sets on paths of surety
- His friends that are made perfect,
- A great comrade of the faithful,
- One of the great band of souls,
- Who will come out toward you
- And clothe your souls in a garment of radiance
- And in good pure vestments of light
- Which he will bring you from the Great Place of Light
- And the Everlasting Abode.
- He will bring out toward you klilas,
- A klila of victories.
- And every leaf of your klilas
- will (weigh) 1,080 mithqals.
- Its brilliancy will exceed the brightness of the Sun
- And its light outshine the light of the moon.
- Ye will receive your vesture and will receive your klilas
- In the presence of the Great (Life).
- Ye will be great, and called 'uthras amongst the 'uthras.
- Ye will open your eyes and behold your Judge.
- Betimes will the dayspring dawn upon you,
- In strength ye will arise and behold the Outer Ether
- And the great Beam who is all light,
- Who was set up before the Great Life:
- He whom Life created, prepared and sent forth
- To the ages and to the worlds.
- And every man who gives oblation;
- And took part in the communion from beginning to end.
- They will make as perfect as the mamas,
- Like rays of light he will be made to shine
- On the day of deliverance,
- on the Day of Redemption,
- The great Day of Joy;
- so that his righteous act Stretches onward.
- It will precede you and will uplift,
- Showing you the Outer Ether and the everlasting Abode,
- The place which is ancient,
- (of) Primal Beings,
- And sons of the great Family of Life.
- They eat of that which is imperishable
- And drink that which is not wine,
- eating well and asking solace.
- And an 'uthra of Life comes and rests upon them
- day by day and hour by hour
- Praises (be) to the fame of the righteous
- And to the existence of Chosen Elect (men),
- And to the Unearthly Being who stands without,
- Whose eyes are open and fixed upon those
- Who love his name of Truth (kušṭa) -
- You are he, Manda ḏ-Hiia!
- For you know about that
- in which the perfect man is made perfect,
- And about the virtuous man,
- in what his virtue consists.
- And the Lie,
- of what doth it consist.
- Not a word issues
- from the mouth of a perfect man
- But you know it,
- have understood and expected it
- In the great Place of Light
- and the Everlasting Abode.
- the mountain doth not boast
- its strength,
- nor a hero
- his doughty deeds,
- Nor doth a bowman
- vaunt his bow,
- nor the physician
- his drugs,
- Nor the righteous and sage man
- the utterance of his mouth.
- Not so:
- it is an 'uthra of Life which comes
- And rests upon Your devotees.
- And those who seek from Him shall find,
- and to those who ask of Him
- It will be given.
- Day by day, hour by hour,
- behold us who stand in Your name
- and are upheld by (calling on) Your name.
- We hold to Your Leader of the great company of Truth
- We have held staunch because of Your victories.
- Humiliate us not; cast us not into the hands
- of tormentors, Liars, hypocrites and the censorious.
- Let not torturers strike us nor condemners damn our souls!
- The good will see and will be found ready,
- (But) The wicked will be discomfited
- and the children of the world be shamed
- Perfected (souls) will see that the Life exists,
- And will direct their gaze
- to the great Place of Light
- and the everlasting Abode.
- You, Manda ḏ-Hiia,
- call the caller,
- nourish the nourisher,
- build the builder,
- exalt horns,
- enlarge footsteps
- and set up a road,
- and do knit together in communion.
- You are He who constructs, and who takes out
- from amongst the peoples, nations and tongues
- every man who is summoned, worthy and invited.
- To every man whose term of life is over You
- will be a Helper, Saviour and Guide
- to the great Place of Light
- and to the everlasting Abode.
- As to one whose term is incomplete
- and he stands (lives) in the body,
- (able) to open his mouth,
- lift up his voice,
- pray his prayers
- and to offer up his praise,
- and whose feet can walk to my House,
- your 'uthra shall come and shall rest upon him,
- Your friend.
- Diffuse Your light over all who love
- Your name of Truth (kušṭa).
- You have spoken with Your Word
- and have commanded us with Your commandment,
- "Over your words My Word has precedence:
- and at the raising of your right hands (towards Me?)
- My right hand will be lifted towards you.
- Ye will call,
- and I will answer you quickly.
- Ye will seek My hand
- and I will not withhold it (from) your hands".
