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Kephalaia of the Teacher

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The Kephalaia of the Teacher is a Manichaean text. It is a Coptic text that was found as part of the Medinet Madi Library.

Chapters[edit | edit source]

Chapter Title
0 (Introduction)
1 Concerning the Advent of the Apostle.
2 The Second, concerning the Parable of the Tree.
3 The Interpretation of Happiness, Wisdom and Power; what they signify.
4 Concerning the Four great Days that have come forth from one another; together with the Four Nights.
5 Concerning Four Hunters of Light and Four of Darkness.
6 Concerning the Five Storehouses that have poured forth from the Land of Darkness since the Beginning; the Five Rulers, the Five Spirits, the Five Bodies, the Five Tastes.
7 The Seventh, concerning the Five Fathers.
8 Concerning the Fourteen Vehicles that Jesus has boarded.
9 The Explanation of the Peace, what it is; the Right Hand; the Kiss; the Salutation.
10 Concerning the Interpretation of the Fourteen great Aeons, about which Sethel has spoken in his Prayer.
11 Concerning the Interpretation of all the Fathers of Light, who are distinguished from one another.
12 Concerning the Interpretation of the Five Words that are proclaimed in the Universe.
13 Concerning the Five Saviours, the Resurrectors of they who are Dead; together with the Five Resurrections.
14 The Interpretation of the Silence, the Fast, the Peace, the Day, and the Rest; what they are.
15 Concerning the ... Five Parts ... Worlds of ...
16 Concerning the Five Greatnesses who went forth against the Darkness.
17 The Chapter of the Three Seasons.
18 Concerning the Five Wars that the Sons of Light waged with the Sons of Darkness.
19 Concerning the Five Releases; what they are.
20 The Chapter of the Name of the Fathers.
21 Concerning the Father of Greatness: how he is established and determined.
22 ... the Land of Light.
23 ... which ...
24 ...
