Lutz Alexander Keferstein Caballero

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Lutz Alexander Keferstein Caballero 'Lutz Alexander Keferstein Caballero (born Lutz Alexander Keferstein, December 5, 1974 in Lahr, Schwarzwald, Federal Germany) is a Best selling author, German-Mexican philosopher, university professor, trial lawyer, and musician whose work in the worlds of philosophy and music has been internationally recognized.

He is the author of dozens of published scientific articles, including A new essay about Lying: A response to Alexander Koyré, Torah and Mishpat: The Law and its Liberation Spirit and The Four Abrahams: a genealogical and philosophical essay on Heavy Metal and Modernity, as well as the books Las penas no tienen color[1] and Kant para el Siglo XXI[2].

As a musician, he has been the vocalist of several rock bands in Mexico, among which, the most prominent has been Dirty Woman, a group in which he participated from October 2008 to August 2016, with which he released two full-length albums: Demon lover (2010) and City of Sins (2014). Leche de Burro (LDB) is another of the bands with which Lutz Alexander Keferstein recorded recently published musical material[3], despite the fact that the group dates back to 1993.

Education and professional life[edit | edit source]

He first studied at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (1992-1996) and obtained his law degree[4] in June 1997. Subsequently, he studied in the Magister Legum program at the Faculty of Law of the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany (2000-2001) and obtained the corresponding degree in March 2001, after defending the thesis EZLN: Die Gegenrede eines Volkes, der Konflikt in Chiapas Mexiko aus der Sicht des Kommunikativen Handelns von Jürgen Habermas. In 2004, Loyola University Chicago awarded him the degree of Master of Arts, after having completed the program of studies in Social Philosophy[5]. In 2005 he obtained a diploma in Teaching Skills Development from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM). He obtained his PhD in Philosophy[6] in February 2010, for his thesis Power and Will: Between Domination and a Moral World, which was directed by the renowned Argentine-Mexican philosopher Enrique Dussel at the Faculty of Philosophy of the UNAM.

In 2001, he began his career as a full time professor in the Humanities Department of the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, where he taught History of Civilizations, Philosophy and Public Law. He remained at that institution until 2005, however, during 2003 to 2004, he paused his work as a professor and studied for a master's degree in Chicago, thanks to which he approached for the first time the texts of Immanuel Kant, whose ideas would change his conception of the world and the meaning of his life[7]. In 2009 he joined the Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana as a professor teaching various subjects in the careers of Philosophy and Human Rights. Since 2012, he is a full time research professor at the Law School of the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, teaching the subjects Construction of Legal Thought, Philosophy of Law, Legal Sociology and Legal Argumentation in the undergraduate, master's and graduate programs. He is a member of the academic body Identidades, Medio Ambiente y Justicia together with Dr. Izarelly Rosillo Pantoja, Dr. Karla Mariscal Ureta and Dr. Israel Covarrubias and Dr. Edgar Pérez Hernández, director of the faculty. His research, publications and academic work have allowed him to be accepted as a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI)[1] of the National Council of Humanities, Science and Technology (CONAHCYT) since 2014. A year earlier, in 2013, he obtained the PRODEP recognition for the desirable profile from the Mexican Ministry of Public Education.

Musical life:[edit | edit source]

He first ventured into the world of music with Steel Kranium, a classic Heavy Metal band, which was short-lived, but which allowed him to meet musicians and rock promoters. In 1993, he joined the band Leche de Burro (LDB), with which he recorded an EP with the same name. LDB was formed by Raúl Gómez Pulido, Xavier Gaona and Eduardo “Walo” Guerrero, today known as Jacobo Eduardo Gelpstein[8] and had only two years of existence. Other short-lived participations were with Bloodsoaked (1994-1995) and Arkhé (1997).

After eleven years away from the world of the stage, he returned to the world of music in 2008, after meeting again with an acquaintance from his adolescence, Edson Alemán, who invited him to join Dirty Woman, a stoner rock band. He remained there until one of the group's multiple dissolutions in August 2016. During this period, the group released two albums: Demon Lover[9], in 2011 and City of Sins[10], in 2014. The band had relative success and participated in the 2011 and 2014 editions of the Hell and Heaven Metal Festival, as well as in the 2015 edition of the Force Fest festival, alongside established bands such as Kiss, Judas Priest, Megadeth, Korn, Suicidal Tendencies, Exodus, P.O.D., Rob Zombie, Carcass, Overkill and dozens more.