- We will pray with You the 'uthras' prayer
- and ask of You, of the Great (Life),
- a petition
- for ourselves,
- for our friends,
- for our friends' friends
- and for those who love the great Family of Life,
- for the whole Naṣiruta of Life,
- fulfilled and disseminated on earth.
- You will bring us some of Your radiance,
- you will lend us some of Your light.
- We will enter into Your radiance
- will go forth in Your light,
- will rise in Your name
- and be kept right by Your nature.
- Truth is Your name,
- Knowledge of Life is Your name,
- precious is Your name,
- magnified is Your name,
- victorious is Your name,
- victorious are the words of truth
- which issue from Your mouth,
- and victorious are all Your deeds.
- And Life is victorious!
Prayer 77[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- You (O) life,
- (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- First Life, Second Life and Third Life,
- Yufin-Yufafin and Sam-Mana-Smira
- And the Vine which is All-Life
- And the great Tree which is all healings.
- (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- ‘Uṣar-Hai and Pta-Hai
- Who open (reveal) the pihta of Life
- And transplant a planting of Light,
- And install the First Counterpart In the House of Life.
- ‘Uṣar-Hai and Pta-Hai
- (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- Nbaṭ
- The First great Bursting-Forth (Emanation),
- The exigence of Life in Its nature.
- Nbaṭ
- (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- The Lord of Great Fruition.
- the great and high Being who was fruitful,
- begets and produces Great fruit for Himself.
- The Lord of Great Fruition.
- (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- Yukabar-Ziwa,
- who increased in his brilliancy
- And was great in his light.
- Yukabar-Ziwa,
- (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- Yuzaṭaq Manda ḏ-Hiia,
- the life which proceeded from Life,
- The truth (kušṭa) that was aforetime, in the Beginning;
- Who was mightier in His radiance than the worlds of light.
- Yuzaṭaq Manda ḏ-Hiia,
- (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- Haš,
- the Stem of splendour, radiance, light and honour
- Whose branches are a thousand thousand and its tendrils
- A myriad myriad.
- Well is it for him
- Who has looked on that Tree!
- Bihram, who saw it, lived, shone, was cured and established
- And his name has not died.
- Haš,
- (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- Ṣanaṣiel,
- who stands at the Gate of Life
- And prays for spirits and souls.
- He interprets silence, inspires hope
- And takes in keeping in the World of Light
- The prayers of pious and believing people.
- Ṣanaṣiel,
- (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- Haiasum-Kušṭa,
- messenger of Life,
- The Word of the first chosen elect (men).
- He crossed the worlds,
- came, pierced the firmament
- And revealed himself.
- Haiasum-Kušṭa,
- (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- Bhaq-Ziwa,
- who is called "He acted and succeeded in his skinta.
- Bhaq-Ziwa,
- (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- Yukašar,
- source of radiance who bestows radiance and displays his fight.
- Yukašar,
- (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- Biriawis,
- the strong source (kana),
- The Kana took thought so that its radiance increased.
- Biriawis,
- (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- Ayar,
- the pure Vine which abides
- In the great and lofty Treasure-house of Light.
- Ayar,
- (Meet it is) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- The pure Yušamin
- who rests upon The treasures of the waters
- And upon mighty wellsprings of light.
- The pure Yušamin
- (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- The 'uthra Tauriel,
- the being who rests by The pastures of the water.
- When a fragment from the little finger of his right hand fell (off?)
- There was consternation on earth,
- And vexation (?) in the world of falsehood.
- The 'uthra Tauriel,
- (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- Adatan and Yadatan,
- who stand at the Gate of Life
- And praise and extol Life,
- And pray for the spirits and souls
- Of righteous and believing people
- In the Place of Life.
- Adatan and Yadatan,
- (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- Šilmai and Nidbai, two 'uthras
- Delegates of Manda ḏ-Hiia
- Who are active and do (the work of) the Life.
- With kušṭa and with the testimony of the Life
- They immerse living, shining, bright and well-doing souls
- Who go in sincerity to the Yardna (and are baptised)
- (But) not in the name of gods or of a messiah!
- Šilmai and Nidbai, two 'uthras
- (It is meet) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- Šum-Hai, Rhum-Hai, ‘In-Hai and Zamar-Hai,
- Four Beings, sons of perfection,
- Who come towards sincere and believing people,
- And take them out of bonds (Tied by) the hands of the wicked
- And from beneath the claws of scheming men;
- And lift them up to the great place of Light
- And to the Everlasting Abode.