25 Concerning the Advent of Five Fathers from the Five Limbs of the Father.
26 Concerning the First Man and the Ambassador and the Ship; what they resemble.
27 Concerning the Five Forms that exist in the Rulers of Darkness.
28 Concerning the Twelve judges of the Father.
29 Concerning the Eighteen great Thrones of all the Fathers.
30 Concerning the Three Garments.
31 Concerning the Summons, in which Limb of the Soul it descended to the First Man.
32 Concerning the Seven Works of the Living Spirit.
33 Concerning the Five Things that he constructed with the hard Bodies of the Rulers.
34 Concerning the Ten Things that the Ambassador began by his Advent.
35 Concerning the Four Works of the Ambassador.
36 Concerning the Wheel that exists in front of the King of Honour.
37 Concerning the Three Zones.
38 Concerning the Light Mind and the Apostles and the Saints.
39 Concerning the Three Days and the Two Deaths.
40 Concerning the Three Things that were established by the Light.
41 Concerning the Three Blows that befell the Enemy because of the Light.
42 Concerning the Three Vessels.
43 Concerning the Vessels.
44 Concerning the Sea Giant.
45 Concerning the Vessels.
46 Concerning the Ambassador.
47 Concerning the Four great Things.
48 Concerning the Conduits.
49 Concerning the Wheel and the Conduits.
50 Concerning these Names: God, Rich One, and Angel; who they are.
51 Concerning the First Man.
52 Concerning the ... of the Light.
53 Concerning the First Man.
54 Concerning the Quality of the Garments.
55 Concerning the Fashioning of Adam.
56 Concerning Saklas and his Powers.
57 Concerning the Generation of Adam.
58 The Four Powers that grieve.
59 The Chapter of the Elements that wept.
60 Concerning the Four Fathers; what they are like.
61 Concerning the Garment of the Waters: how great is its Measure.
62 Concerning the Three Rocks.
63 Concerning Love.
64 Concerning Adam.
65 Concerning the Sun.
66 Concerning the Ambassador.
67 Concerning the Light-Giver.
68 Concerning Fire.
69 Concerning the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac and the Five Stars.
70 Concerning the Body: It was constructed after the Pattern of the Universe.
71 Concerning the Gathering in of the Elements.
72 Concerning the worn and torn apart Garments, or the tattered Clothes, or the Elements, the Cross, and the rest too.
73 Concerning the Envy of Matter.
74 Concerning the living Fire: It is present in Eight Places.
75 Concerning the Letter (?).
76 Concerning Lord Manichaios: how he journeyed.
77 The Chapter of the Four Kingdoms.
78 Concerning the Four Things over which People kill each other.
79 Concerning the Fasting of the Saints.
80 The Chapter of the Commandments of Righteousness.
81 The Chapter of Fasting, for it engenders a Host of Angels.
82 The Chapter of Righteous Judgement.
83 Concerning the Man who is ugly in his Body, but beautiful in his Soul.
84 Concerning Wisdom; it is far superior when on the Tongue than in the Heart of the Person.
85 Concerning the Cross of Light: ... trample upon it.
86 The Chapter of the Man who asks: Why am I sometimes at peace, and troubled at other times?
87 Concerning the Alms, that ... life in the Church.
88 Concerning the Catechumen who found fault with the Elect: why he is angry.
89 The Chapter of the Nazorean who questions the Teacher.
90 Concerning the Fifteen Paths; and whether the Catechumen would have avoided causing his Wealth to go on the Three Paths to Gehenna.
91 Also concerning the Catechumen; shall he be saved in a single Body?
92 The Apostle is asked: Why when you drew every thing in the Picture (-Book), did you not draw the Purification of the Catechumens who shall be cleansed by Transmigration?
93 A Catechumen asked the Apostle: When I give an Offering to the Saints, shall I inflict a Wound on the Alms?
94 Concerning the Purification of these Four Elements that have been placed in the Flesh.
95 The Apostle asks his Disciples: What is Cloud?
96 The Three Earths that exist, they bear Fruit.
97 Concerning the Three Creations of the Flesh: the ones that were brought forth ...; and the ones that were begotten by the Abortions; and the ones that were formed of themselves.
98 What is Virginal; or, otherwise, what is Continent?
99 Concerning Transmigration.
100 Concerning the Dragon with Fourteen Heads; what it is and...
101 Concerning why, if the Person shall look down into Water, ...
102 Concerning the Light Mind, why it does not exercise Foreknowledge for the Saint as for the Apostle.
103 Concerning the Five Wonders that the Light Mind shall display in the Elect.
104 Concerning Food: It shall be allocated to Five Products of the human Body.
105 Concerning the Three Things that are great with Mankind, as they are running all the time, in that they ...
106 There is no Joy that shall remain in the World till the End.
107 Concerning the Form of the Word, that ...
108 Concerning the Seed Grain that shall be formed by the Elements, and also be destroyed by them.
109 Concerning the Fifty Lord's Days; to what Mysteries do they correspond? Or the Second (Fifty); to whose Sign (are they)?
110 Concerning the Nourishment of the Person, for there are Powers in it ...
111 Concerning the Four Archetypes that occur in the Eye, and the Fifth that is hidden in them; to whom do they belong?
112 The Human is less than all the Things of the Universe, and he is rebellious beyond them all.
113 The Chapter on whether any Light comes from the Three Vessels.
114 Concerning the Three Images that are in the righteous Person.
115 The Catechumen asks the Apostle: Will Rest come about for Someone who has come out of the Body, if the Saints pray over and make an Alms-offering for him?
116 Concerning why if a Nail is cut the Person shall not be sick; but if a Limb is cut he shall immediately be pained.
117 Concerning why Some shall delay to come forth from the Body, and Others die in an instant.
118 ...
119 ...
120 Concerning the Two Essences.
121 Concerning the Sect of the Basket.
122 Concerning the 'Assent' and the 'Amen'.

Outline[edit | edit source]

  1. Concerning the Advent of the Apostle.
  2. The Second, concerning the Parable of the Tree.
  3. The Interpretation of Happiness, Wisdom and Power; what they signify.
    1. Happiness: Mind of the Father; Pillar of Glory, the Perfect Man
    2. Wisdom: Virgin of Light; 5 sons of the Living Spirit
    3. Power: all the gods, the rich ones and the angels who are established in it; 5 sons of the First Man
  4. Concerning the 4 great Days that have come forth from one another; together with the 4 Nights.
    1. 4 days
      1. the Father, the God of truth. 12 hours = 12 great rich Gods of greatness.
      2. Third Ambassador, the one who dwells in the light ship. 12 hours = 12 virgins.
      3. Pillar of Glory, the great porter that is greater than all the porters; the one that supports all. 12 hours = 5 sons of the First Man; 5 sons of the Living Spirit; the 7 and the obedience.
