Jaroslav Kaplan

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Jaroslav Kaplan is an entrepreneur, business consultant, market researcher, speaker, and published business author specializing in contemporary business thinking and strategies.[1] He is an expert in identifying new sources of growth and sustainability for organizations. He established and currently serves as the president of Kaplan Research Company, a consulting firm.[2][3][4]

Kaplan is the author of "Business Incognita: How to Expand the Boundaries of Entrepreneurial Thinking" and "The Odyssey of Goshio the Goldfish," both of which focus on various facets of value creation and entrepreneurship.[5][6]

Kaplan is a seminar and conference speaker on business, entrepreneurship, product value, business strategies, and market research. He has been quoted in publications such as US Reporter,[7] CEO World,[8] LA Weekly,[9] Digital Journal,[10] MSN,[11] Khaleej Times, and London Insider.

Education[edit | edit source]

Kaplan completed his master’s in economics from the Riga Technological University of Civil Aviation, graduating in 1997.

Career[edit | edit source]

In 2015, Kaplan founded Kaplan Research Company, a business consulting company. The company's primary objective is to conduct market research and implement the results to enhance enterprises.[12] Since its inception, the company has been assisting businesses in all industries in attaining their goals and objectives through consulting services.[13]

The same year, Kaplan initiated the Business Intellect IQ Project, a research project that sought to quantify and improve the capacity of entrepreneurs to define and resolve business challenges.[14] Kaplan noticed that only three out of ten businesses survive their tenth anniversary; thus, to determine the cause of the high "business mortality rate" in entrepreneurship, he initiated research into the matter.[15]

During his six years of research, Kaplan compiled a list of the most "common" entrepreneurial mental misconceptions and erroneous beliefs that lead to failure. His debut publication, "The Odyssey of Goshio the Goldfish," was based on these elements. The book functions as a narrative and a structural framework for entrepreneurs and has been translated into fifteen languages.[16]

Kaplan concluded his initial research in 2021 and authored "Business Incognita: How to Expand the Boundaries of Entrepreneurial Thinking."[17] The book was published by one of the largest and most prestigious publishing houses in Russia, Alpina Publisher.

The book is the most comprehensive research work on the perception of value that has ever been accomplished.[18] The book unravels the results of research into Business Intellect as a distinct phenomenon—one that involves posing and resolving problems that arise in the course of entrepreneurial activities.[19] The main focus of analysis in such business tasks is how various target markets perceive the value of products or services. There is no value without having a product, yet the existence of a product does not, by itself, imply high value for the consumer. And that is the dilemma to be solved in the entrepreneurial task.[20]

Professional associations[edit | edit source]

Kaplan is a member of the International Association of Specialists in Strategic and Competitive Intelligence (SCIP, USA), highlighting his knowledge and authority in the field.[21][22]

In addition to being a recognized business consultant, market researcher, and author, Kaplan is also a public speaker, contributing his insights at various industry conferences and seminars.[23] He has been cited by several publications and media outlets, including US Reporter, CEO World, LA Weekly, Digital Journal, MSN, Khaleej Times, and London Insider. He is also a columnist for Forbes Latvia Magazine.[24]

Scientific activities[edit | edit source]

Journal article:

  • "Business" and Its Role in Various Types of Activities," 2023, Kaplan Jaroslav, Gurov F.N. in the journal "Values and Meanings," published by [n.p.] (Moscow), No. 2 (84), pp. 125–138, DOI
  • "Communication in Entrepreneurial Activity: The Use of Artificial Intelligence,” 2023, Kaplan Jaroslav, in the journal "Communicology," Volume 11, No. 2, pp. 139–149, DOI
  • "The Problematics of the Metaverse and Product Avatar: A Contextual Analysis," 2023, Kaplan Jaroslav, in the peer-reviewed scientific journal “Trends in Science and Education," Volume 4, No. 96, pp. 71–77, DOI
  • "What Unites Entrepreneurial and Creative Thinking," 2023, Kaplan Jaroslav in the journal Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal 'Trends in Science and Education'", Volume 5, No. 98, pp. 144–148, DOI

Conference papers:

  • "Communication Systems in Entrepreneurial Activity and Their Use in Artificial Intelligence Technology," 2023, Kaplan Jaroslav in the proceedings "Communication Vector 2023. Symposium Proceedings: Collection of Articles, published in Moscow, pp. 19–24
  • "Communication and Data Science,” 2023, Kaplan Jaroslav, in the proceedings "Communication Management: Com-M-2022: Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference" published by Blok-Print Moscow, pp. 113–117.

Сonference public speaking:

  • "The Economy of Metaverses," Kaplan Jaroslav, II International Scientific-Practical Conference "Metaverse: The Future of Creative Industries," Russia, October 24, 2023
  • "Communication Systems in Entrepreneurial Activity and Their Use in Artificial Intelligence Technology" Kaplan Jaroslav, All-Russian Symposium "Communication Vector—2023", Moscow State Linguistic University, Russia, May 17–18, 2023
  • "Business and Communications," Kaplan Jaroslav, Second International Conference "Communication Management," Moscow, MSLU, Russia, December 13–14, 2022
  • ”The Product Avatar in the Metaverse: Contextual Analysis,” Kaplan Jaroslav, Metaverse: The Future of Science and Education, Moscow, Russia, October 13, 2022.