- They knit them into the Bundle of Life
- And build them into a great Building Of sure strength.
- Šum-Hai, Rhum-Hai, ‘In-Hai and Zamar-Hai,
- (It is meet) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- Hibil, Šitil and Anuš,
- Sons of a Stock which is living, light-giving,
- Vigorous and sturdy:
- Beings that cannot be taken by the sword
- Nor consumed by flames of fire;
- Nor swept away by floods of water;
- Nor will the thongs of their sandals
- Be dipped in the water.
- They were judged and were justified;
- They sought and they found;
- They strove and reached the Great Place of Light
- And the Everlasting Abode.
- Hibil, Šitil and Anuš,
- (It is meet) to praise, honour, magnify and bless
- Ṣihiun, and Pardun, and Kanfun,
- 'Uthras whose names, each one,
- are in the House of Life;
- Ṣihiun, and Pardun, and Kanfun,
- And the 'uthras Adam-Kasia, Bihram and Ram
- whose names are each one in the House of life,
- (but) their nature is two two, (dualistic?)
- And the names of righteous and believing people
- Will be established in the Place of Light.
- Your name gives out light,
- Your name is illustrious,
- Your name is pleasing
- and Your name raises up.
- Your name is victorious
- and victorious are the words of truth
- Which issue from Your mouth,
- (victorious) over all works.
- Make victorious and raise up this my soul,
- (The soul of) Adam-Yuhana sun of Mahnuš!
- And Life is victorious over all works.
- [colophon]
Enianas[edit | edit source]
Prayer 78[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Great Life!
- May my thought, my knowledge and my understanding
- Enlighten me, Adam-Yuhana sun of Mahnuš,
- By means of these responses and homilies
- for baptism and the masiqta.
Prayer 79[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Great Life!
- When the myrtle, the myrtle, flourished
- In the gardens of Hibil;
- When the wild marjoram
- grew in the precincts of the manda,
- They gave me two twigs of myrtle
- From which they twisted a klila for the yardna.
- For it is wondrous
- and fragrant is its perfume!
- [Recite this hymn and twist a klila for your staff,
- then read the yardna-hymn #80.]
Prayer 80[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Great Life!
- Hear me, my Father, hear me!
- Draw me upward (O) Great One,
- son of the mighty (Life),
- Our Father,
- son of the Lite!
- Draw me upward (O) Great One,
- Šilmai and Nidbai, lords of the yardna,
- hear me!
- Yardna, and both its banks,
- hear me!
- Hear me, Hibil-Ziwa,
- whose strength rests upon his brethren, the 'uthras!
- Hear me, Yawar-Ziwa,
- (you) whose creations rest on (depend upon?) the yardna!
- Hear me, Mana-Rba-Kabira
- And raise that which ye have planted!
- Hear me, hear me, Habšaba and Kana ḏ-Zidqa,
- Hear me, hear me, Abathur-Rama,
- whose strength presides over the Scales!
- Hear me, great Bihram!
- and raise me up Yuzaṭaq Manda ḏ-Hiia!
- Hear me, (ye) Seven Mysteries
- which reside in the Great Wellspring
- Hear me, (ye) three wellsprings
- which give out radiance, light and effulgence!
- Hear me (ye) three manas
- Who rest upon the yardna with your treasure!
- Hear me, Anuš-'Uthra,
- Whose strength dwells upon me!
Prayer 81[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Great Life!
- Hear me, my Father, hear me!
- And draw me upward,
- great Son of the mighty (Life);
- Our Father, Son of the Life!
- Šilmai and Nidbai, lords of the yardna,
- hear me!
- Yardna and its two banks,
- hear me!
- Habšaba and Kana ḏ-Zidqa
- hear me!
- Hear me, Great Life,
- from the height, Hear me!
Prayer 82[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Great Life!
- At the Fountain-head came I forth,
- At the Source of springs of life went I hence.
- Three škintas did I found
- And set over them guardians as rulers.
- The guardians I appointed to rule over them
- Are sublime, blessed and trusty
- To the uttermost.
- [Repeat this hymn when you are baptising and take up the mambuha into the phial from the yardna,
- and recite the prayer "At the Fountain-head of Water came I forth"
- and then recite #20.]