      4. Jesus the Splendour who dwells in his church. 12 hours = 12 wisdoms.
    2. 4 nights
      1. land of darkness. It has 12 black shadows therein, which are its dark hours
      2. Matter, the sculptress ... who has sculpted ... and the entire ruling-power that is in the worlds of darkness.
      3. 5 worlds of flesh, 5 male, and 5 female;
      4. law of sin, which is the dark spirit who speaks in the 12 spirits, the 12 sects.
  5. Concerning 4 Hunters of Light and 4 of Darkness.
    1. 4 Hunters of Light
      1. First Man who was sent from the Greatness
      2. Third Ambassador
      3. Jesus the Splendour
      4. great counsel
    2. 4 Hunters of Darkness
      1. King of Darkness
      2. evil counsel
      3. lust
      4. spirit of darkness, the law of sin and death
  6. Concerning the 5 Storehouses that have poured forth from the Land of Darkness since the Beginning; the 5 Rulers, the 5 Spirits, the 5 Bodies, the 5 Tastes.
    1. King of Darkness: faces
      1. head = lion
      2. hands and feet = demon and devil
      3. shoulders = eagle
      4. belly = dragon
      5. tail = fish
    2. King of Darkness: properties
      1. darkness
      2. putridity
      3. ugliness
      4. bitterness, his own soul
      5. burning
    3. King of Darkness: 3 characteristics
      1. his body is hard and very tough
      2. wounds and kills by the word of his magic arts
      3. the King of the realms of Darkness knows the converse and language of his five worlds
    4. 5 Kings of the worlds
      1. Darkness: gold
      2. Fire: lion
      3. Wind: eagle
      4. Water: fish
      5. Darkness: dragon
  7. The 7th, concerning the 5 Fathers.
    1. Father of Greatness
      1. Great Spirit, the first Mother
      2. Beloved of the Lights
      3. Third Ambassador
    2. Third Ambassador
      1. Pillar of Glory, the Perfect Man
      2. glorious Jesus the Splendour
      3. Virgin of Light, the glorious wisdom
    3. Jesus the Splendour
      1. Light Mind
      2. great Judge
      3. the Youth, the great ... light in his two persons
    4. Light Mind
      1. Apostle of Light
      2. counterpart, who shall come to the apostle and appear to him, becoming companion to him
      3. Light Form
    5. Light Form
  8. Concerning the 14 Vehicles that Jesus has boarded.
    1. light ship
    2. ship of the First Man
    3. the Pillar of Glory, the Perfect Man
    4. the 7 that he clothed upon his body
    5. the obedience that he swathed upon the 7
    6. living air
    7. living wind
    8. light that illuminates
    9. living water
    10. living fire
    11. holy brothers
    12. pure sisters
    13. catechumens, the sons of the faith
    14. catechumens, the daughters of the light and truth
  9. The Explanation of the Peace, what it is; the Right Hand; the Kiss; the Salutation.
  10. Concerning the Interpretation of the 14 great Aeons, about which Sethel has spoken in his Prayer.
  11. Concerning the Interpretation of all the Fathers of Light, who are distinguished from one another.
  12. Concerning the Interpretation of the 5 Words that are proclaimed in the Universe.
  13. Concerning the 5 Saviours, the Resurrectors of they who are Dead; together with the 5 Resurrections.
    1. ?
    2. ?
    3. the father, the first ...
    4. the Light Mind
    5. he Father, the first established one
  14. The Interpretation of the Silence, the Fast, the Peace, the Day, and the Rest; what they are.
  15. Concerning the ... 5 Parts ... Worlds of ...
    1. ?
    2. they were sculpted ... those in which death was established
    3. ?
    4. evil fruits ... in the 5 trees that are in the 5 worlds of the land of darkness
    5. the 5 worlds of f1esh, the 5 creations of darkness. It spread itself out to 10 parts, 5 male parts and 5 female parts ...
