Glossary of Greek terms in the Enneads

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Glossary of Greek (Ἑλληνική) terms in the Enneads (Ἐννεάδες)

Glossary Edit

Ἑλληνική Greek English
ἀγαθοειδές agathoeides Good-like
ἀγαθόν, τὸ agathon, to the Good
ἀεί aei always
αἴδιον aidion everlasting
αἰσθάνεσθαι aisthanesthai perceiving
αἴσθημα aisthēma sense-datum
αἴσθησις aisthēsis sense-perception
αἰσθητά aisthēta sensibles
αἰσθητικόν aisthētikon faculty of sense-perception
αἰτία, αἴτιον aitia, aition cause, explanation
αἰώνιον aionion eternal
ἀκούσιον akousion involuntary
ἀλήθεια alētheia truth
ἀλλοίωσις alloiosis alteration
ἁμαρτία hamartia error, moral error
ἀμεριστόν ameriston indivisible
ἀνάγκη anagkē necessity
ἀναγωγή anagogē ascent
ἀνάμνησις anamnēsis recollection
ἄνθρωπος anthropos human being
ἀντικείμενα antikeimena contraries
ἀντίληψις antilēpsis apprehension
ἀπαθής apathēs unaffected
ἀπροαίρετον aproaireton involuntary
ἀρετή aretē excellence
ἀριθμός arithmos number, Number
ἁρμονία harmonia harmony
ἀρχέτυπος archetupos archetype
ἀρχή archē principle, starting point
ἀσθένεια astheneia susceptibility, weakness
ἄστρον astron star
ἄυλον aulon immaterial
αὐξητικόν auxētikon faculty of increase (in size
αὐτεξούσιον autexousion autonomous
αὐτόματον automaton spontaneous
ἄφθαρτον aphtharton indestructible
βούλησις boulēsis will
γένεσις genesis generation, becoming
γεννητικόν gennētikon faculty of reproduction
γένος, γένη genos, genē genus, genera
γιγνώσκειν gignoskein know, cognize
γνῶσις gnosis knowledge, cognition
δαίμων daimon daemon
δημιουργεῖν dēmiourgein create
δημιουργός dēmiourgos Demiurge
διάθεσις diathesis disposition, condition
διανοητικόν dianoētikon faculty of discursive thinking
διάνοια dianoia discursive thinking
διάστημα diastēma interval
δόξα doxa belief, opinion
δυάς duas Dyad
δύναμις dunamis power, capacity, potency, potentiality, faculty, virtuality
εἶδος eidos form, Form, species, Species, kind
εἴδωλον eidolon reflection
εἰκών eikon image
εἱμαρμένη heimarmenē fate
ἐκεῖ ekei intelligible world. Literally, ‘there’
ἑκούσιον hekousion voluntary
ἔκστασις ekstasis self-transcendence, displacement
ἕκων hekon willingly
ἔλλειψις elleipsis deficiency, lack
ἔμφασις emphasis reflection
ἕν, τὸ hen, to the One, unity
ἐνάντια enantia contraries, opposites
ἐναργῆς enargēs self-evident
ἐνέργεια energeia activity, actuality
ἐνέργημα energēma act, activation
ἔννοια ennoia conception
ἕξις hexis habit, condition, disposition, settled state
ἐπέκεινα epekeina transcendent
ἐπιβολή epibolē act of apprehension, direct apprehension
ἐπιθυμητικόν epithumētikon faculty of appetite
ἐπιθυμία epithumia appetite
ἐπίνοια epinoia conceptualization, conceptual distinction
ἐπιστήμη epistēmē science, scientific understanding
ἐπιστροφή epistrophē reversion
ἔργον ergon function, deed, task
ἑτερότης heterotēs Difference, difference
ἐφ’ ἡμῖν eph’ hēmin up to us
ἔφεσις ephesis desire
ζωή zoē life, Life
ζῷον zoion living being, Living Being, animal
ē in fact. Literally ‘or’
ἡγεμών ĥēgemon controlling principle
ἦθος ēthos character
ἡσυχία hēsuchia stillness
θελεῖν thelein wanting
θέλησις thelēsis wishing
θέμις themis licit
θεῖος theios divine
θεός theos god
θεωρία theoria contemplation
θρεπτικόν threptikon faculty of nourishment
θυμοειδές thumoeides faculty of spiritedness
θύμος thumos spiritedness
ἰδέα idea Idea, idea
ἰδιότης, ἴδιον idiotēs, idion property, distinguishing property, essential property
ἰνδάλμα indalma reflection
καθέκαστον kathekaston individual, particular
κακία kakia vice
κακόν kaken evil
κάλλον, καλόν kallon, kalon Beauty, beauty
κατηγορία katēgoria category, predicate
κένον kenon void, empty
κίνησις kinēsis motion, Motion
κοινόν koinon common, composite
κόσμος kosmos cosmos
κρα σις krasis blending
κρίσις krisis judgement, discernment
κύριος kurios principal, authoritative, in charge, dominant, proper