Masbuta hymns[edit | edit source]
Prayer 83[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Great Life!
- How lovely are plants
- which the yardna has planted and raised up!
- Pure fruit have they borne
- And on their heads they set living klilas.
- Yawar-Ziwa rejoices in the good plants
- Which the yardna planted and raised.
- The Plants rejoice and flourish
- In the perfume of Manda ḏ-Hiia
- Which breathes upon them.
Prayer 84[edit | edit source]
- Truly did my baptiser baptise me,
- Well did my baptiser baptise me,
- Truly did my baptiser baptise me
- And your baptism shall attain its end.
Prayer 85[edit | edit source]
- Šilmai has baptised us with his baptism,
- Nidbai has signed us with his pure sign,
- The great Anuš-'uthra has placed
- living klilas on our heads.
Prayer 86[edit | edit source]
- The yardna in which we have been immersed
- Shall be our witness
- that we have turned not away
- From our sign, nor have altered our pure Word.
Prayer 87[edit | edit source]
- I rejoice in my priests
- And in Naṣoraeans who listen to my speech.
- I rejoice in you, my priests,
- For you have not changed my pure Word.
Prayer 88[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the great Life!
- May the sublime Light be magnified!
- Rightly do I say to you, my Chosen,
- Who went up with me to the yardna,
- Pervert and change me not,
- alter me not by hand,
- Pervert not nor alienate me,
- Men who have heard the Voice of Life!
- He who heares the voice of Life
- Will be edified,
- Will be built up,
- Built up and armed.
- (Such a man's) strength will be doubled.
- Moreover, those who listen to the speech of the Life
- Will be greatly increased,
- Will be enriched and will not lack.
- Into the communion that is great will he be knit,
- He will enter the communion that is great
- So that he will be united (therewith) and will arise
- And will behold the Place of Light.
- And Life is renowned and victorious,
- And victorious the man who went hence.
Prayer 89[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Great Life
- The great Light be magnified!
- To you do I call and (you) do I teach,
- Men who have received the Sign.
- Hearken not to the talk of all peoples and generations;
- Let not their stumblings cause you to stumble,
- Stumble not because of their stumblings!
- Be not interrogated at their tribunals,
- At their tribunals be not interrogated!
- Certainly have ye held to established truth,
- Ye have held to the certainty about which I instructed you.
- I call to my chosen ones so that
- Ye may not turn your thought away from Me.
- Because any man who is not steadfast (in thought)
- Whose mind is turned against me,
- Whose mind is turned from me,
- Great and not small will be his hurt.
- If ye have attained my strength
- Bear (arms for) me!
- If ye bear (arms for) me firmly
- Stand by me frombeginning to end!
- But it ye have not attained my strength (or army)
- Go from me, and approach not!
- For he that enteres it and beares (arms) for me,
- His "garment" will be adjusted to the House of Perfection.
- But he that weares it and doth not perfect it
- Will die and his spirit will extinguish,
- He will die and extinct will be his spirit,
- He will become the portion of the world,
- You have conquered, Manda ḏ-Hiia, Good One,
- who confirms Your friends!
- Renowned and victorious is Life
- And victorious the man who went hence.
Prayer 90[edit | edit source]
- In the flame of the Great Life
- The sublime Light be glorified!
- A disciple am I, a new one;
- For I went to the yardna-bank
- And took my name on my head
- And in my heart I took a Sign,
- My Sign is not that of Fire,
- Nor is it that wherewith the Anointed One
- My Sign is a yardna of living water,
- The strength of which none can attain,
- He chose one out of a 1,000
- And from 2,000 he chose two,
- Making traders of them
- Who labour and ply their trade on earth.
- And they trade for fee and pious gift,
- And shine more than sun and moon.
- I came to the congregation of souls,
- For the Life sent me, sent me forth.
- There were some who bought my wares,
- There those who came to their end and lay down.
- There were those who bought my wares.
- The eyes (of such a one) were filled with light,
- Filled with light were his eyes
- (On) beholding the Great (One) in the House of Perfection,
- There were those who did not buy my wares.
- They went on, reached their end and lay down.
- They were blind and saw not,
- Their ears were stopped and they heard not
- And their hearts were not awakened
- To behold the Great One in the House of Perfection.