  16. Concerning the 5 Greatnesses who went forth against the Darkness.
    1. Father of Greatness
      1. 4 greatnesses
    2. Mother of Life, the Great Spirit
    3. Beloved of the Lights, the Great Builder, the Living Spirit + 5 sons of the Living Spirit
    4. Third Ambassador, and the Pillar of Glory
    5. Jesus the Splendour
  17. The Chapter of the 3 Seasons.
    1. the time when the First Man went down to the Abyss
    2. the time when the First Man ascended
    3. the time when the Ambassador revealed his image
  18. Concerning the 5 Wars that the Sons of Light waged with the Sons of Darkness.
    1. First living Man
    2. Living Spirit
    3. Third Ambassador
    4. Jesus the glorious one
    5. counsel of life
  19. Concerning the 5 Releases; what they are.
    1. First Man
    2. Living Spirit
    3. Third Ambassador
    4. Jesus the Splendour
    5. great counsel
  20. The Chapter of the Name of the Fathers.
  21. Concerning the Father of Greatness: how he is established and determined.
  22. ... the Land of Light.
  23. ... which ...
  24. ...
  25. Concerning the Advent of 5 Fathers from the 5 Limbs of the Father.
    1. light that enlightens
    2. perfume of the ...
    3. living voice of ...
    4. -ness ...
    5. great glorious ...
  26. Concerning the First Man and the Ambassador and the Ship; what they resemble.
  27. Concerning the 5 Forms that exist in the Rulers of Darkness.
    1. 5 forms
      1. head = lion
      2. wings and shoulders = eagle
      3. hands and feet = demons
      4. belly = dragon
      5. tail = fish
    2. 3 qualities
      1. his powers
      2. his magic arts
      3. his body is strong
    3. 3 abilities
      1. fire
      2. frost
      3. Whenever his powers are stood before him, he shall look at them and understand
  28. Concerning the 12 judges of the Father.
    1. First Man
    2. Living Spirit
    3. Mother of Life, the Great Spirit
    4. Great Builder
    5. great King of Honour
    6. Third Ambassador
    7. ... the worlds ...
    8. Jesus the Splendour
    9. Virgin of Light
    10. Judge
    11. Light Mind
    12. great counsel
  29. Concerning the 18 great Thrones of all the Fathers.
    1. outer aeons (eternal realm)
      1. the Father, the God of truth, the King of the aeons of greatness, the one who exists
      2. glorious Mother of Life
      3. the father, the First Man
      4. Beloved of the Lights
      5. glorious Great Builder
      6. Living Spirit
      7. Third Ambassador
      8. Jesus the Splendour
      9. great Mind
    2. this world of the zone (this universe)
      1. Ambassador
      2. Great Spirit
      3. Living Spirit
      4. Jesus the Splendour
      5. First Man
      6. Virgin of Light
      7. great King of Honour
      8. Judge of truth
      9. apostle in the holy church
  30. Concerning the 3 Garments.
  31. Concerning the Summons, in which Limb of the Soul it descended to the First Man.
  32. Concerning the 7 Works of the Living Spirit.
    1. He brought the First Man up from the contest, the way a pearl is brought up from the sea.
    2. He spread about the one who had rebelled, he crucified him in every body.
    3. He trampled, piled up, and pierced the essences of death.
    4. He constructed the ships of light.
    5. He evoked his five sons, and distributed them about.
    6. He arose and sent forth a multitude of powers and many angels.
    7. At the time when the Ambassador displayed his glorious image, the Living Spirit established many gods and angels.
  33. Concerning the 5 Things that he constructed with the hard Bodies of the Rulers.
    1. disc that is placed upon the shoulder of the Porter
    2. arches of the pillar that is before him
    3. mould of the form for the gehennas
    4. 7 pillars that he has erected in the great sea, in the 7 parts of the universe
    5. 4 walls that surround the vessels
  34. Concerning the 10 Things that the Ambassador began by his Advent.
    1. The Great Builder came forth to build the new aeon.
    2. The ships moved through the heights in the heavens.
    3. The wheels begin to send the life to earth and the upper worlds.
    4. ?
    5. the doors of the ships, that they were opened up
    6. the doors too ... that they were opened to receive the waste.
    7. the sin, which he had separated from the rulers by cause of the Third Ambassador; it fell upon the earth.
