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== MarketingDriver Ltd ==
In 2023, '''Estahad''' took a significant step in entrepreneurship by founding '''MarketingDriver Ltd'''. This forward-thinking company operates in Software as a Service (SaaS), providing innovative tools designed to simplify and enhance various aspects of business operations. Imagine MarketingDriver as a digital Swiss Army knife equipped with many powerful features.
At its core, MarketingDriver is dedicated to accelerating the growth of startup companies. The company offers a user-friendly platform that automates tasks, making the daily grind of business operations smoother and more efficient. From managing customer relationships to handling marketing campaigns, MarketingDriver has a comprehensive set of tools catering to emerging businesses' diverse needs.
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== Personal Life ==
MD Mahmuduzzaman, also known as '''Estahad Mridul''', is currently single and actively involved in research within the tourism industry. In his free time, he generously assists his professor in their research endeavours, specifically focusing on articles highlighting the tourism sector in their home country.
Aside from his academic pursuits, MD Mahmuduzzaman has ventured into the world of literature by publishing an e-book titled "Digital Profits," which is centred around business and e-commerce. This insightful book is readily available on the Google Play Store for those interested in exploring the digital landscape of profits and business.