- As They called them and they answered not,
- When they call, who will answer them?
- Because it was given to them but they took not,
- Who will give to them when they ask?
- They hated the Way of Life and its Abode
- But loved the abode of the wicked.
- And lo! in the abode of the wicked
- Will they be held captive.
- They tied up their tribute, their money
- In a lappet of their clothes.
- When they wish to lift their heads (hold their heads high)
- They hurl them down to the Gates of Darkness.
- To my Chosen do I call, to my Plants
- Who stand by the yardna.
- I say to them,
- "My children (who walk) in my road,
- My children (who follow) my road,
- Swerve not from it or its boundary!
- Let him who deviats from its boundary
- Cling to the boundary-stone.
- He who has turned aside from both
- will fall into the uttermost ends of the world".
- You host conquered, Manda ḏ-Hiia,
- Good One, who confirms his friends!
- You will forgive us who praise our Lord
- Our sins and our trespasses.
- Renowned and victorious is Life
- And victorious the man who has gone hence.
- [Up to here are the hymns and chants of baptism;
- and from here to below are the hymns and chants of the masiqta.]
Masiqta hymns[edit | edit source]
Prayer 91[edit | edit source]
- My vigilance and praisegiving
- Are my ferrymen across (the waters of death);
- A transformation brought me over,
- A cloud of light took me over.
- In purity shalt you rise
- to the Place of Light.
Prayer 92 (Left Ginza 3.4)[edit | edit source]
- In the name of the Life!
- Go in peace, chosen, pure and guiltless one;
- You are without spot.
- You have proven yourself by (your sojourn on) earth
- And your destiny leapt upward from its struggles
- From its struggles your destiny leapt upward.
- Above all the world you have spoken.
- Chosen and pure one (saying),
- "I am a seer, a diviner;
- A seer am I and a diviner!"
- The worlds assembled for judgement,
- For judgement the worlds assembled
- And judgement was pronounced on them,
- On them was judgement pronounced,
- On those who did not perform
- the works Of right-dealing Man.
- But you alone,
- Chosen and Pure One, Fair mana,
- that are burnished bright,
- You go not to the judgement hall.
- Judgement will not be pronounced over you,
- Over you judgement will not be pronounced;
- Because you did perform the works
- Of right-dealing mankind.
- This, that they endure and bear,
- You (O) Chosen One,
- will not find before you.
- Escape the clutch of the planets
- And the forces of this wvorld!
- Take, put on your garment of radiance,
- Set on your living klila!
- Bow yourself!
- and worship!
- Prostrate (yourself)
- and praise the Great Life.
- Praise the Place of Life
- To which your fathers go.
- You (O) Chosen One,
- Were not from here;
- From this place
- you were not transplanted Your planting,
- your place was the Place of Life,
- Your home the Everlasting Abode.
- They have set up for you a throne of rest
- In which there is no heat or wrath.
- There is kept for you a girdle
- In which there is no trouble or fault.
- Good one! Rise to the House of Life!
- And go to the Everlasting Abode!
- They will hang your lamp amongst lamps of light
- And they will shine in your time,
- and lit your moment.
- Arise! Behold the Place of Light!
- Renowned is Life and victorious
- And victorious the man who went thither.
Prayer 93[edit | edit source]
- The mana rejoices in its treasure
- And in the glory of Life
- Which rests on it.
- I have acknowledged you
- (O) elect righteous one,
- For you settest my soul free
- From transitory things.
Prayer 94 (Left Ginza 3.3)[edit | edit source]
- Hail to you, hail to you, soul
- That have departed from the world!
- You leave corruption and the stinking body
- In which you have been:
- (you lean) Its abode, the abode of the wicked,
- The place which is all sinning,
- The world of darkness,
- Of hatred, jealousy and dissensions,
- The abode in which the planets go about,
- Bringing pains and blemishes,
- Pains they bring, and blemishes,
- Every day causing them tribulation.
- Rise up, rise up, soul!
- Ascend to your first homeland.
- Rise, rise to your first homeland,
- The place from which you were transplanted,
- To the place from which you were transplanted,
- To your good dwelling,
- (the dwelling) of 'uthras,
- Bestir yourself!
- Don your garment of glory
- And set on your living klila.
- Rise! inhabit the Škintas
- Amongst the 'uthras, your brethren.