    8. Night and day were separated ...
    9. The abortions fell to the ground.
    10. Transmigrations came about in the zone.
  35. Concerning the 4 Works of the Ambassador.
    1. his image that he displayed in a glorious image
    2. all the doors of the firmaments that were opened at that time
    3. the light and the releasing that was purified by his image
    4. his light ship
  36. Concerning the Wheel that exists in front of the King of Honour.
  37. Concerning the 3 Zones.
    1. 5 powers of darkness, males and females
    2. 5 sons of the First Man
    3. 5 sons of the Living Spirit
  38. Concerning the Light Mind and the Apostles and the Saints.
  39. Concerning the 3 Days and the 2 Deaths.
    1. 3 days
      1. our father, the Man
      2. the fathers of light will sit on their thrones in the new aeon and dwell on the new earth
      3. e Father will unveil over them his image
    2. 2 deaths
      1. temporal: the time when the light fell to the darkness
      2. eternal: the death in which the souls of sinful men shall die
  40. Concerning the 3 Things that were established by the Light.
    1. the new luminous earth
    2. the new earth, the coffin ... of the dark fire, the companion of the enemy
    3. the souls of all the sinners who have been condemned by their deeds
  41. Concerning the 3 Blows that befell the Enemy because of the Light.
    1. The enemy was brought out to the middle and separated from his dark earth, whence he had departed.
    2. when he will be dissolved and melted, and he perishes in this great fire
    3. the ‘rolling back’ at the end when everything will be separated, and male will be divided from female
  42. Concerning the 3 Vessels.
    1. garments
      1. garment of water
      2. garment of wind
      3. garment of living fire
    2. deeds
      1. So that evil-doing does not increase in the universe, neither in the creations nor in the trees ... it has set itself up in 3 things.
        1. ...
        2. error
        3. fire
      2. All the heavens ... of the sediment and the pollution ... so that ... surpasses in them ...
      3. The heavens and the firmaments ... burden ... relieved from the weight-carriers ... and it ceased being heavy. This rich one ... above.
      4. That they might purify and cleanse their dwelling places
      5. Because the greatness and the rich ness that dwells in these ships, as it ... you might find them living in these ships, purified and holy.
      6. That you might find the mixed, incomplete, and unconfined temples above at rest and purified; since rest will reach them and pass through them and purify them.
      7. nature alone of the vessels, which will advance and extend to their places and sites ...
      8. That great enclosures and walls would be made, and confine everything.
      9. When the apostles ... them, they shall return to the universe and give a sign of ... the dissolution of the universe.
      10. That they would become releasers and purifiers of every thing at the end of the universe like the fire ... burns
      11. will make a crossing ... and the entire ruling-power ... to the outer land, for they were not envious of this ... a man who is richer than them; because the aeons of light are outside ... the place ... of peace, the place of honour and grace, the place where the joy of the householders who dwell in it shall never pass away nor recede.
      12. That you might find all the deeds of loss hidden from the aeons of light, because of the wall of fire that surrounds the entire building; and these un clean things are displayed (only) in its ...
  43. Concerning the Vessels.
  44. Concerning the Sea Giant.
  45. Concerning the Vessels.
  46. Concerning the Ambassador.
  47. Concerning the 4 great Things.
    1. powers who occur in the 10 firmaments that exist above the wheel
    2. the 8 earths that are below; the 4 that are composite, and the 4 places of darkness
    3. the walls and the vessels that surround the worlds. They are the 4 mountains and the 3 vessels
    4. the sphere of the stars
  48. Concerning the 3 Conduits.
    1. the root of all the powers above
    2. the one that comes from the temples and dwellings and cities that exist in the heavens down to the ground, to the 5 shapes of tree that grow upon the earth
    3. all the powers and householders who dwell in all 5 firmaments, whose roots come down from them to the five worlds of flesh that creep upon the earth, being fixed to one another
  49. Concerning the Wheel and the Conduits.
  50. Concerning these Names: God, Rich One, and Angel; who they are.
    1. God
    2. rich ones
    3. angels
  51. Concerning the First Man.
  52. Concerning the ... of the Light.
  53. Concerning the First Man.
  54. Concerning the Quality of the Garments.
  55. Concerning the Fashioning of Adam.
  56. Concerning Saklas and his Powers.
  57. Concerning the Generation of Adam.
  58. The 4 Powers that grieve.
    1. the first Mother of Life
    2. the First Man
    3. I
    4. ?