Academic Publications :[edit | edit source]

Kant para el Siglo XXI: Actualizaciones de un sistema filosófico ilustrado, Letrame, España, 2021 (ISBN: 9788418548598 / ISBN e-book: 978-841-8548-22-2).

Las penas no tienen color: Genealogía étnica, política y religiosa de la música popular de los Estados Unidos, España, 2021 (ISBN:978-841-114-000-3).

Ojos que ven, oídos que escuchan: La filosofía de la liberación de Enrique Dussel (coordinador y autor de capítulo), Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México, 2017. (ISBN: 978-607-513-280-8).

Books:[edit | edit source]

Book translations

National Survey on discrimination in Mexico (ENADIS 2010), CONAPRED, México, 2011. (ISBN: 978-607-7514-24-4).

Book chapters

El silogismo del poder: verdad-realidad y el círculo de determinación antropológico-cognitiva, en Martínez Gómez Jesús A. et al, Bioética, violencia y conflictos internacionales; Tirant, México, 2023 (ISBN:978-84-1183-015-7).

La democracia antes y después del 1° de diciembre de 2018, en Mariscal Ureta, Karla et. al, Reflexiones en torno a la democracia, los derechos humanos y la gestión pública; Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México, 2022 (ISBN: 978-607-513-613-4).

Hobbes y Nietzsche: las bases definicionales del poder aún vigentes en el siglo XXI, en Derechos Humanos y poder público en contextos democráticos, Bello-Gallardo Noemí et al. (coordinadores), Ediciones Navarra, México, 2022, pp. 103-133 (ISBN: en trámite).

La red social como reto de la justicia electoral, en Tecnología y contingencias, Edit. Transdigital. México, 2020, pp. 199-216 (ISBN: 978-607-99594-0-1).

¿Formas de desventaja inmerecida o los costos perversos de la democracia mexicana? Anotaciones a la sentencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos sobre el caso mujeres víctimas de tortura sexual en Atenco vs. México, en Diálogos de Derechos Humanos, apuntes sobre la justicia interamericana, Ediciones Navarra, México, 2019, pp. 71-94 (ISBN: 987-607-9497-72-9)

Justiciabilidad del derecho a un medio ambiente sano a partir de la opinión consultiva 23/17 de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, en Bello-Gallardo Noemí et al. (coordinadores), Vertientes de la justiciabilidad en México, Editorial Fontamara, México, 2019, pp. 125-143 (ISBN: 978-607-736-628-7).

Educación en el poder: el papel de las instituciones y los sistemas de comunicación en la imposición de realidades subjetivas según Michel Foucault y Niklas Luhmann, en Ortiz Soriano, Agustina et al., De la realidad compleja a la construcción del conocimiento educativo, The Pillow Books, México, 2018, pp. 212 - 223 (ISBN: 978-607-9064-17-4.).

La ética trinitaria: Introducción crítica a la ética de la liberación de Enrique Dussel, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México, 2017, pp. 328-347. (ISBN: 978-607-513-280-8).

Kant o la moral incomprendida, en Arellano, Salvador (compilador), Perspectivas y problemas contemporáneos de la ética y la bioética, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México, 2015, pp. 67-88 (ISBN: 978-607-513-183-2).

Prologues[edit | edit source]

Manual de procedimientos recomendables para la investigación animal, Ramírez Ojeda, Roberto Aarón et al., Samsara Editorial, México, 2012. (ISBN: 978-970-94-2830-8) .

Academic papers

Acuerdos México-China: Perspectivas y soluciones jurídicas, together with Sergio Cortés, Revista Electrónica del IPN, Instituto Tecnológico Nacional, México, Ejemplar 30, enero-junio de 2024 (ISSN 2007-1957).

The four abrahams: a genealogy and philosophical research on Heavy Metal and Modernity, Revista Electrónica del IPN, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México, Ejemplar 26, enero-junio de 2023 (2007-1957).

