Evangeline Cain

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Vange Cain is the CEO of Queen's Mansion Academy & Vange Magazine. Vange is a businesswoman, women's empowerment coach and nominated author.

Vange Cain

Vange received high nominations in 2023 as her book Unfold Your Petals was considered the most moving book. Book scouts from Pacific Book Review read Unfold Your Petals and the book received a favorable review. The New York Times considered Vange as an inspiring author for women today.

vangemagazine https://vangemagazine.com/

queensmansionacademy On https://queensmansionacademy.com/

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Social Media Links Edit

Vange Cain On Twitter https://twitter.com/CainVange

Vange Cain On Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/home?originalSubdomain=ca