  59. The Chapter of the Elements that wept.
    1. when they had seen the darkness
    2. their father, the First Man, ascended from the abyss of darkness and left them behind;
    3. when the Living Spirit stripped off the three garments of activity, placing them beneath all things
    4. the Statue will be taken up on the last day, and they will weep for the souls of the liars and blasphemers
  60. Concerning the 4 Fathers; what they are like.
  61. Concerning the Garment of the Waters: how great is its Measure.
  62. Concerning the 3 Rocks.
    1. the Pillar of Glory, the Perfect Man, which was summoned by the glorious Ambassador
    2. the new earth of light, which was set upon the earth of darkness
    3. the great thought, which was summoned from Jesus, the glorious one
  63. Concerning Love.
  64. Concerning Adam.
    1. 3 great things that are distinct were revealed in Ad am the first human.
      1. The image of the exalted one was placed upon him
      2. Adam was shaped in his structure through the light of the first-born of heaven and earth ... the five sons.
      3. the teachings and counsels and the seal of all the powers above and below
    2. the rulers determined and formed Adam so that they would be masters through him a nd conceive the kingdom because of 7 things
      1. He became the enlightener in their creation; instead of the light of the image of the Ambassador who had displayed himself to them above.
      2. So that they would scoop up the light through him and restrain and obstruct it from its ascent to the heights.
      3. So that because of the image of the Ambassador that is placed upon him the entirety of the divine that is above and below would be humiliated.
      4. He is a seal-ring and a new impression
      5. That might be displayed through him all the skills of the powers
      6. That there would come to be a great protection for them 20 through the image of the exalted one that was placed upon him
      7. That he might become chief and king and master over all creatures; and they might conceive the kingdom through him.
  65. Concerning the Sun.
    1. Every day, would this great light-giver shine its light, it shall do 7 good things for them.
      1. its light, which it shines upon them
      2. When (the sun) is come to the world, with its coming it shall bring calm and peace to the entire world.
      3. its vigil; because when (the sun) comes to the world all sleeping mankind shall arise 30 and awake.
      4. It shall nourish, and give strength, taste and scent
      5. the evil reptile and the sharp-toothed beasts that are filled of wickedness, they shall flee to hiding in their dens.
      6. wound of any person is eased from pain
      7. the sign of the splendour of the aeons of light, from which it has come out
    2. Every occasion, would the night fall, it sha11 do 7 evils in the world.
      1. the darkness
      2. its fear; ... its shadow
      3. heaviness of sleep
      4. all creatures take up revolt
      5. its ugliness
      6. fall on the world
      7. the sign of the darkness, its father
    3. 5 archetypes occur in the sun
      1. its light
      2. its beauty
      3. its peace
      4. the living soul
      5. a strength to the elements; a scent and a taste to the entire Cross of the Light.
    4. 3 archetypes made apparent by the sun
      1. the filling up of the disk of its ship
      2. The sun's light ... corresponding to the mystery of the light of the Father
      3. This sun is very high above all else.
  66. Concerning the Ambassador.
  67. Concerning the Light-Giver.
  68. Concerning Fire.
    1. 5 works
      1. It incinerates and burns wood
      2. It separates 4 aspects of the wood:
        1. fire
        2. light
        3. ash
        4. smoke
      3. It gives a taste and an aroma to whatever will be cooked on it. It also gives heat and cheer to whoever will be close to it.
      4. All craftsmen shall work the utensils that they will fabricate in it.
      5. It shall display light, and the people see by it.
  69. Concerning the 12 Signs of the Zodiac and the 5 Stars.
    1. 12 signs of the zodiac
    2. 5 stars
  70. Concerning the Body: It was constructed after the Pattern of the Universe.
    1. There exist 5 great camps in this great outer zone, of which the 5 sons of the Living Spirit are masters.
      1. Keeper of Splendour
      2. the great King of Honour
      3. the Adamant
      4. the King of Glory
      5. the Porter
    2. There exist 4 worlds in this body of the flesh, and there exist countless times 7 rulers in the body of the 4 worlds
      1. from its neck up
        1. the 2 organs of sight
        2. the 2 organs of sight
        3. the 2 of hearing
        4. the 2 of hearing
        5. the 2 of smell
        6. the 2 of smell
        7. the mouth, which is the organ of taste
      2. its neck down to its entire upper torso
        1. its 2 arms
        2. its 2 arms
        3. its 2 breasts that are to the pattern of its organs of smell
        4. its 2 breasts that are to the pattern of its organs of smell
        5. the 2 eyes of its heart
        6. the 2 eyes of its heart
        7. the gullet of the stomach between the 2 breasts
      3. the body
        1. the fat
        2. the lung
        3. the spleen
        4. the liver
        5. the gall
        6. its 2 kidneys
        7. its 2 kidneys
      4. below
        1. 2 buttocks (?)