λαμβάνειν lambanein grasp
λογικόν logikon rational
λογισμός, τὸ λογιστικόν logismos, to logistikon faculty of calculative reasoning
λόγος logos expressed principle, reason, argument, account
μέγεθος megethos magnitude
μένειν menein persist, be stable
μέριστον meriston divisible, divided
μεταβολή metabolē change, transformation
μετέχειν metechein partake of
μὴ ὄν mē on non-being
μίγμα migma mixture
μίμημα mimēma imitation
μίξις mixis mixture
μνήμη mnēmē memory
Μοῖραι Moirai Fates
μόνας monas unit
νοεῖν noein thinking
νόημα noēma thought
νόησις noēsis intellection, thinking
νοητόν noēton intelligible
νοῦς nous Intellect, intellect
ὄγκος ogkos mass
οἰκεῖον oikeion proper
οἰκείωσις oikeiosis appropriation, affinity
οἷον hoion sort of, in a way
ὅμοιον homoion same
ὁμοιότης homoiotēs Sameness, sameness
ὁμοίωμα homoioma likeness
ὁμοίωσις homoiosis assimilation
ὁμώνυμος homonumos equivocal
ὄν, ὄντα on, onta being, beings, Being, Beings
ὄρεξις orexis desire
ὅρμη hormē impulse
ὅρος horos boundary, definition
οὐρανός ouranos heaven
οὐσία ousia substance, substantiality, Substance, Substantiality
οὐσιώδεις ἀριθμοί ousiodeis arithmoi Substantial Numbers
παθεῖν pathein experience affections, experiencing, undergoing
παθητικόν pathētikon passible, passive, subject to affection
πάθος pathos state, experience, affection, feeling, emotion
παρακολούθημα parakolouthēma accompaniment, secondary attribute
παρακολουθία parakolouthia conscious awareness
πάσχειν paschein experience affections, experiencing, undergoing
πείσις peisis affection
περιφορά periphora circuit
πίστις pistis confidence, trust, conviction
πλῆθος plēthos multiplicity
πνεῦμα pneuma breath
πόθος pothos longing
ποιεῖν poiein produce, cause, make
ποίημα poiēma product
ποιητής poiētēs creator
ποικίλος poikilos variegated
πονηρία ponēria wickedness
προαίρεσις proairesis choice
πρόνοια pronoia providence
πρόοδος proodos procession
προόρασις proorasis foresight
σημασία sēmasia signification
σπερματικοί λόγοι spermatikoi logoi spermatic principles
σπουδαῖος spoudaios virtuous
στάσις stasis stability, Stability, positioning, standstill
στέρησις sterēsis privation
στοιχεῖον stoicheion element
συμβεβηκός sumbebēkos accident
συμπάθεια sumpatheia sympathy
σύμφυτον sumphuton intrinsic
συμφωνία sumphonia concord, harmony
συναίσθησις sunaisthēsis self-awareness
συναμφότερον sunamphoteron complex
σύνεσις sunesis comprehension, comprehensive grasp, understanding
σύνθετον suntheton composite
σύνταξις suntaxis structured ordering
συνώνυμος sunonumos univocal
σύστασις sustasis combination
σχέσις schesis relation, spatial relation, the relative, status, position
σῶμα soma body
σωματικόν somatikon bodily
σωφροσύνη sophrosunē self-control
τάξις taxis order, ordered parts, system, arrangement, rank
ταὐτόν tauton identical
ταυτότης tautotēs identity, Identity
τέλος telos goal
τέχνη technē craft
τι ἔστι, τὶ ἦν εἶναι ti esti, ti ēn einai essence
τὸ ἄπειρον to apeiron the unlimited, unlimited, absence of limit, infinite regress, unlimitedness
τὸ εἶναι to einai existence, Existence
τὸ πᾶν to pan universe
τόλμα tolma daring
τόπος topos place, region
τύπος tupos impression
τυχή tuchē chance, luck, fortune
ὕλη hulē matter
ὑπάρχειν huparchein exist
ὑποκείμενον hupokeimenon substrate, underlying nature
ὑπόστασις hupostasis real (i.e., extra-mental) existence
ὑφίστημι huphistēmi come to exist
φαντασία phantasia imagination
φάντασμα phantasma semblance
φανταστικόν phantastikon faculty of imaginative representation
φθαρτόν phtharton destructible
φθορά phthora destruction, perishing, passing away
φορά phora revolution
φρόνησις phronēsis wisdom, practical wisdom
φύσις phusis nature
φυτικόν phutikon faculty of growth
ψυχή psuchē soul, Soul

References Edit

  • Gerson, Lloyd P. (trans.) (2018). The Enneads. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-107-00177-0.