Bibliography[edit | edit source]

  • Business Incognita: How to Expand the Boundaries of Entrepreneurial Thinking (August 2023)
  • The Odyssey of Goshio the Goldfish (2018)
  • New lectures on economics. A Brief History of the Modern Financial System (2020)
  • Kaplan table for assessing potential employee productivity (2020)
  • Theory of solving unstructured special problems (2020)
  • Philosophy of Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age: Value Creation, Value Optimization, Value Capture (2020)
  • Hacking corporate culture. Four types of corporate culture (2019)
  • Fundamentals of strategic thinking. Business Excellence in an Age of Change (2018)

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "Ярослав Каплан, Kaplan Research Company: Бизнес-интеллект стоит на пороге фантастических перемен и возможностей - CNews" (in ru). https://www.cnews.ru/articles/2022-12-29_yaroslav_kaplankaplan_research_company_biznes-intellekt?erid=Pb3XmBtzst2gmQNkJVpFqKEz9PhRWAtxhsCzr5n. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  2. Magazine, Brainz (4 December 2023). "Understanding The Entrepreneurial And Managerial Mindsets" (in en). https://www.brainzmagazine.com/post/understanding-the-entrepreneurial-and-managerial-mindsets. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  3. "Почему у нас это не работает? Контекстный анализ в бизнесе". https://dzen.ru/a/ZQd2qHz4n2RGCpWw?sid=109589354920300759. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  4. "Пикассо в бизнесе". https://dzen.ru/a/ZOu6a6m3rRcjjV88. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  5. Thakkar, Namrata. "Shaping entrepreneurial thinking: A conversation with Jaroslav Kaplan" (in en). https://www.khaleejtimes.com/kt-network/shaping-entrepreneurial-thinking-a-conversation-with-jaroslav-kaplan. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  6. "Ярослав Каплан: «Бизнес-интеллект можно развивать» - Истории предпринимателей о бизнесе. SmallBusiness.ru. Портал Предпринимателей.". https://smallbusiness.ru/interview/yaroslav_kaplan_biznes-intellekt_mozhno_razvivat.html. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  7. "Unraveling the Mysteries of Business Success: An In-depth Interview with Jaroslav Kaplan - US Reporter". 29 November 2023. https://usreporter.com/unraveling-the-mysteries-of-business-success-an-in-depth-interview-with-jaroslav-kaplan/. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  8. Davis, Katherina (25 October 2023). "Reimagining PR and Marketing through Context-Based Market Research with Jaroslav Kaplan". https://ceoworld.biz/2023/10/25/reimagining-pr-and-marketing-through-context-based-market-research-with-jaroslav-kaplan/#google_vignette. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  9. Bakian, Written in Partnership with Amir (31 October 2023). "Evolving Perspectives on Business: Jaroslav Kaplan & Business Intellect's Vision for Entrepreneurs - LA Weekly". https://www.laweekly.com/evolving-perspectives-on-business-jaroslav-kaplan-business-intellects-vision-for-entrepreneurs/. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  10. Stojan, Jon (31 October 2023). "Exploring Leadership Technology in our digital age with Jaroslav Kaplan". https://www.digitaljournal.com/business/exploring-leadership-technology-in-our-digital-age-with-jaroslav-kaplan/article. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  11. "The Subtle Art of Business Intellect, with Jaroslav Kaplan". https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/the-subtle-art-of-business-intellect-with-jaroslav-kaplan/ar-AA1k2XD7?disableErrorRedirect=true&infiniteContentCount=0. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  12. "«Это паршивый бизнес». Почему Уоррен Баффет пожалел денег на новые станки :" (in ru). https://pro.rbc.ru/demo/63da0c1d9a7947cca18ca8e1?fbclid=IwAR2gRwBK8HvnUuMLfIh_ajV6CPcy0SSZ2m89zWL1_hNSF_3NmlF2KmKXIf4. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  13. "Kā uzņēmējam attīstīt savu harismu?". https://forbesbaltics.com/lv/viedokli/raksts/ka-uznemejam-attistit-savu-harismu. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  14. "Ярослав Каплан — все книги и биография автора в интернет-магазине «Альпина Паблишер»" (in ru). https://alpinabook.ru/authors/yaroslav-kaplan/. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  15. "Kā paplašināt biznesa domāšanas robežas?". https://forbesbaltics.com/lv/viedokli/raksts/ka-paplasinat-biznesa-domasanas-robezas. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  16. "Cīņa par līderību – uzņēmēji pret vadītājiem". https://forbesbaltics.com/lv/viedokli/raksts/cina-par-lideribu---uznemeji-pret-vaditajiem. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  17. Davenport, Mary (25 November 2023). "The Essence of Achievement: Unveiling 'Business Incognita' with Jaroslav Kaplan". https://londoninsider.co.uk/the-essence-of-achievement-unveiling-business-incognita-with-jaroslav-kaplan/. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  18. "Что лежит в сердце предпринимательского мышления". https://dzen.ru/a/ZP4vRkDKEHCmZ5e4?sid=109589354920300759. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  19. "Каплан Ярослав - пользователь, сотрудник | ИСТИНА – Интеллектуальная Система Тематического Исследования НАукометрических данных" (in ru). https://istina.msu.ru/profile/JaroslavKaplan/. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  20. "Uzņēmuma sabrukuma neredzamie prognozētāji". https://forbesbaltics.com/lv/viedokli/raksts/uznemuma-sabrukuma-neredzamie-prognozetaji. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  21. "Kā tam vajadzētu būt". https://forbesbaltics.com/lv/forbeslife/raksts/ka-tam-vajadzetu-but. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  22. "Jaunās ēras līderība". https://forbesbaltics.com/lv/viedokli/raksts/jaunas-eras-lideriba. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  23. "Что такое творческий подход в бизнесе" (in ru). https://uprav.ru/blog/tvorcheskiy-podkhod-v-biznese/. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 
  24. "Uzņēmēji izput, jo nespēj noteikt, kādu problēmu viņi risina". https://forbesbaltics.com/lv/intervijas/raksts/uznemeji-izput-jo-nespej-noteikt-kadu-problemu-vini-risina. Retrieved 7 December 2023. 

External links[edit | edit source]