- As you have learned,
- praise your first Home;
- And curse this place,
- the house of your fostering;
- For (during) the years that you did spend therein
- Every day the Seven were your enemies,
- The Seven were your enemies
- and the Twelve beset you with persecution.
- Renowned is Life and victorious,
- And victorious the man who has gone thither.
Prayer 95[edit | edit source]
- Her Sunday, her kušṭa and her alms
- Bear witness for the soul.
- Ye will be her witnesses
- And will pass her through at the toll-house.
Prayer 96 (Left Ginza 3.2)[edit | edit source]
- I am provided and provisioned:
- 'Uthras of light equipped me.
- I am provisioned;
- for Life provided for me.
- And I am equipped by 'uthras of light.
- They provided me with provision of Truth (kušṭa)
- I lifted mine eyes to heaven
- and my soul waited on the house of life.
- And the life who heard my cry
- sent toward me a deliverer.
- The deliverer who came to me
- brought me that which was lovely;
- he opened out a robe and showed me its radiance
- and I cast off the stinking body.
- he grasped me with the palm of his right hand
- and led me over the waters of death.
- over the waters of death
- he brought me and led me onward;
- in the likeness of life
- he supported me.
- Life supported life,
- life found its own.
- Its own self did life find
- and my soul found that for which it had looked.
- Renowned is life
- and victorious the man who went hence.
Prayer 97[edit | edit source]
- He rose and took me with him
- and did not leave me in the perishable dwelling.
Prayer 98 (Left Ginza 3.7)[edit | edit source]
- The day on which the soul goes forth,
- on the day that the perfected one ascends,
- on the day that the soul issues from below
- the spheres of death, of contention,
- strife was thrown into the earth.
- Ruha's slaves sit bewailing
- and the Seven sit in consternation.
- The robe of the stars is lent
- and dust is cast on ruha's head.
- The hell-beasts weep
- and the demons of purgatories are panic-stricken.
- The being who brought me hither,
- who brought me that which was beautiful,
- put on me a robe,
- clothed me in a robe of radiance,
- in a wrapping of light he covered me.
- He set on (my head) a klila of ether
- and (gave me) of that which life bestows on the 'uthras.
- He set me up amongst 'uthras
- and stood me up amidst the perfected (souls).
- A klila of ether he set on my head,
- and gloriously he brought me forth from the world.
- Life supported life,
- life found its own,
- its own did life find,
- and my soul found that for which it had looked.
- Renowned is life and victorious,
- and victorious the man who went thither.
Prayer 99[edit | edit source]
- Ye are set up and raised up, my chosen ones,
- by the word and certitude that came to you
- the word and the certitude that came to the good,
- the true word which came to believers.
- my chosen, ye sought and ye found,
- moreover ye shall seek and ye shall find.
- ye sought and found, my chosen ones,
- as the first (souls?) sought and found.
- you are victorious, Manda ḏ-Hiia.
- and you bring to victory all who love you.
- and life is victorious.
- [here recite #70.]
Prayer 100[edit | edit source]
- In a building which life builds,
- good trees flourish.
- Fragrant is the perfume of the trees
- with the perfume of Manda ḏ-Hiia
- which pervads them.
- [here recite "Blessed and praised be Life"
- of Shem son of Noah,
- and #72.]
Prayer 101[edit | edit source]
- The Life has founded a dwelling,
- and radiance dawned
- in the sublime ether!
- I and my brethren, the 'uthras,
- have set out every good thing,
- have set out the allotted portion of the great (life):
- We have offered it up in purity
- to the place of light.
Prayer 102[edit | edit source]
- The building that life builds
- will never come to nought.
- [repeat this hymn after you have partaken of the communion and then say #103.]
Prayer 103[edit | edit source]
- Darkness is crushed back into the dark
- and light is set up in its place.
- The life has accepted your prayer,
- the 'uthras have accepted your praise
- the oblation is assigned to its lord,
- and bounty to him who gives it.
- This soul of N, and the souls of this masiqta
- rest at the great place of light and the everlasting abode.
- And life is victorious.
- [here recite #63
- and lift your hand for the masiqta and pray a prayer for yourself.
- and life is victorious.]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Drower, E. S. (1959). Canonical Prayerbook of the Mandaeans. Leiden: E.J. Brill.