        2. 2 buttocks (?)
        3. its 2 testicles
        4. its 2 testicles
        5. its 2 loins
        6. its 2 loins
        7. the member out of which the seed comes, that begets all the forms
  71. Concerning the Gathering in of the Elements.
    1. In what way shall the elements be gathered in, from one to another?
      1. light
      2. fire
      3. water
      4. wind
      5. air
      6. answer
      7. summons
      8. Mind, the intellectual
      9. the Pillar of Glory
      10. the First Man
      11. the Ambassador
      12. the aeons of greatness
  72. Concerning the worn and torn apart Garments, or the tattered Clothes, or the Elements, the Cross, and the rest too.
  73. Concerning the Envy of Matter.
    1. the First Man
    2. the image of the Ambassador
    3. Adam, the first human
    4. it envied all the first-born and the first fathers; and the blessed Christ who is the father of all the apostles
  74. Concerning the living Fire: It is present in 8 Places.
    1. this light land
    2. the Father, the God of truth
    3. the First Man
    4. this fire that was purified from all the light, which is in the outer wall, in the ship of the day
    5. this fire that is the light-giver of the night ... within the water
    6. this fire that is purified from the totality. The Living Spirit swathed it upon his body
    7. the new earth
    8. the fire that shall be revealed in this ... person, and it signifies fear and war
  75. Concerning the Letter (?).
  76. Concerning Lord Manichaios: how he journeyed.
  77. The Chapter of the 4 Kingdoms.
    1. the kingdom of the land of Babylon and of Persia
    2. the kingdom of the Romans
    3. the kingdom of the Axumites
    4. the kingdom of Silis
  78. Concerning the 4 Things over which People kill each other.
    1. the obsession of people; in that they would eat for the swelling of their body
    2. sexual intercourse; ... fornication
    3. wealth; and ... the useless riches
    4. war; and the disputes and the trials that they instigate against each other
  79. Concerning the Fasting of the Saints.
    1. The fasting that the saints fast by is profitable for 4 great works
      1. he subdues the entire ruling-power that exists in him.
      2. it shall be made holy, cleansed, purified, and washed from the adulteration of the darkness that is mixed in with it.
      3. That person shall make every deed a holy one; the mystery of the children of light in whom there is neither corruption nor ... the food, nor wound it. Rather, they are holy, there is nothing in them that defiles, as they live in peace.
      4. They make a ... the Cross, they restrain their hands from the hand ... not destroy the living soul.
  80. The Chapter of the Commandments of Righteousness.
    1. 1st righteousness
      1. he can embrace continence and purity
      2. he can also acquire 'the rest lO of the hands', so that he will keep his hand still before the Cross of Light.
      3. purity of the mouth, so that he will keep his mouth pure of all flesh and blood; and not take any taste at all of the 'wine' name, nor fermented drink
    2. 2nd righteousness
      1. wisdom ... from his wisdom he can give wisdom, to every person who will hear it from him
      2. faith
      3. grace
    3. works of the catechumenate
      1. 1st work of the catechumenate
        1. fasting
        2. prayer
        3. almsgiving
      2. 2nd work of the catechumenate
        1. A person will give a child to the church for the (sake of) righteousness, or his relative or member of the household
        2. he can rescue someone beset by trouble
        3. buy a slave, and give him for righteousness
      3. 3rd work of the catechumenate
        1. A person will build a dwelling or construct some place; so they can become for him a portion of alms in the holy church.
  81. The Chapter of Fasting, for it engenders a Host of Angels.
  82. The Chapter of Righteous Judgement.
  83. Concerning the Man who is ugly in his Body, but beautiful in his Soul.
  84. Concerning Wisdom; it is far superior when on the Tongue than in the Heart of the Person.
  85. Concerning the Cross of Light: ... trample upon it.
  86. The Chapter of the Man who asks: Why am I sometimes at peace, and troubled at other times?
  87. Concerning the Alms, that ... life in the Church.
  88. Concerning the Catechumen who found fault with the Elect: why he is angry.
  89. The Chapter of the Nazorean who questions the Teacher.
  90. Concerning the 15 Paths; and whether the Catechumen would have avoided causing his Wealth to go on the 3 Paths to Gehenna.