Derechos ciudadanos y obligaciones constitucionales del estado mexicano a la alimentación nutritiva: sus condiciones de posibilidad, alcances y obstáculos,[11] Revista Electrónica del IPN, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México, Ejemplar 22, enero-junio de 2020 (ISSN: 2007-1957).

• Dignificación del paciente en el sistema mexicano de salud a través de atención médica con acercamiento a la perspectiva kantiana[12]. Revista DIGITAL CIENCIA@UAQRO, 160-177, Vol. 11 No. 1, enero-junio 2018, pp. (ISSN: 2395-8847).

¡Se buscan abogados ambientales! Una proyección hacia la formación de especialistas en derecho ambiental, Revista Electrónica del IPN, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México, Ejemplar 17, julio-diciembre de 2017 (ISSN: 2007-1957).

Levinas allende Europa y el judaísmo: la responsabilidad levinasiana dentro del contexto latinoamericano, Revista Electrónica del IPN, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México, Ejemplar 17, julio-diciembre de 2017 (ISSN: 2007-1957).

La envidia de los ángeles: develando el amor como categoría política, Revista Electrónica del IPN, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México, Ejemplar 14, enero-junio de 2016, (ISSN: 2007-1957).

Evolución y teleología: discurso sobre los fines de la naturaleza en un mundo sin finalidad, Revista Electrónica del IPN, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México, Ejemplar 15, julio-diciembre de 2016 (ISSN: 2007-1957).

Torah and Mishpat: The Law and its Liberation Spirit, Religious Enquiries, Universitiy of Religions and Denominatios, Volume 3, Issue 6, Serial No. 6 August, Teherán, Irán, 2014, Pages 31-52 (Print ISSN: 2322-4894. Online ISSN: 2538-6271).

Torah y Mishpat: La Ley y su espíritu de liberación, Páginas de Filosofía, Universidad Metodista de Sao Paolo, Vol. 6, No. 1, Brasil, 2014 (DOI:

A new essay about lying: a response to Alexandre Koyré, Open insight, Vol. IV, No. 6, Julio 2013, pp. 69-88 (ISSN: 2007-2406).

El origen de la geometría de Husserl y las abstracciones lingüísticas y matemáticas, Revista Opción, ITAM, año XXXIII, No. 174, México, febrero 2013, pp. 29-37 (ISSN: 1665-4161).

¿Calidad o McDonaldización de la Educación?, SEP-GDDF, México, diciembre 2008.

Babel, Revista Opción, ITAM, año XXIX, No. 155, México, febrero 2013, pp. 29-37 (ISSN: 1665-4161).

El fango de los mitos, Revista Opción, ITAM, año XXIX, No. 154, México, abril 2009, pp. 98-103 (ISSN: 1665-4161).

Drogas lógica estatal, Revista Opción, ITAM, año XXVIII, No. 153, México, diciembre 2008, pp. 112-118 (ISSN: 1665-4161).

Magia y realidad: la falacia del individuo, Revista Opción, ITAM, año XXVIII, No. 152, México, octubre 2008, pp. 108-114 (ISSN: 1665-4161).

Ensayo sobre la mentira, Revista Opción, ITAM, año XXVIII, No. 151, México, septiembre 2008, pp. 106-111 (ISSN: 1665-4161).

Los cuatro Abrahams: Un discurso filosófico sobre Heavy Metal y Modernidad, Revista Opción, ITAM, año XXVIII, No. 150, México, mayo 2008, pp. 106-111 (ISSN: 1665-4161).

The Kantian cosmopolitan intent and the 21st. Century neo-liberalism, Juripolis, Revista de Derecho y Política del Departamento de Derecho, ITESM, México, Año 3, vol. 1, 2005, pp- 205-217 (ISSN: 2395-9827).'

Professional Achievements :[edit | edit source]

• Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencia y Tecnología (Nivel 1, 2014 - actualidad) Reconocimiento al Perfil Deseable PRODEP, (2013 - actualidad)

Conclusion :[edit | edit source]

Lutz Alexander Keferstein Caballero embodies the intersection of philosophy, law, and music. His contributions to each field demonstrate a deep commitment to exploring and understanding the complexities of human thought and culture. As a philosopher, professor, and musician, Keferstein continues to inspire and influence the academic and musical communities.