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The Enneads by Plotinus

Topics Edit

Outline Edit

By Ennead Edit

Topics of each Ennead (roughly):

  1. Ethics
  2. Physics
  3. Time, etc.
  4. The Soul (psyche; ψυχή)
  5. The Intellect (nous; νοῦς)
  6. The One ([to] hen; [τὸ] ἕν)

By treatise Edit

Treatises covering mysticism and metaphysics are highlighted in bold. The Großschrift treatises are underlined.

Treatise Order Topic
1.1 53 What Is the Living Being and What Is the Human Being?
1.2 19 On Virtues
1.3 20 On Dialectic
1.4 46 On Happiness
1.5 36 On Whether Happiness Increases with Time
1.6 1 On Beauty
1.7 54 On the Primary Good and on the Other Goods
1.8 51 On What Evils Are and Where They Come From
1.9 16 On Exiting from the Body
2.1 40 On the Cosmos
2.2 14 On the Motion of Heaven
2.3 52 On Whether the Stars Are Causes
2.4 12 On Matter
2.5 25 On ‘Potentially’ and ‘Actually’
2.6 17 On Substance or On Quality
2.7 37 On Complete Blending
2.8 35 On Seeing, or On How It Is That Distant Things Appear Small
2.9 33 Against the Gnostics
3.1 3 On Fate
3.2–3 47, 48 On Providence
3.4 15 On Our Allotted Daemon
3.5 50 On Love
3.6 26 On the Impassibility of Things without Bodies
3.7 45 On Eternity and Time
3.8 30 On Nature, Contemplation, and the One
3.9 13 Various Considerations
4.1 21 On the Substantiality of the Soul
4.2 4 On the Substantiality of the Soul
4.3–5 27, 28, 29 On Problems of the Soul 1–3
4.6 41 On Sense Perception and Memory
4.7 2 On the Immortality of the Soul
4.8 6 On the Descent of Souls into Bodies
4.9 8 On Whether All Souls Are One
5.1 10 On the Three Primary Hypostases
5.2 11 On the Generation and Order of the Things Which Come after the First
5.3 49 On the Knowing Hypostasis and on That Which Is Transcendent
5.4 7 How That Which Is after the First Comes from the First, and on the One
5.5 32 That the Intelligibles Are Not outside the Intellect, and on the Good
5.6 24 On the Fact That That Which Transcends Being Does Not Think and on What the Primary Thinking Is and What Is Secondary
5.7 18 On Whether or Not There Are Ideas of Individuals
5.8 31 On the Intelligible Beauty
5.9 5 On Intellect, Ideas, and Being
6.1–3 42, 43, 44 On the Genera of Being 1–3
6.4–5 22, 23 That Being, One and Identical, Is Simultaneously Everywhere Whole 1–2
6.6 34 On Numbers
6.7 38 How the Multiplicity of the Ideas Came to Exist, and on the Good
6.8 39 On the Voluntary, and the One’s Wishing
6.9 9 On the Good or the One

See also Edit

References Edit

  • Gerson, Lloyd P. (trans.) (2018). The Enneads. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-107-00177-0.