  91. Also concerning the Catechumen; shall he be saved in a single Body?
  92. The Apostle is asked: Why when you drew every thing in the Picture (-Book), did you not draw the Purification of the Catechumens who shall be cleansed by Transmigration?
  93. A Catechumen asked the Apostle: When I give an Offering to the Saints, shall I inflict a Wound on the Alms?
  94. Concerning the Purification of these 4 Elements that have been placed in the Flesh.
    1. emissions that are discharged
      1. blood, anger, humours
      2. waters, lust, bitterness, fever
      3. flesh, gloom, obstinacy
      4. tree, voices of the winds of shame, ...
      5. the tear ...
  95. The Apostle asks his Disciples: What is Cloud?
  96. The 3 Earths that exist, they bear Fruit.
    1. the great earth that people are living upon
    2. the living soul, the holy one
    3. holy church with its elect and its catechumens
  97. Concerning the 3 Creations of the Flesh: the ones that were brought forth ...; and the ones that were begotten by the Abortions; and the ones that were formed of themselves.
  98. What is Virginal; or, otherwise, what is Continent?
  99. Concerning Transmigration.
  100. Concerning the Dragon with 14 Heads; what it is and...
  101. Concerning why, if the Person shall look down into Water, ...
  102. Concerning the Light Mind, why it does not exercise Foreknowledge for the Saint as for the Apostle.
  103. Concerning the 5 Wonders that the Light Mind shall display in the Elect.
    1. the wisdom that the elect shall preach
    2. faith
    3. his preaching ... peace of heart for the assembly of his brethren
    4. love
    5. fear of legal excommunication
  104. Concerning Food: It shall be allocated to 5 Products of the human Body.
    1. rapture
    2. voice and word
    3. strength and activity
    4. pleasure of lust in men and women
    5. flesh
  105. Concerning the 3 Things that are great with Mankind, as they are running all the time, in that they ...
    1. speak the name of Christ
    2. call people who love him by his name
    3. swear by his fortune and his surety
  106. There is no Joy that shall remain in the World till the End.
  107. Concerning the Form of the Word, that ...
  108. Concerning the Seed Grain that shall be formed by the Elements, and also be destroyed by them.
  109. Concerning the 50 Lord's Days; to what Mysteries do they correspond? Or the Second (50); to whose Sign (are they)?
  110. Concerning the Nourishment of the Person, for there are Powers in it ...
  111. Concerning the 4 Archetypes that occur in the Eye, and the Fifth that is hidden in them; to whom do they belong?
  112. The Human is less than all the Things of the Universe, and he is rebellious beyond them all.
    1. he sent the apostles to the good, generation by generation, and revealed to them five great things.
      1. they belong to the race of light
      2. the aeons of the greatness; the manner of the darkness
      3. the light greatness
      4. he came to the province of death ... that is flesh
      5. the rebels shall be bound in a great fetter
    2. All the faithful who believe this truth shall live by 3 great mighty things
      1. They have been counted to the race of faith and truth, this living one that enlightens.
      2. They have received the right hand and the peace that came to them from above. They have believed the apostle who has been manifested.
      3. They act with restraint and charity to the Cross of Light, which grieves in the totality, being present in what is visible and what is not visible.
  113. The Chapter on whether any Light comes from the 3 Vessels.
  114. Concerning the 3 Images that are in the righteous Person.
    1. the spiritual image, which is the new man, which the Light Mind shall form in him
    2. the remnant and remainder of the new man, which is the psychic image that is bound in the flesh
    3. corporeal image that is added to them all
  115. The Catechumen asks the Apostle: Will Rest come about for Someone who has come out of the Body, if the Saints pray over and make an Alms-offering for him?
    1. four great victories
      1. the living soul
      2. the holy church
      3. ... the Father ...
      4. ... who had come out from his body
  116. Concerning why if a Nail is cut the Person shall not be sick; but if a Limb is cut he shall immediately be pained.
  117. Concerning why Some shall delay to come forth from the Body, and Others die in an instant.
  118. ...
  119. ...
  120. Concerning the 2 Essences.
  121. Concerning the Sect of the Basket.
  122. Concerning the 'Assent' and the 'Amen'.

References[edit | edit source]

  • Gardner, Iain (1995). The Kephalaia of the Teacher. Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies. 37. Leiden: Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-10248-4.
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