CMA Global Co., Ltd

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CMA Global Co., Ltd. is an exporter of microfiber products to over 100 countries worldwide.[1] The company manages the entire production process internally, enabling it to address a wide range of customer requirements.[2] CMA Global focuses on delivering products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations, aiming to provide value and a positive experience for its clients.[3][4]

Company History[edit | edit source]

  • 2010: Established as CMA Global Co., Ltd.
  • 2011: Received the $5 Million Export Tower Award
  • 2014: Awarded the $10 Million Export Tower Award
  • 2015: Honored with the Eco-Friendly Award by the Small and Medium Business Administration.
  • 2016: Selected as one of the Top 100 Star Companies in Daegu, South Korea
  • 2017: Designated as a Global Small Giant
  • 2018: Received World-Class Product Certification
  • 2019: Awarded the Prime Minister’s Commendation at the Small and Medium Business Convention and a Citation from the Ministry of Science and ICT.
  • 2020: Received the ‘Commercialization Technology’ award in the R&D category
  • 2021: Selected for Brand K and achieved $20 Million in exports
  • 2022: Selected as a KOTRA World Class Company and as a Leading Regional Innovation Company in Daegu, South Korea
  • 2023: Awarded the Prime Minister’s Commendation for Outstanding Taxpayer and selected as a Global Small Giant 1,000+

The company experienced substantial growth, nearing KRW 10 billion in sales. In its early stages, due to the small scale of its factory (around 660 square meters), there was a heavy reliance on outsourcing, which limited the ability to secure large orders from major global companies.[5] After investing in a new facility at its current location (approximately 9,900 square meters), the company brought all production process in-house.[6][7] This shift enabled the company to surpass KRW 10 billion in sales and successfully take on large-scale orders.[8][9]

Major Partnerships[edit | edit source]

As the company expanded in size and production capacity, it established partnerships with lends makers such as Essilor, ZEISS, and HOYA.[10] The use of consistent quality raw materials, including yarns, inks, and printing machinery, has been fundamental to maintaining the company’s technological development.[11][12][13]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 기자, 전재용 (2021-10-05). "대구경북디자인센터, 신성장산업 분야 기업-취준생 '매칭' 지원" (in ko). 
  2. "국내외 안경 전문가들 한자리에...대구국제안경전 5일 개막" (in ko). 2023-04-03. 
  3. 기자, 박무환 (2024-03-13). "대구상공회의소, 제25대 상공의원 당선인 112명 확정·공고" (in ko). 
  4., 이통원 기자 (20240507T183000). "'여성 회장님' 이어 상공위원도 8명…'女風' 부는 대구 산업계" (in ko). 
  5. 기자, 박무환 (2019-07-18). "대구시, '일본 수출규제' 대응 소재·부품산업 국산화 추진" (in ko). 
  6. 기자, 박영제 (2022-03-08). "[포토 오늘은 여성의 날…대구여성단체협의회 꽃과 빵 전달"] (in ko). 
  7. "Template:Citation error". 
  8. 김장욱 (2024-04-05). "㈜씨엠에이글로벌 등 6개 제품 '2024 DIOPS 혁신상' 수상" (in ko-KR). 
  9. "Template:Citation error". 
  10. 기자, 이승지 (2023-05-23). "씨엠에이글로벌, 신 시장 개척으로 350억 원 매출 예상" (in ko). 
  11. "[기업하기 좋은 대구 대구는 히든챔피언 산실…영남권 新산업벨트로"] (in ko). 2017-04-26. 
  12. "대구시, 기업애로해결박람회 내 현장채용박람회 개최" (in ko). 2018-02-23. 
  13. "≪브레이크뉴스 대구경북≫ 중진공 대구지역본부, 내일채움공제 우수기업 4개사 선정". 2018-07-19.